Third Term Examination Questions JSS 1 ICT


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 Subject: I.C.T           

Duration: 2HR       

Class: JSS 1

  1. ____ are the display devices used to view the display output of a computer  (a)   Lcd monitors   (b)  Crt monitors  (c)  computer monitor  (d)   motherboard.
  2. The _____ is the main circuit board holding the integrated circuits for other components to be connected.  (a)  USB storage   (b)  RAM   (c)  optical drive   (d)   motherboard.
  3. Validation is ensuring that supplied data is clean, ______ and useful.     (a)  dirty   (b)  correct   (c) white   (d)   black.   
  4. USB Storage are plug- in USB memory sticks useful for _____ and transferring data.    (a)   keeping   (b)   saving    (c)  storing   (d)  filing.
  5. CRT monitors has it’s extended back and always big in size.   (a)  true  (b)  false   (c)   not sure   (d)  none of the above. 
  6. ______ is the set of programs that allows all the parts of the computer and its peripheral devices to operate correctly.   (a)  C.p.u   (b)   hard disk  (c)  the operating system  (d)   floppy disk drive. 
  7. _______ ethics refers to manners or set of rules that allow you to behave and interact correctly with other users in a social environment.   (a)   system    (b)  computer  (c)   social   (d)  hardware.
  8.  Inserting elements from other _______ , as illustrations or photographs is among the fuctions of word processing software.   (a)   hardware   (b)   operating system   (c)   software  (d)  documents.  
  9.   ______ is main storage device for programs and data when the computer is not used.  (a)   floppy disk drive  (b)   hard disk drive  (c)   optical drive   (d)  operating system.
  10.   A__________ is an electronic device or computer software application, which is used for carrying out word processing operations.   (a)   microsoft word  (b)   hardware   (c)  word processor  (d)   word pad.   
  11.   ___________is a processor package.    (a)   microsoft word   (b)   word processor   (c)   data processing   (d)  ms paint. 
  12.   Ensuring that supplied data is “clean, correct and useful”  is _________    (a)   sorting   (b)  aggregation  (c)  validation  (d)  reporting.  
  13.  ________ separates data into various categories     (a)   analysis (b)    separation   (c) clarification   (d)  classification.  
  14.   Preparation is the manipulation of data into a form suitable for further ________and________.    (a)   input and output  (b)  analysis and processing   (c)   data and information   (d)  sorting and analysis.  
  15.   ____________  is a series of steps carried out to extract information from raw data.   (a)  Word processing  (b)  Microsoft word   (c)  data processing cycle  (d)  collection. 
  16. Computer processing is the _______ action a computer takes with information. a) basic b) complex c) simple d) difficult
  17. The CPU is like the computer’s _______. a) heart b) brain c) muscle d) skin
  18. The CPU has three smaller parts: arithmetic unit, control unit, and _______ decoding unit. a) data b) instruction c) memory d) output
  19. Memory stores _______ code and data for the CPU to use. a) machine b) human c) animal d) plant
  20. Input units bring _______ from the outside world into the computer. a) energy b) information c) food d) toys
  21. Output units relay information to the _______. a) computer b) user c) printer d) keyboard
  22. Mobile phones and palmtops are examples of computer gadgets used for _______. a) communication b) cooking c) gardening d) sleeping
  23. Video and tele-conferencing help people have meetings with members in different _______. a) countries b) cities c) rooms d) schools
  24. Computers can be used for sending and receiving _______ through the internet. a) money b) emails c) food d) clothes
  25. Traffic control is an example of using computers for _______ and control. a) timing b) eating c) dancing d) singing
  26. Hospitals use computers to _______ patient care. a) hinder b) facilitate c) stop d) ignore
  27. Airlines use computers for _______ to update flight information. a) playing b) swimming c) reservation d) walking
  28. Lawyers search through massive databases for _______ using computers. a) cases b) books c) toys d) clothes
  29. Computers can be used to prepare and process _______ through Microsoft Excel. a) emails b) payroll c) food d) reports
  30. Marketing uses computers for e-shopping, online payment, and _______ of goods. a) collection b) delivery c) hiding
  31. The ________ of results processed by a computer is very high.    (a)    statement   (b)   constant   (c)  reliability  (d)  validity.  
  32.   _______keys include the letter keys A Z and digit keys 0 – 9 which generally give same layout as that of typewriters.    (a)  Numeric keys  (b)  typing keys  (c)  function keys  (d)  control keys. 
  33.   _______is the last stage where data, instruction and information are saved or stored for future use.   (a)   Validation   (b)  data processing cycle   (c)   storage  (d)  processing.
  34.   Data entry is done through the use of a keyboard, digitizer, scanner, or data entry from an existing source is _______   (a)  input   (b)  output   (c)   storage   (d)  monitor.  
  35.   ______  is the most common and very popular input device which helps in inputting data to the computer.   (a)   light pen   (b)  scanner  (c)   touch pad  (d)  keyboard.  
  36.   These keys provide cursor and screen control.    (a)  function keys   (b)  control keys  (c)  numeric keys  (d)  typing keys.
  37.    Word processing is the use of the computer hardware and software to create, edit, view, store, retrieve and print _________   (a)   clothing material (b)  textual material  (c)  documents    (d)   graphics.
  38.   The biggest advantage of LCD monitors is their size and _____.  (a)  shape   (b)  height   (c)  weight  (d)   body.
  39.    LCD monitors do not have high radiation emission (a)  false   (b)  true   (b)  none of the above  (d)  not sure.  
  40.  ______is an example of a word processor (a) Zuma (b) Ms paint (c) Ms word (d) GTA
  41. Define data processing:
    • a) Organizing data for analysis
    • b) Processing information with a computer
    • c) Storing data in computer memory
    • d) Creating data backups
  42. Data processing techniques include:
    • a) Sorting and filtering
    • b) Batch processing and multitasking
    • c) Real-time processing and time sharing
    • d) Copying and pasting
  43. Batch processing involves:
    • a) Processing data immediately
    • b) Inputting multiple jobs at once
    • c) Sharing processor time among users
    • d) Executing transactions instantly
  44. Real-time processing is useful for:
    • a) Accounting and ledger management
    • b) Rapid data processing with immediate results
    • c) Storing data for future processing
    • d) Delayed execution of tasks
  45. Time sharing allows:
    • a) Users to work simultaneously on the same computer
    • b) Processing only when necessary
    • c) Quick execution of tasks without user input
    • d) Sequential execution of jobs one after the other
  46. Demand processing occurs:
    • a) When data is stored in computer memory
    • b) In real-time data processing
    • c) When users share processor time
    • d) During batch processing only
  47. Multi-processing involves:
    • a) Using multiple processors to execute tasks
    • b) Processing data as soon as it’s available
    • c) Executing tasks one after the other
    • d) Storing data for future use
  48. Online processing:
    • a) Involves entering transactions and getting immediate output
    • b) Delays processing until necessary
    • c) Processes data without user intervention
    • d) Doesn’t require CPU connection
  49. Advantages of using computers for data processing include:
    • a) Slow operation and low accuracy
    • b) High speed and accuracy
    • c) Unreliable performance and high cost
    • d) Limited storage and memory capability
  50. Computers are reliable because they:
    • a) Require constant maintenance
    • b) Work for long periods without complaints
    • c) Have slow processing speeds
    • d) Are prone to errors like humans
  51. One disadvantage of using computers for data processing is:
    • a) Low running costs
    • b) Limited exchange of information
    • c) Speedy operations
    • d) High initial expense
  52. Memory capability of computer systems allows:
    • a) Limited storage of data
    • b) Access to data only when required
    • c) Storing large amounts of data with instant recall
    • d) Sluggish data retrieval
  53. Efficiency and productivity can be raised with computers due to:
    • a) Increased human intervention
    • b) Lower running costs
    • c) Slower data processing
    • d) Less reliance on technology
  54. Overall security can be raised due to:
    • a) High human intervention
    • b) Limited exchange of information
    • c) Speedy operations
    • d) Less human intervention
  55. Disadvantages of using computers for data processing include:
    • a) High initial expense, need for trained personnel
    • b) Low running costs, efficient storage
    • c) Unlimited exchange of information
    • d) Slow processing speeds, low accuracy
  56.   A DVD drive that allows removable optical discs to be used to store information is ____  (a)   floppy disk  (b)  optical drive   (c)  flash drive  (d)  RAM.
  57.   Validation is ensuring that supplied data is clean, ______ and useful.     (a)  dirty   (b)  correct   (c) white   (d)   black
  58.   Get good _____ protection software and make sure it scans your incoming emails.
  59.   Don’t type in all capital letters; it looks like you are _______.
  60.   Thou shall not use ______   to harm other people.
  61.   The computer also has the ________to store large amount of files
  62.   _______Monitors are heavy and occupies more space at the desk.

    Identify the following devices 

  1. _____________________
  2. ________________________
  3. _________________________

     SECTION B:   THEORY: Answer three questions from the following questions

  1. What is Computer Ethics 
  2.  Mention five basic netiquettes 
  3. Mention the ten commandments of computer ethics.
  4. What is Data Processing?
  5. Mention the stages of the data Processing cycle 
  6. Explain each stage of the data processing cycle.
  7. Define  the system unit 
  8. Mention the internal components of the system unit 
  9. Write the function of the following 
    • HDD:
    • Memory/RAM:
    • Floppy disk drive:
    • Optical drive:
  10. What is a word processor? 
  11. State examples of software used for word processing
  12. State the fives uses of word processor
  13. What is computer processing?
  14. Name the four main components of a computer.
  15. How are computers used in communication?
  16. Give an example of how computers are used in timing and control.
  17. What are some applications of computers in information processing and management?
  18. How are computers used in healthcare?
  19. Describe the role of computers in airline reservations.
  20. What is the CPU’s role in computer processing?
  21. What is data processing?
  22. Name three data processing techniques.
  23. Explain batch processing with an example.
  24. When is real-time processing useful?
  25. Define time sharing processing.


Screen Pointing Devices Computer Studies JSS 1 Third Term Lesson Notes



 Correct Sitting Position and Using the Keyboard to Type Names, Letters Computer Studies JSS 1 Third Term Lesson Notes

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