
  1. There are _____________ types of basic farm tools (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
  2. _________ farm tools are used to cultivate small area of land (a) simple (b) modern (c) office
  3. Modern tools are very ________________ (a) cheap (b) expensive (c) easy
  4. A farm implement used for turning soil is called _______ (a) planter (b) hoe (c) plough
  5. ________________ is used for planting seeds (a) harvester (b) knife (c) planter
  6. Cutting tools are used to ____________ objects on the farm (a) dig (b) hold (c) cut
  7. Do digging tools have sharp edges (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  8. The edge of a cutting tool should be _____________ (a) sharpened (a) painted (c) blunt
  9. Carrying tools are used to carry ____________ produce (a) farm (b) school (c) home
  10. ________ is used to gather debris on the farm (a) rake (b) wheelbarrow (c) cutlass
  11. _______________ is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma(a) pollination (b)praying mantis (c) nectar
  12. The sweet liquid produced by flowers is called __________ (a) nectar (b) sugar (c) water
  13. We should replace any broken wooden ____________ (a) handle (b) head (c) book
  14. Bees produces ___________ for the farmers (a) wax (b) honey (c) fruit
  15. A place where bees live is called _________ (a) home (b) hive (c) bush
  16. Useful farm insects are _____________ to farmers (a) harmful (b) useful (c) maybe
  17. Harmful insects are ____________ to farmers (a) useful (b) harmful (c) useless
  18. ______________ eats the leaves of plants (a) grasshopper (b) mosquito (c) Aphid
  19. ___________ destroys farm produce like rice, maize (a) beetle (b) weevil (c) tsetse fly
  20. The following are methods of controlling harmful farm insects except ________ control biological (b) physical (c) dancing

Part B 

  1. List four methods/ways of controlling harmful farm insects

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. List four harmful farm insects

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

  1. What is an insecticide _________________________________________________________


b.) What are carrying tools ________________________________________________________


  1. List two objects that can be cut with cutting tools

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

  1. Define gathering tools ________________________________________________________


  1. Name two examples of gathering tools

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

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