Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 2 Bible Knowledge





1.) How old was Abraham when God told him to his country

(a) ninety-five (b) seventy-five (c) sixty five

2.) God created us in his own ______ (a) mirror (b) image (c) body

3.) God with us means ___________ (a) God (b) Emmanuel (c) Spirit

4.) God created ______ on the first day (a) land (b) birds (c) day and night

5.) Peter’s mother in law was sick of (a) headache (b) fever (c) malaria

6.) Christmas is celebrated because of the birth of (a) Abraham (b) Jesus (c) Moses

7.) Who baptized Jesus in the River Jordan (a) Joshua (b) John the baptize (c) Joseph

8.) What did Jesus turn to wine (a) water (b) kerosene (c) Palm oil

9.) How many people were fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes

(a) two thousand (b) one thousand (c) five thousand

10.) Who said why did you have to look for me? Did you not know I must be in my father’s house

(a) Joseph (b) Jesus (c) Paul

11.) How many were the son of Jacob (a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 22

12.) How many dream did Joseph had? (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 2

13.) Rebecca gave birth to ______ and _____

(a) Paul and Peter (b) Esau and Jacob (c) James and Jones

14.) Who sold his birth right (a) Isaac (b) Jacob (c) Esau

15.) Who led the people of Israel towards the Red Sea (a) Moses (b) Esau (c) Gabriel

16.) The mother of Samuel was (a) Mary (b) Hannah (c) Rebecca

17.) Who was thrown into the den of lion (a) David (b) Daniel (c) Solomon

18.) Jesus had a friend called (a) Lazarus (b) Laban (c) Luke

19.) Who ordered the killing of all male children in Israel (a) God (b) Pharaoh (c) Joseph


20.) Who sold Joseph as a slave (a) father (b) brother (c) friend

21.) Joseph was the ______ son the family (a) 1 (b) 12 (c) 14

22.) Who made a beautiful robe of many colours to Joseph (a) Jacob (b) Isaac (c) Abraham

23.) Abraham and Sarah gave birth to a son called (a) Saul (b) Isaac (c) Samuel

24.) Where did Jesus pray before he started his ministry (a) river (b) desert (c) temple

25.) How old was Jesus when he was taken to the temple in Jerusalem (a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 10

26.) Abraham lives in the town called (a) Jerusalem (b) Haran (c) Israel

27.) _______ told Abraham to leave his country and go to a land that “I am going to show you”

(a) Moses (b) God (c) Jesus

28.) There was a woman named Hannah, she was sad because

(a) she has no money (b) she has no cloth (c) she has no child

29.) When we make vows to God, must fulfill it (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe

30.) _____________ turned water to wine (a) Moses (b) Jesus (c) Abraham


Section B

1.) State three ways we can help those that are sick

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


2.) List any two of the school rules that obey always

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


3.) Mention two ways in which God helps and cares for us

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


4.) Mention any three things God used to punished the Egyptians

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


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