First Term Examination Primary 1 ENGLISH GRAMMAR




Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.

Obinna was the only son of Dr. and Mrs. Okafor.
Obinna had two younger sisters Ngozi and Kamsi.
They all lived with their parents in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Dr. Okafor owned a private hospital in Ibadan.
Mrs. Okafor was a teacher at Macmillan Brilliant Primary School, Ibadan.
Mr. and Mrs. Kolade were the friends and neighbours of Dr. and Mrs. Okafor.

Answer the Questions

  1. Who was the only son Dr. and Mrs. Okafor? (a) Tunde (b) Obinna (c) Bola
  2. Who were the friends and neighbours of Dr. and Mrs. Okafor?(a) Mr. and Mrs. Ola (b) Mr. and Mrs. Amadi (c) Mr. and Mrs. Kolade
  3. Who were Ngozi and Kamsi?(a) Obinna younger sisters (b) Obinna elder sisters (c) Obinnas friend
  4. Who owned a private hospital (a) Dr. Okafor (b) Dr. Kolade (c) Dr. Nala
  5. What is the occupation of Mrs. Okafor (a) Doctor (b) Lawyer (c) Teacher

Write the names of five places you know

  1. ________________________________
  2. ________________________________
  3. ________________________________
  4. ________________________________
  5. _______________________________



The Funny Doll

  1. Who loves Doll? (a) Jane (b) Jerry (c) Doll
  2. Why did she hate her doll
    (a) because it was neat (b) because it was dirty (c) because it eats a lot
  3. How many kids has Mr. Eze? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
  4. Who is the girl of the house? (a) Eze (b) Kay (c) Jane
  5. Who saw Jane when she was taking the doll in the baby class?
    (a) Jerry (b) Her teacher (c) nobody
  6. _______ is the sound of a goat (a) roar (b) bleat (c) moos
  7. _______ is the sound of an elephant (a) trumpet (b) mews (c) clucks
  8. A pig ________ (a) gobbles (b) grunts (c) neighs
    Write countable or uncountable nouns
  9. Water _____________________________
  10. Pencil _____________________________
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