Basic Science and Technology Primary 3 Third Term Examination


SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 3


1)        involves the use of crude methods and tools to do things (a)Developed technology (b)Underdeveloped technology (c)Advanced technology 

2)            are technology that make our lives easier (a)Machines  (b)objects (b)Things 

3)    Examples of underdeveloped technology are         (a)ship and telephone (b)aeroplane and computer (c)hoe and cutlass 

4)            is the ability of something to do work (a)Technology (b)Energy  (c)Blood 

5)    Which of these is not a form of energy? (a)sand energy  (b)Light energy  (c)Electrical energy 






Use the above picture to answer questions 6 – 11 

6)    A is (a)arrow  (b)light   (c)line 

7)    B is (a)Carbon dioxide  (b)Sun  (c)Carbohydrate 

8)    C is (a)Oxygen  (b)Light  (c)Nitrogen 

9)    D is (a)Carbohydrate  (b)Carbon dioxide + water  (c)light 

10)    E is (a)Moon  (b)star  (c)Sun 

11)    The type of energy that the picture shows is             (a)sound energy (b)Light energy (c)Mechanical energy 

12)            is the natural source of light. (a)Sun (b)Electricity  9c)Phone 

13)            energy is light electrical, wind, thermal and sound energy. (a)Potential (b)Kinetic (c)Technical 

14)    Light energy reflects off             (a)blood  (b)objects  (c)air 

15)            energy appears in the form of motion (a)Potential  (b)chemical     (c)kinetic  

16)            lower our standard of living (a)Developed technology  (b)Underdeveloped technology (c)Advanced technology 

17)    Developed technology has made our lives         (a)difficult  (b)stressful   (c)easier 

18)    Potential energy is also known as             energy (a)stored  (b)working  (c)running 

19)    Working energy is             energy (a)store  (b)kinetic  (c)life 

20)    Which of these technologies is underdeveloped 









1)                and     (2)                are different forms of technology 

3)    The main energy source comes from the              

4)                energy uses a wave motion 

5)                is a technology used at home 

6)    Underdeveloped technology lowers our standard of              


7)        This is an                 energy 


8)        This is a                 energy 


9)                    energy is used to make food for plants 




        This object is an example of                 energy 



1a)    What is energy                                                

1b)    Mention the two forms of energy   (a)                      (b)               

2a)    Define Machines                                                          

2b)    Give two examples of developed technology used for transportation (a)            (b)               

3a)    Give two examples of undeveloped technology used in Agriculture :a)                    b)        _________

3b)    Give two characteristics of underdeveloped technology:    i)                    ii)                   

4a)    Mention four different forms of energy :    i)                        ii)                   

    iii)                          Iv)                   

4b)    Mention the different sources where light energy come from 

  1. i)                 ___________________    ii)                    ____________________

5a)    Give two examples of developed technology used in music 

  1. a)                         (b)                       

5b)    Draw any two developed technology 


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