Third Term Examinations Oral English Third Term SS 1


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SUBJECT   TEST OF ORAL                   PAPER 3

 From the word letter A-D, choose the word that has the same sound as the betters that are underlined in questions 1-15

            A        B        C        D   

  1. Monday    age        day        pretty        heal
  2. many        village      fern        pap        friend   
  3. want        dog        ant        wane        walk
  4. woman     woo            put        lock        song
  5. blood        cup         loop        fool        young
  6. observe    float        mother              dog        form
  7. people              quay        wedge       silk        pep
  8. bought              dough        could         saw        stock
  9. heart         ask         pack         as        swear
  10. view        could        pull        hood        due
  11. eight        height        face        west        fight
  12. poke        pork        look        snow         work
  13. hound        cold        load        snore        mouse
  14. hear         heap        beer        fare        chair
  15. air         care        fail        pile        cheer       


From the word letter A-D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice. An example is given below.  Example:  vice A. cat   B. dress C. show D. chalk

    the correct answer is B because only dress has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice. Therefore, answer space B would be shaded

    [A]        [B]        [C]        [D]

Now answer the following.

                          A        B        C        D                 

  1.  cheap              sheep                lashes        poach        chemistry
  2. liquor        quiz        square              account            lizard
  3. strife        strive        strip        phase        vibes
  4. thank         tick        tank        stick        thin
  5. then        through    den        bathe        think
  6. cease        coat        back        chaff        seat
  7. boys        zinc        street        pots        keeps
  8. show        cheque                sure        chemist    church
  9. seizure      sink        usual        zero        daze   
  10. mature              lash        turning                tube        ritual
  11. giant        girl        ghetto        joke        leg   
  12. paste        physics    photo        lap        phlegm
  13. team        them        thyme        listen        think
  14. moved       drive        rove        more        kicked
  15. bin        doubt        debt        lamb        bomb   



From the words lettered A to D. choose the words that rhymes with the given word. An example     is given below. 

Example: Obtain A. detain B. detail C. claim D. relay    

The correct answer space A would be shaded 

[A    [B]      [C]      [D]    

Now answer the questions that follow 

  1. roam  (a) from     (b) come     (c) home         (d) loan 
  2. bough (a) thought    (b) dough    (c) low         (d) how 
  3. rain     (a) frighten     (b) frame    (c) feign             (d) many 
  4. knight (a) knife    (b) cite     (c) knot              (d) cent 
  5. jeer    (a) jeep     (b) gear    (c) gauge            (d) hear 



In each of the following questions. The main primary stress is indicated by writing the syllabus on which it occurs in capital letters. From the word lettered A to D. choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below. 

Example: democratic 

  1. DE-mo-cra-tic (b) de-MO-cra-tic (c) de-mo-CRA-tic (d) de-mo-cra-TIC 

The correct answer is C because the main primary stress of the word democratic is on the third syllable. Therefore answer space C would be shaded. 

[A]      [B]     [C]    [D] 

Now answer the questions that follow. 

  1. beneficial (a) BE-ne-fi-cial (b) be-NE-fi-cial (c) be-ne-FI-cial (d) be-ne-fi-CIAL 
  2. pecuniary (a) PE-cu-ni-ary (b) pe-CU-ni-ary (c) pe-cu-NI-ary (d) pe-cu-ni-ARY 
  3. reduplicate (a) RE-du-pli-cate (b) re-DU-pli-cate (c) re-du-PLI-cate (d) re-du-pli-CATE 
  4. satisfactory (a) SAT-is-factory (b) sat-IS-fact-ory (c) sat-is-FACT-ory (d) sat-is-fact-ORY 
  5. disputatious (a) DIS-pu-ta-tious (b) dis-PU-ta-tious (c) dis-pu-TA-tious (d) dis-pu-ta-TIOUS 


In the following options lettered A to D. all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way. An example is given below. 

Example (a) away (b) apart (c) behind (d) river 

Options A, B, C are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable. So, D is the correct answer. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded 

[A]         [B]         [C]         [D] 

Now answer the questions that follow 

  1. A.  mulatto         B. mystery         C. pucker         D. public
  2. A.  genius         B. enthrone         C. matron         D. eager 
  3. A.  multiple         B. never         C. rotter         D. distaste 
  4. A.  motivate             B. invade         C. concern         D. inveigh 
  5. A.  income         B. nibble         C. confirm         D. muffler 



In each of the following sentences. The word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D. choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. An example is given below. 

Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pets 

  1. Does your mother’s boss hate pets? 
  2.  Does your mother’s friend love pets? 
  3.  Does your mother’s friend hate toys? 
  4. Does your father’s friend hate pets? 

The correct answer is A because my mother’s FRIEND hates pets answers the question. Does your mother’s boss hate pets therefore space A would be shaded. 


[A]         [B]        [C]        [D]

Now answer the questions that follow 

  1. the project is designed to alleviate poverty in the COUNTRY 
  1. Is the constitution designed to alleviate poverty in the country? 
  2. Is the project designed to increase poverty in the city? 
  3. Is the project designed to increase poverty in the country? 
  4. Is the project designed to alleviate country in the country? 
  1. students are usually advise to stay out of POLITICS 
  1. Are teachers usually advised to stay out of politics? 
  2. Are students usually advised to go into politics? 
  3. Are students usually advised to stay out of business? 
  4. are students rarely advised to stay out of politics 
  1. the angry WORKERS vowed not to return to work 
  1. Did the happy workers vow not to return to work? 
  2. Did the angry students vow not to return to work? 
  3. Did the angry workers choose not to return to work? 
  4. Did the angry workers vow not to return to school? 
  1. Mr. Peter GOT his hearing aid last week. 
  1. Did Mr. Peter lose his hearing aid last week? 
  2. Did Mr. James get his hearing aid last week? 
  3. Did Mr. Peter get his reading aid last week? 
  4. Did Mr. Peter get his hearing aid last year? 
  1. They have been on the PHONE for an hour. 
  1. Has she been off the phone for an hour? 
  2. Have they been off the phone for an hour 
  3. Have they been on the sofa for an hour? 
  4. Have they been on the phone for two hours? 


From the words lettered A to D choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below. 

Example /ͻ I/ A. yell B. holy C. boy D. idiot
the correct answer is C because only boy contain the sound represented by the given symbol. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded [A]    [B]    [C]    [D] 

Now answer the questions that follow. 

  1. /i/      (a) weak     (b) symbol     (c) people     (d) heal 
  2. /^/      (a) shoot    (b) mug     (c) shirt     (d) curly 
  3. /ӕ/      (a) cart     (b) heart     (c) plait    (d) core 
  4. /u: /     (a) cook     (b) float    (c) hew     (d) full 
  5. /ᶾ:/      (a) walk     (b) worn     (c) trek     (d) fire 
  6. /t/      (a) listen     (b) wrestle     (c) castle    (d) looked 
  7. /k/     (a) knight     (b) chassis     (c) chime     (d) count 
  8. /ό/     (a) thin     (b) then    (c) teeth     (d) three 
  9. /s/     (a) plays     (b) lose    (c) hens    (d) place 
  10. /ʒ/    (a) pleasure    (b) bag     (c) rush    (d) sharpen 


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