English Grammar JSS 1 First Term Examinations


English Grammar


Jss 1 


2 hours









Read the passages below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the options lettered A-E


(No 1-5) PASSAGE

The memory of my strict father 

My father could stand anything from his children, but the only thing he wouldn’t stand was having his children go out at night to join other children in their moonlight play. He, therefore, made sure that the door.

was locked and that we went down on our sleeping mats in our room as soon as possible.

On many occasions, we would lie on our mats and listen to the joyful noise and songs of other children. We would see our father as the wicked man in the village, which was our world. After some time,

however, we had come to accept this way of life without complaint.. But then, two cousins, who recently lost their father, came to live with us. They had been brought up

differently and were not used to being kept indoors while other boys were playing outside. They grew restless as the days passed and began to think of a way out. Soon they worked out a plan. They knew that my father usually went to sleep in the front room of the house after checking that we were locked up in our room and that the gates was locked. In their plan, my cousins included me. It was that one of us would be left behind so as to lock the gate and the door of our room after the two who had sneaked out to play. We could do this in rotation. My father would find both the door and the gate locked and assume were safe inside.


I did not take kindly to this plan. However, after a lot of argument, I agreed to stay in every night and see to the locking and opening of the doors. My cousins were delighted, and this plan worked for many weeks.



According to the passage, the children could


do anything EXCEPT


A. go out at night to play

B. listen to other children play

C. lock the door

D. sleep on their mats

E. wake up very carly



2. The children perceived their father as the most

………..man in the village.

A. acceptable


B. caring


C. playful


D. selfish


E. wicked


3. Another word that can be used to replace

sneaked in the passage is

A. crept

B. moved

C. tread

D. ran

E walked


4. In order for the children to go out at night,


A. grew restless


B. locked up their room


C. Slept in the front room


D. went to sleep


E. worked out a plan


5. Which of the following

is NOT true according to the passage?

A. His cousins were delighted with the


B. The plan was successful

C. The writer stayed in every night

D. The writer was not comfortable with the plan

E The writer went out to play


Complete each of the following questions with the appropriate of the options


6. Our teacher asked us to move…… to the other line.


A. above

B. Across

C. Below

D. Under



7. It …… here in Alapere during the ceremony


A. rain

B. rained

C. rains

D. raining

E. had rained


8. The receptionist took me round and….. me all the vacant rooms

A had showed

B. had shown.

C. showed show

D. show

E shows


9. Our commander asked us to ____ by the


A. abide

B. adhere

C. follow

D. Stick

E. tum


10. The two suspects blamed ____ for their


A. each other

B. one another

C. theirself

D. theirselfs

E. themselves


11. There was so… traffic that we got home


A. many

B. more

C. most

D. much

E. plenty

12. It is a pleasure to welcome you… our home.

A. at

B. from

C. in

D. on

E to


13. He wants to start…so he bought some

chicken and chicks.

A. business

B. livestock

C. piggery

D. poultry

E. ranch


14. The………blew the whistle to signal the end of the football match.


A Captain

B Commissioner

C. Linesman

D. Referee

E. Umpire


15. The patient was discharged…….the hospital yesterday.

A. around

B. at

C From

D In

E. With



Complete the following questions with the most appropriate of the options lettered A-D


16. Who is ___ in the school?

A. the most very handsome boy

B. a most handsome boy

C. the most handsome boy

D. the more handsome boy


17. We waited ___ for the visitor


A. attentively

B. sooner.

C. anxiously.

D. soundly.



18. My bag is…than yours, please help



A. heavy

B. heavier

C. heaviest

D. more heavier


19. ____  a road without looking right and

left is crazy.

A. to cross

B. cross

C. you cross

D. to be crossing


20. The villagers are tired — complaining to

the local government about the lack of

drinking water

A of

B in

C for

D with



21.Davido’s performance in the examination

was… than mine.

A. Best

B. Better

C. Good

D. More better


22. Neither Inioluwa… Temidayo was

around for the meeting.

A. Also

B. And

C. Or

D. Nor


23. The Principal… declared the ceremony




A. Himself

B. Yourself

C. Itself

D. Themselves


24. It is only polite that one knocks…

entering an office.

A. After


C. Even

D. Yet


25. That girl is… than her sisters.


A. Arrogant

B. More arrogant

C. Most arrogant

D. Much arrogant


26. “Ladies and gentlemen, let us come

together to know…….better”


A. each other

B. one another

C. Us

D, ourselves


27. The couple danced with…


A. each other

B. one another

C. Themselves other

D. ourselves


28. The writer of a poem is called a …….

A. pottery

B. poet

C. character

D. hero


29. A play that ends happily is called ……………


A. sonnet

B. ballad

C. tragedy

D. comedy


30. The genre of literature are.

A. prose, fiction and novel.

B drama, nonfiction and fiction

C. prose, poetry and drama

D. plays, pomes and novels


31. The following are types of drama except..

A. comedian

B. tragedy

C. comedy.

D tragi comedy


32. The following are features of folktales


A. entertaining

B didactic

C. playful

D makes use of magic


33. No sooner had we arrived the park…the

bus took off.

A. then

B. that

C. than

D. As


34. My father enjoys…a lot.

A. talks

B. talking

C. talk

D. to talk


35. Taiwo was punished for speaking…in the library,



B. gently

C loudly

D. rapidly


36. The… of flower are smelling so nicely


A. bouquet

B. bunch

C. pack



37. A letter that has two addresses is a…


A. formal

B. informal

C. semi-formal

D. non formal


38. A letter that ends with “Yours sincerely’

a… letter



B. informal

C. semi-formal

D. non formal


39. A letter that is written to people we are

close to is a… letter

A. formal

B. informal

C. semi-formal

D. non formal


40. A letter that is written to someone we are not close to is a… letter

A. formal

B. informal

C. semi-formal

D. non formal

Introduction to Letter Writing and Types



41. There are… consonant sounds in English.


A. 21

B. 24

C 26

D. 20


42. Consonant sounds are either voiceless or..


A. voicing

B vibrating

C. voiced

D. vigour


43. Vowel sounds are diphthongs and…

A. impure vowels

B. Pure Vowels

C. Sure Vowels

D. Unsure Vowels


44. There are majorly…sounds


A. 26

B. 44

C. 34

D. 30

45. /i:/

A. sin

B. seen

C. chair

D. first


46. /I/

A. fit

B. Feet

C. Shirt

D. Bite


47. /

A. store

B. pot

C. rat

D. what


48. /


A. start

B. work

C. pat

D. cough



49. /

A. start

B. work

C. pat

D. cough


50. /

A. store

B. pot

C. cut

D. hurt








1. Write a letter to a friend of yours in another school, telling him at least three ways you have been preparing for your first examination.







Give the comparative and superlative form of these adjectives: well, arrogant, healthy, red, common, comforting, dirty, awful, naughty, and delicious




In a tabular form, give the past and perfect form of these verbs: run, catch, come, freeze, burst, bear, ring, strive, and go.




3a. What is folk tale?


3b. State five functions of literature.


3c. State the three main types of drama and explain briefly.


Literature 1st Term Exams Primary 4

