3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 3 Basic Science






Objectives questions

  1. The part of plant that grow inside the soil is called the ________ (a) stem (b) root (c) leaves
  2. The stem and the leaves makes up the _____ (a) shoot system (b) root system (c) floral system 
  3. Which of these supports and holds the plant firm? (a) leaves (b) stem (c) root
  4. ____ is how long or short an object is (a) weight (b) length (c) time
  5. Which of these instrument is used to measure mass? (a) ruler (b) bathroom scale (c) clock 
  6. The unit of measuring time is _____ (a) seconds (b) centimeter  (c) kilogram
  7. ______ is the uppermost layer of the earth in which plants and animal lives (a) soil (b) rock  (c) air
  8. There are ______ types of soil (a) 3  (b) 5  (c) 2
  9. The soil that is sticky and reddish brown is ______ (a) sandy (b) clay (c) loamy
  10. Moving air is known as___________ (a) wind (b) breeze (c) air 
  11. All of the following are examples of domestic animals except ______ (a) goat (b) lion (c) dog 
  12. The following instruments are used to measure length except ______ (a) ruler (b) stop watch (c)   tape rule
  13. The best soil for planting is ____ (a) loamy soil (b) sandy soil (c) clay soil
  14. _______ is a colourless and odourless liquid which is needed in everyday life. (a) petrol (b) water (c) kerosene 
  15. A good water must be ____ (a) dirty (b) pure (c) impure 
  16. Plants and animals are _____ (a) living things (b) non-living things (c) spiritual things 
  17. Light travels in a _____ line (a) curve (b) straight (c) zig-zag
  18. Plants depend on food substances in the _____ for their growth (a) soil 9b) sky (c) tree
  19. The ability of animals to reproduce young ones of the same kind is called _____ (a) growth (b) reproduction (c) excretion 
  20. The amount of matter a body contains is called ____ (a) length (b) time (c) mass
  21. Which of these is not a modern method of measuring time? (a) hour glass (b) table clock (c) wrist watch
  22. Air that blows calmly and slowly is referred to as ______ (a) wind (b) breeze (c) rain
  23. Dangers of drinking bad water include the following except ______ (a) cholera (b) typhoid fever (c) headache 
  24. A stone is a living thing? (a) true (b) false (c) I am not sure 
  25. How many centimeters makes one meter? (a) 10 centimeters (b) 100 centimeters (c) 1000 centimeters 
  26. Sixty minutes makes _____ hour(s) (a) one (b) two  (c) three
  27.  The passing away of days, weeks, months and year is known as _____ (a) length (b) time (c) mass
  28. The following are instruments for measuring weight of an object except_____ (a) spring balance (b) bathroom scale (c) ruler 
  29. ______ is the process whereby plants make use of light to produce food. (a) photosynthesis (b) propagation (c) fertilization
  30. Tractor is used for _____ in developed technology. (a) farm (b) communication (c)information 

Section B

  1. (a) What is plants? _________________________________________________
    1. __________________________________________________________________
    2. (b) List four characteristics of plants? (i) ________________________________
      (ii) _____________________________  (iii) ______________________________
    3. (iv) _____________________________
  2.  (a) State four uses of plants? (i) ___________________________________
  3. _____________________________ (iii) ___________________________
  4. __________________________________
  5. (b) Mention any two habitats of animals?  (i) ___________________________
    1. (ii) ________________________________________
  6. (a) State two differences between plants and animals as living things? 
    1.                                Plants                             Animals
    2.    (i)
    3. (ii)
  7. (b) Mention two useful products from animals? (i) _________________________
    1. (ii)_______________________
  8. (a) Define technology? ___________________________________________
    1. __________________________________________________________________
  9. (b) State two methods of purifying water ? (i) _____________________________  
    1. (ii) _________________________________


  1. List four features of plants and state their functions? 
    1. ____________________________________________________________
    2. ____________________________________________________________
    3. ____________________________________________________________
    4. ____________________________________________________________
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