3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 1 Basic Science






  1. A______is any object that is used to make work easier and faster (a) simple machine  (b) prayer   (c) blood of Jesus 
  2. A _____ is a simple machine used for cutting clothed. (a) knife (b) scissors (c) hoe
  3. Technology helps to reduce the amount of effort need to do work (true  / false)
  4. Technology can be grouped into _____ (a) 2  (b) 5  (c) 3
  5. Does technology helps to save energy? (a) yes  (b) no  (c) maybe
  6. Electrons flow through a _______ (a) wood    (b) wire (c) paper 
  7. The form of energy in which flow of electrons supply charge or power is known as ________ (a) electricity  (b) magnet  (c) transportation 
  8. Which pof these machine is used for driving nail into wood? (a) plier (b) hammer (c) cutlass 
  9. The object shown below is a/an _____        (a) radio  (b) television  (c) electronic iron
  10. Simple machines are important to us?   (a) true  (b) false  (c) maybe
  11. ____ are things that have life (a) non-living things   (b) living things
  12. Can living things move ? (a) yes  (b) no
  13. The _______ is one of sense organs (a) leg  (b) eyes  (c) hand 
  14. _____ is a colourless, odourless liquid  (a) water  (b) stars  (c) kerosene
  15.  Moving air is called ______ (a) water  (b) wind  (c) dust 
  16. The simple shown below is a ________  (a) fan  (b) iknife  (c) catapault
  17. A ______ is a simple machine used  for cutting clothes  (a) scissors  (b) knife  (c) razor blade
  18. ______ is used to measure the temperature of a sick person  (a) wirst watch  (b) thermometer  (c)pin 
  19. We must take our bath ____ times  daily (a) two  (b) once  (c) five 

Complete the statement below with the most appropriate word from the group. (salt,  fruit,  food,  rice)

  1. We get energy from the ____ we eat (a) food  (b) salt   (c) sand
  2. Mango is a ________ (a) food  (b) fruit  (c) diet
  3. Which of these is an example of air transportation?  (a) car  (b) aeroplane (c) bicycle 
  4. In the traffic lights, colour red means ______ (a) go  (b) stop  (c) get ready
  5. Air helps objects to fly.  (a) true  (b) false 
  6. A ____ is used to brush our teeth (a) spoon  (b) tooth brush  (c) pot
  7. Which of these is not a living things? (a) ant  (b) pencil  (c) pineapple 
  8. All the following can be found in the classroom except ______ (a) duster (b) eraser (c) cutlass 
  9. Which of the following animals can lay egg? (a) fowl  (b) dog  (c) cat 
  10. A place where sick people are treated is a ______ (a) school  (b) hospital (c)  market 
  11. A person that treats and takes care of sick people is called a ______ (a) patient (b) doctor (c) cleaner.

Section B:

  1. What is a simple machine? ___________________________________________
  2. Classify these simple machines according to where they are used (scissors, opener, knife, stapler, pin)           At home   At school
  3. List four electrical gadgets used at home? (i) ____________________________
  4. Give two examples of each 
  5. Land transportation: ______________________, _____________________
  6. Air transportation: _______________________, _____________________
  7. What is technology? _________________________________________________
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