Third Term Examinations Primary 3 Creative Art


SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART                                  CLASS: PRIMARY THREE

Underline the correct answer 

1)    Which of these is the value needed in creative art? (a)shouting   (b)creativity   (c)carnival 

2)            is extension or moving of dots.   (a)sound   (b)shadow (c)line 

3)            is drawing of object in stick form (a)Life drawing  (b)Imaginative drawing  (c)stick figure drawing 

4)    Which of these is branches of Art?  (a)Soft Art  (b)Visual At  (c)Nominal Art 

5)    Colour red, blue and yellow are             colours (a)Primary   (b)Secondary   (c)tertiary 

6)    Colour purple, green and orange are             colours. (a)tertiary  (b)primary   (c)secondary 

7)    Which of these is traditional accessory? (a)foam   (b)bead   (c)computer

8)    Which of these is Nigeria artwork?  (a)Ikeja artwork (b)Benin artwork   (c)general artwork 

9)    Drama is referred to as             of the society (a)mirror   (b)game   (c)dream 

10)    Shape, line, space, colour and texture are elements of             (a)drama  (b)design   (c)theatre 

11)    A male that act in a drama or play is known as              

12)    A female that act in a drama or play is known as                

13)                    is an example of male local wearing apparel 

14)                    is an example of female local wearing apparel 

15)    One of the purpose of wearing cloth is to                   


1)    Draw any two art materials of your choice. 


2)    Cut arrange card board to form 

    (a) Card board puppet 

    (b) Peacock 


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