Classifications of Farm Animals Based on Types of Stomach



Subject : Agricultural Science

Term : Second Term

Week : Week  7

Class : jss 1, Year 7

Topic : Forms of Farm animals based on functions on the farm, uses or food supply.

Average age : 10, 11 or 12


Behaviour Objectives :  At the end of the lesson. Pupils should be able to


a).. mention various form of farm animals basef on their stomach formation

b) mention the characteristics of farm animals that are ruminants

c) say the différents between ruminants and non ruminants.

Instructional materials : Wall charts, textbooks, pictures on cardboards, flash cards


TOPIC: Classifications of Farm Animals Based on Types of Stomach

(1) Ruminant
(2) Non-ruminant


Farm animals, especially mammals can be classified into two groups, according to the type of stomachs that they have . The first group is ruminants while the other group is non-ruminants.

Farm animals can be classified into two groups, according to the type of stomachs or digestive system that they possess.

The first group is ruminants while the other group is non-ruminants.


Ruminants (Polygastrics)

RUMINANTS are animals that chew the cud. When ruminant is resting, it has ability to bring back from the stomach what it has eaten, to its mouth again and chew it properly (Regurgitation) .

These are animals that have complex stomachs and chew the cud e.g. cattle, sheep, goat, etc.

They carry out regurgitation i.e. they act of bringing back already swallowed into the mouth for proper chewing.

They chew the cud (rumination) which means they bring back their food into their mouth from the rumen through anti-peristaltic movement for proper chewing. This happened when the animal is resting.

This habit is known as chewing the cud. This they can do because, they have complex stomach .The complex stomach of a ruminant is made up of four cavities (chambers)which are: rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum


The complex stomach of a ruminant is made up of four cavities/chambers/compartments, namely;

  1. Rumen – 1stand the largest
  2. Reticulum- 2nd
  3. Omasum – 3rd
  4. Abomasum- 4thand true stomach.

Ruminants can digest fiber – grasses and legumes (herbivorous) because of a large population of micro-organisms (bacteria) in their rumen.

Rumen is the largest compartment where food swallowed is temporarily stored.

Abomasum is the true stomach where digestion takes place.

Examples of ruminants are:

  1. Cattle
  2. Sheep
  3. Goat
  4. Camel
  5. Donkey

Examples of ruminants are : Cattle, Sheep, Goat ,

1 Mention two characteristics of a ruminant
2. Explain the term chew the cud
3. Mention the four stomach compartment of a ruminant.

Definition of Non-ruminant Animals

Non- ruminants are animals that have simple stomach. They are other wise called monogastric animals. This group of animals have single stomach compartment . Examples of such animals are : rabbits, pigs, guinea pigs, horse

Non-ruminants are animals that have simple stomach e.g rabbit, pig, guinea-pig.

They are otherwise called monogastric animals.

This group of animals have single stomach compartment.

Examples of such animals are:

  1. Rabbits,
  2. Pigs,
  3. Guinea pigs,
  4. Horse
  5. Poultry birds.

Moreover, a pseudoruminant is an animal that eats large amounts of roughages but does not have a stomach with several compartments e.g horse.

An animal with a pseudo digestive system can utilize large amounts of roughages because of the greatly enlarged caecum and large intestine, which provide areas for microbial digestion of fibre.

1. What are monogastrics?
2. Mention three examples of monogastric animals

Presentation :

Step one :The class teacher revises the previuous topics
Step two : The class teacher introduces the new topic
Step three : He or she arouse the pupils interest by making the class alive, warm and interesting by making use of various instructional materials like pictures on books or cardboard or making online reference with phones, laptop or desktop computers



Classification of Farm Animals based on Feeding Pattern/Mode of Feeding

Based on the type of food they eat, animals can be grouped into three;

  1. Herbivores
  2. Carnivores
  3. Omnivores

1. Herbivores:

These are farm animals which feed on vegetative matter such as grasses, chaff, yam, and cassava peelings as well as forages. They are all ruminants.

Their teeth are specially arranged and adapted to feed mainly on plant materials.

Examples are cattle, sheep, goat, horse, camels, donkey and rabbit.

2. Carnivores:

Carnivores or carnivorous animals feed mainly on flesh e.g cats, dogs.

Wild animals that are carnivores include lion, tiger and leopard etc.

These are of agricultural importance because they are studied under wildlife science.

3. Omnivores:

Omnivores feed on both plants and fleshly materials. Examples are pig, guinea-pig and poultry birds etc.


  1. Classify farm animals base on their mode of feeding and give three examples of each.


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