Examination Agricultural Science Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject:  Agricultural Science 


Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1


Term: First Term / 1st Term


Week: Week 12



Agricultural Science Primary 1 First Term Examinations



Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of

Uses of land and soil


that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Answer the review, revision and examination on Agricultural Science First Term Primary 1


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Laptop


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization



Answer the following questions 

Agricultural Science

Part A

  1. Vegetables are mostly ___ plants (a) red (b) leafy (c) tuber
  2. Flowering plants produce ___ (a) roots (b) flowers (c) branches
  3. The part of the plant that is in the soil is called the ___ (a) land (b) root (c) branch
  4. Ewedu is an example of ___ that is common among the Yoruba in Nigeria (a) fruit (b) tuber (c) vegetable
  5. Food plants are used as ___ (a) cash (b) food (c) medicine
  6. The part of the flowering plant that is above the soil is called the ___(a) shoot (b) root (c) leaf
  7. Rice and beans are plants that can be used as ___(a) food (b) fuel (c) decoration
  8. Oranges, apples and bananas are examples of ___(a) fruits (b) fuel (c) engine
  9. Grains are eaten by ___(a) lions (b) dogs (c) birds
  10. Cows eat ___(a) bones (b) flesh (c) grass
  11. Rabbits like to eat ___(a) bread (b) carrots (c) chicken
  12. Carrots are loved by ___
  13. All cows eat ___
  14. Pigs can eat ___
  15. We can feed our hen and chicken with ___ (a)milk (b) alcoholic (c) maize 🌽
  16. ___ is a bad plant that we must not touch (a) Indian hemp (b) maize (c) apple
  17. ___ is used as transport (a) chicken (b) horse (c) earthworm
  18. Sun energy is also known as ___ energy (à) solar (b) wind (c) earth
  19. ____ supports plants and animals (a) sunlight (b) radio (c) cow
  20. ___ gives us warmth (a) sun (b) grass (c) oil




Primary 1 Exam Questions First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination


Part B 


  1. Mention three types of soil
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three large farm animals
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three small animals
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three medicinal plants
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three cash Crops
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three food Crops
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three fruit Crops
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three vegetable plants
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Mention three plants that we can sell in the market
  • ……
  • …..
  • …..
  1. Draw leaf



Previous Lesson


Meaning of land


Next Lesson 



Section A: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Soil is used for growing ____.
    • a) toys
    • b) plants
    • c) computers
    • d) cars
  2. The Sun gives us light and ____.
    • a) toys
    • b) heat
    • c) books
    • d) water
  3. Farmers grow crops and raise ____ on a farm.
    • a) fish
    • b) birds
    • c) animals
    • d) toys
  4. Land can be used for building houses and ____.
    • a) swimming
    • b) flying
    • c) playing games
    • d) cars
  5. Plants need ____ to grow.
    • a) light
    • b) toys
    • c) books
    • d) computers

Section B: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the main use of soil?
    • a) Playing
    • b) Growing plants
    • c) Swimming
    • d) Watching TV
  2. Why is the Sun important for plants?
    • a) It makes them cold
    • b) It gives them toys
    • c) It provides light and warmth
    • d) It plays music
  3. What do farmers do on a farm?
    • a) Fly airplanes
    • b) Grow crops and raise animals
    • c) Swim
    • d) Build houses
  4. Which of these is NOT a use of land?
    • a) Swimming
    • b) Building houses
    • c) Flying airplanes
    • d) Playing games
  5. How does the Sun help us during the day?
    • a) It makes it rain
    • b) It gives us light and warmth
    • c) It makes us cold
    • d) It makes us sleepy

Section C: Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain one way in which soil helps plants grow.
  2. Name three things that can grow in soil.
  3. Why do we need the Sun?
  4. Name two uses of the Sun.
  5. How do plants help us breathe?

Section D: True or False Questions

  1. True or False: The Sun gives us light and heat.
  2. True or False: Plants need soil to get water and nutrients.
  3. True or False: Animals live in the water.
  4. True or False: Land can be used for building houses and swimming.
  5. True or False: Plants need sunlight to make their own food.

Section E: Matching Questions

  1. Match the following:
    • Soil -> ( ) Growing crops
    • Sun -> ( ) Provides light and warmth
    • Plants -> ( ) Give us oxygen
    • Animals -> ( ) Farmers raise them

Section F: Observational Questions (Based on Pictures)

  1. Look at the picture of a farm. Describe what you see growing there.
  2. Describe the picture of a sunny day. How does the Sun help the people in the picture?
  3. Look at the picture of a playground with children playing in the soil. What are they doing?
  4. Describe the picture of a plant growing in soil. What does the plant need to grow?

Section G: Application Questions

  1. If you have a garden, what are two things you can do to help your plants grow?
  2. Explain why soil is important for farmers.
  3. How can we use solar energy to help protect the environment?
  4. What can you do during the day to enjoy the benefits of the Sun?
  5. Why is it important to take care of animals on a farm?


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