Edu Delight Tutors 

Subject : Civic Education

Term : First Term

Week: Week 10

Class : SSS 1





Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

  • Define government
  • Mention organs of government
  • List levels of government
  • Write out functions of government

Instructional Materials :

Wall charts


Related Online Video

Flash Cards


Methods of Teaching :

Class Discussion

Group Discussion

Asking Questions


Role Modelling

Role Delegation

Reference Materials :

Scheme of Work

Online Information



Government is the machinery by which the affairs of the country is directed.

Government refers the elected or selected groups of people that are saddled with the responsibility of coordinating, organizing and directing affairs of the people.

Organs of Government

There are three organs of government which are

The legislative

The Judiciary

The Executive



a. Security: – Government provides security in the country. It protects lives and property of its citizens.


b. Settlement of Dispute: – The judiciary an organ of the state performs this function:. It settles disputes, quarrels or cases of injustice among individuals, between individuals and groups as well as between governments.


c. Economic Function: – It ensures economic growth, boosts industrialization agricultural development, regulates and control the economy.


d. Law making: – The government makes laws through the legislature. The national Assembly makes the law.


e. Foreign Relations: – It promotes friendly relations and cooperation with other countries. It also maintains international trade and world peace.


f. Manage: – The government direct and controls the attains of the state.


g. Amenities: – The government provides social amenities for the citizens. It also provides electricity, pipe borne water, schools, hospitals, postal and telecommunication facilities.


h. Rights: – Government provides and guarantees human rights. These rights are state in the constitution of the country.These rights protected through the judiciary, public complaints commission and a free press.


i. Jobs:- Government provides job for the jobless. Civil and public servant, minsters and judges, chairman and board members, ambassadors and the members of the armed force are recruited by the government.


j. Public Revenue: – The government impose taxes, fines fees and earnings. This is done so that enough funds can be realised for its services.




There are three organs of government. These are the legislature, executive and judiciary. Each of them has specific functions it performs.


LEGISLATURE: – Nigeria has a bicameral legislature. The legislature is called the National Assembly. The National assembly is made up of the senate (the Upper House) and the House of Representative (the Lower House).




a. Law Making: – This is the most important function of the legislature. The law made is called on ACT OF PARLIAMENT, ACT OF NATIONAL ASSEMBLY or ACT OF STATE ASSEMBLY.


b. Approval of Appointments: – The legislature appoints ministers, ambassadors, advisers, commissioners, chairmen and board members. It is their duty to confirm or reject these appointments.


c. Amendment: – The legislature amends the constitution when the need arises.


d. Checks other organs: – The legislature looks at the work of the executive and judiciary to ensure that they operate according to the constitution.


e. Enlightenment: – The legislature enlightens the citizens on its activities and those of the government.


f. Treaties: – Nigeria enter into agreements or treaties with other countries. These treaties can only be effective in Nigeria unless the are ratified by the legislature.


g. Investigation: – The constitution authorizes the legislature to look into the activities of government, its agencies, individuals, ministries, departments and group to ensure that rules are kept.


THE EXECUTIVE: – The executive at the federal level is made up of the President, Vice President, Ministers, advisers, security agencies and government. At the state level we have the Governor, His Deputy, Commissioners, advisers, staff of civil and public services. At the local government staff.




a. Law and Order: – It maintains law and order. It ensures that peace reign in the country.


b. Bills: – It initiates, drafts and presents bills to the legislature for passage. A bill is a proposed law awaiting parliamentary debate and passage.


c. Policies: – The executive formulates and implements government policies.


d. Job: – It improves job to the jobless. It appoints government functionaries.


e. Questions: – The people or other organs of government call upon the executive to explain some of the action that has taken


THE JUDICIARY: – This is the third organ of government. It performs the following functions:




a. Punishes Offenders: – It punishes offenders of the law. They can be imprisoned or made to die.


b. Law: It makes laws indirectly. Case laws are made in the process of interpreting the law in very difficult cases.


c. Administrative Duties: – It performs administrative duties like swearing of affidavits, granting of licences, marriage certificates, administration of oaths of office, etc.


d. Settle Disputes: – It settles disputes between individuals, between individuals and groups, between individuals and government.




1a. What is right?


b. Discuss six of your right.


2. Itemise and discuss eight functions of government.


3a. List the three organs of government


b. List five examples of the executive at the federal level.


4. What are the functions of the legislature?


5. What are the functions of the judiciary

Presentation :

The Topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 :  The class teacher allows the students to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise




The subject teacher gives out a short comprehensive note of the topic and he or she does the necessary marking


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