English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Examination





Part A: Read the comprehension passage and answer the questions that follow


Our environment is the surrounding in which we live, move, walk, play and have our being. Our environment includes the air, water, land, people, plants, animals and human beings.

For us to stay healthy, it is important for us to take very good care of our environment. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

The increase in the use of technology, the air, water and land are becoming rapidly unfit for man and animal use. This is the result of pollution.

Also the streets and gutter are littered with objects that do not decay.

To overcome this bad trend, we must make every effort to sweep dust off our homes and school environment. Instead of throwing garbage on the road, we must dispose them properly in dust bins.

We must not litter the road sides, school compound or our homes with dirt.

There must also be regular cutting of grasses and clearing of blockage for regular flow of water.


1.) What is our environment? ______________________________________________________


2.) Mention two things that can be found in our environment

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

3.) What is pollution? ____________________________________________________________


4.) Mention two things that cause pollution according to the passage

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) What must we do to over come the bad trend of environmental pollution _________________


5.) Mention two places that we must not litter with dirt

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

Part B: Rewrite the following in passive voice

6.) Daddy drives a lorry


7.) Mummy sells apples


8.) Some animals eat grasses


9.) She writes a letter


10.) We drink tea



1st Term Exams Primary 5 English Grammar



Pry 5 English Exams First Term




Part C: Fill the gaps with the right option from the given alternatives

11.) The boys made the baskets ___________ (a) ourselves (b) themselves (c) theyselves

12.) Mr. Patrick took Margaret, Alice and ___________ round the new factory (a) me (b) we (c) I

13.) The pencil _______________ stolen before I woke up (a) has been (b) have been (c) we been

14.) They are ________________ a new supermarket in Lagos tomorrow

(a) opening (b) openning (c) oppening

15.) Andrew is ____________________ down in his bed (a) lieing (b) liying (c) lying

Part D:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

16.) Daddy said “I have a car”

17.) Mummy said “I can cook jollof rice”

18.) Adesewa said “I will travel tomorrow?

19.) James said “I am hungry”

20.) John said “The harvest is good”

Part E: Write out the part of speech of the underlined word

21.) My bed is made of iron. Ans =

22.) It is good to be good. Ans =

23.) Where is my brother? Ans =

24.) We are tired Ans =

25.) The bottles are on the table Ans =

Part F: Composition

1.) Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him or her at least two good things in your school


2.) Write a composition on My Mother




















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