Subject :
Topic :
Safety on the Road
Class :
KG 1
Term :
Week :
Week 3
Instructional Materials :
- Wall Chart
- Pictures
- Textbooks
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils have been taught
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- say the meaning of safety
- list some safety rules
- explain what someone can do if some one feels unsafe or not secure
Content :
Teaching kids road safety is a key to preventing road accidents.
Children do not have the maturity to know the right things to do on the road. Safety on the road is not only when the child walks on the road, even when he is inside a moving vehicle, there are certain things they should not do.
If these things are not taught them, they can put themselves at risk.
Kids have active imagination. So, do not scare them away from the road. The essence of the lesson is for them to be cautious not to be scared.
Let the kids know that it is important to always hold an adult’s hand while on the road.
If someone wants to cross the road , you are expected to look right , left and right
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Evaluation :
Answer the following questions by saying yes or no
- Before you cross the road , you must look right , left and right again before you cross the road
- Should we play rough on the road ?
- What are the colours of the traffic light
Conclusion :
The class teacher makes sure that the pupils copy the short note and he or she marks
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.