Verbal Reasoning Nursery Two

Edu Delight Tutorss

Tapa Lagos Island




Subject : Verbal Reasoning


Class: Nursery Two


Name Of Pupil : ___________



Date : ____________________________


Answer all the questions

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll l2. 13 14 15

Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

l6 l7 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26.

This is letter Ww

1. This is capital letter __________.

2. This is small letter _________.

3. There are _________ letters in the alphabet

4. Letter __________ comes after Y.

Fill In the missing letters :

5. r ___ a d

6. V ___ st

7. s n ___ il

8. The last letter in the alphabet is _______________

9. The small letter G is ________________.

10. Re-arrange z x y ________________________________

Circle the words that begins with letter m.

11. man boy son dad.

12. female male gender adult.

13. mango orange pawpaw apple.

14. The l5th letter is __________________________.

15. The 9th letter is ______________________.

16. M is N as C is to __________________

Complete these words with the correct letter from the bracket.

17. m _______. t ( a, b, c. )

18. p a r r ____ t ( d, o, v )

19. d e _______. ( w, n, b )

Write 2 words for these letters

20. v = _________________________________ , ________________________________________

21. t = _________________________________ , ________________________________________

22. s = _________________________________ , _________________________________________

23. The 2nd, 5th and the 4th letters spells = _________________________________________

24. The 6th, 9th, 19th and 8th letters. spells = ________________________________________

25. Before EF comes _____________________ and after EF comes ______________________.

Make small words from words below

Examples c a n an. = an. (b) . e r a s e r e s e = s e e.

26. t r i c. k ____________________________ = _____________________________

27. s o c k s. ___________________________. = _______________________________


Draw lines to match the same words.

28. lion pineapple

29. pineapple mail

30. mail. lion