Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Examination





Section A:

1.) _____________ is the uppermost part of the earth that supports plants growth

(a) skin (b) life (c) soil

2.) __________________ is the process of soil formation (a) earthquake (b) ozone (c) weathering

3.) The breaking down of rocks to from soil is known as _______

(a) gigalayer (b) galatic (c) weathering

4.) ________________ is one of the agents of soil formation (a) lutestine (b) rain (c)

5.) Weathering is the process of _________________ formation (a) team (b) league (c) soil

6.) The ______________ breaks down to form soil (a) water (b) rocks (c) heaven

7.) __________________ are plants with one seed leaf (a) monocots (b) dicots (c) steams

8.) _____________ are plants with more than one seed leaf (a) monocots (b) dicots (c) stems

9.) ________ are crops with swollen underground stems and roots (a) cereals (b) grains (c) tubers

10.) Grains are good sources of _____ (a) blood (b) vitamins (c) carbohydrates

11.) Crops that complete their life cycle within a year are _______ crops

(a) annual (b) biennal (c) perennial

12.) _________________ are good sources of food for man (a) stones (b) rice (c) grains

13.) The process of tilling land and rearing animals is known as ______

(a) browsing (b) magic (c) agriculture

14.) Examples of tuber crops are _______ (a) waterlemon (b) okro (c) yam

15.) Irish potato is an example of ________ crop (a) beverage (b) vegetable (c) cereal

16.) Onion is an example of __________ crops (a) cereal (b) spice (c) tuber

17.) Cassava is an example of _______ crop (a) cereal (b) tuber (c) spice

18.) ____________________ crops are used to produce juice (a) tuber (b) fruit (c) annual

19.) ____________ is an example of crops with single seed leaf (a) palmtree (b) grapes (c) apples

20.) ____________ is an example of crop with many seed leaves (a) ochids (b) grasses (c) beans

Differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons




Definition of Tuber Crops




Section B: Answer all questions

1.) What is soil ________________________________________________________________


b.) What is weathering? _________________________________________________________


2.) Mention four agents of soil formation

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) Mention two tuber crops

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) Mention two spice crops

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) Write out four fruit crops

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

5.) What are monocots? _________________________________________________________


b.) What are dicots? ______________________________________________________________
























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