Edu Delight Tutors 

Subject : Civic Education

Term : First Term

Week: Week 9

Class : SSS 1





Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

  • to define rights of individuals
  • Mention rights of individuals

Instructional Materials :

Wall charts


Related Online Video

Flash Cards


Methods of Teaching :

Class Discussion

Group Discussion

Asking Questions


Role Modelling

Role Delegation

Reference Materials :

Scheme of Work

Online Information




Presentation :

The Topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 :  The class teacher allows the students to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise





Rights are privilege or freedom which the law permits. They are the benefits that someone enjoys for being a member or citizen of a particular country. At times these rights are referred to as Fundamental Human Rights by the constitution. The rights are as follow :


1.. Right to Life:- everyone has a right to life. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally except in the execution of a sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence committed.


2. Right to Dignity of Human Person: No one shall be held in slavery. No person shall be subjected to torture or inhuman treatment.


3. Right to liberty and Security: – Everyone has the right to liberty and security. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except when he fails to comply with the order of a court or in order to make him fulfil an obligation imposed upon him by law.


4. Right to Fair Hearing: – every citizen is entitled to a fair and public hearing in the determination of his civil rights or of any criminal charge against him.


5. Right to Respect for Private and family Life: everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence and telephone conversations.


6. Right to Freedom of thought, Conscience and religion: – Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private.


7. Right to Freedom of expression and the Press: – everyone has the right to freedom of expression. It also includes the right to give information and ideas without interference by public authority or government.


8 . Right to Peaceful Assembly and association:- Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others. You have the right to form an association but not a secret society.


9.. Right to freedom of movement: – Every citizen of Nigeria has the right to freely throughout the country. He shall not be expelled from Nigeria or refused entry into any part of the country.


10.. Right to freedom from discrimination: A citizen of Nigeria of a particular community, tribe, place of origin, sex, religion, language, colour, political or other opinion shall not be discriminated against.


11. Right to acquire and own property anywhere in Nigeria: – Every citizen of Nigeria shall have the right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in the country.




1. What are fundamental human rights

2. Mention four fundamental human rights

3. Where is the fundamental human rights of every individual enshrine?

4 What are the limitations to fundamental human rights. Mention four

5. In what instance can the right of movement of individuals be withdrawn?




The subject teacher gives out a short comprehensive note of the topic and he or she does the necessary marking


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