Jesus’ Parables.





  1. Jesus’ Parables.
  2. Parables Illustrating God’s love.
  3. Parables Illustrating Concern for One another.
  4. Parables Illustrating Maturity and Responsibility.
  5. Jesus Christ and the Laws I.
  6. Jesus Christ and the Laws II.
  7. Jesus Improves on the Existing Laws.
  8. Love: The Supreme law.
  9. Revision.
  10. Examination.


  1. Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 2 by F.N.O Quarcoopome et’ tal.
  2. Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 2 by Adedeyinkae’tal
  3. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS 2 by TundeErumeobee’tal
  4. Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS 1-3, by A.F Bello.
  5. Revised Standard Version (R.S.V.) Bible

WEEK ONE Date: ……………………


Parables are earthly story with heavenly meaning. Jesus Christ taught in parables to make his listeners understands his teachings better. Parables are teachings about God and his kingdom.Jesus taught the people things that are practical in nature so as to create a kind of picture in their mind, that they would not easily forget.[Matt. 13:34- 35]


What are parables?


[a] Parable of the kingdom.

[b] Parables showing God’s relationship with his people.

[c] Parables showing attitude to possessions.

[d] Parables showing maturity and responsibility.


Parables are earthly stories with heavenly or spiritual meaning. Jesus used parables to illustrate his teachings on God’s care and love for sinners. They also talked about attitude of Christians on how they can show high degree of maturity and responsibility in their daily activities.


Topic: Parable of the Kingdom


A. The Sower.Matt 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20

B. The Mustard seed Matt 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-35, Luke 13:18-19

C. The Wheat and the Tares.Matt 24:30-43,

D. The Seed growing Secretly. Mk.4:26-29.

The Sower Matt 13:1- 23, Mark 4L1-27.

A Sower went to sow seeds some fell on footpath and were devoured by birds. Others fell on

rocky spots with little earth, germinated, but due to the fact that the roots could not get to the soil

because of the rocks, they withered under the scorching heat. The others fell among thorns,

germinated but were choked up by the thorns. Finally, the rest fell on good fertile soil,

germinated well, grew up and bore plenty fruits.

According to Jesus, the seeds that fell on the footpath or way side represent people who receive

the word of God, but cannot understand it. The bird represents the devil who immediately,

diverts their attention from what they heard and thereby denying them the kingdom of God.

The seed that fell on the rocky spots represent people who receive the word with joy, but due to

the tribulations and persecutions that follow the gospel, they fall aside, as they cannot endure.

As for the seeds that fell among thorns, they represent those who hear the word but because of

their love for the material things of this world , they get deceived by such materialism which also

chokes the words .As a result, they do not bear fruits.

Finally, the seeds that fell on good soil represent the people who hear the gospel and understand

it and bear fruit as well, some hundred folds, some sixty and others thirty.


1. Narrate any parable illustrating the kingdom .

2. Point out any three lessons derivable from it.

Significance or Lesson to Learn

1. In the world today, different people receive the word of God differently. The way one receive it determine his/her reward – Kingdom of God or hell fire.

2. If we do not receive the word of God positively and put it into practice, we will not enter into the Kingdom of God. We will just die and go to hell.

The Mustard Seed – Matt 13:31-32, Mark 4 : 30-32, Luke 13:18-19

Unlike the parable of the sower, the three synthetic gospels have an account of the parable of the Mustard seed. Jesus teaching on this parable focuses on the fact that the mustard seed is like the kingdom of God in that it is the tiniest seed on earth., but if planted it grows to become the biggest in the garden, with branches many enough to allow bird to make nest on them.

Significance of the Parable.

1. The gospel began with only Jesus and his twelve apostles, but today every part of the world has received it.

2. The kingdom of God is such a large entity, but entering it is simple; a mere belief in Jesus guarantees entry.

The Wheat and the Tares Matt 13:24-30, 36-43.

Only Mathew gives an account of this parable which Jesus also used to illustrate the kingdom of

God. A man planted good seeds on his farm and went home, but in the night his enemy went

and planted tares in the midst of the good seeds and both germinated.The man’s labourers

discovered the tares in the farm and sought their master’s permission to uproot them.

But the master declined, saying that it was risky as the wheat may intentionally be uprooted in

the process of uprooting the tares.He rather suggested that both the tares and wheat be allowed

to grow together until harvest, when the tares will be harvested first and burnt, and the wheat

stored in the barn.

Interpretation of the Parable

Jesus interpreted the parable to mean that the sower of the good seed is the son of man (Jesus).

The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom while the wheat are the evil

ones. The enemy who sowed the weeds is the devil, the harvest is the close of the age and the

reapers are the angels.

Significance of the Parable.

1. In various churches today, there are good and bad Christians fellowshipping together .

2. Men are not scripturally permitted to judge, but many people today do.

3. Men often hurt innocent people by hurriedly judging them.

The Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly (mark 4:26-29)

The parable of the seed growing secretly is recorded only in the book of Mark. Jesus compared

the kingdom of God to a man who scatters seed on the ground and goes home to sleep every

night. The seeds sprout and grow, but he does not know how they grow. As the plant grows, it

produces the blade, then the ear and finally the full grain in the earth, when the grain is ripe, the

farmer puts in his sickle because it is time for harvest.

Significance of the Parable.

This means that the growth of the kingdom of God in a Christian life is secretly and quiet and

when it grows fully, the individual submit to God completely and his life is controlled by the

Holy Spirit


1 Mention at least, three parables that describe the kingdom of God

2. Narrate the parable of the sower and outline its significance.

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. Narrate the parable of the mustard seed.
  2. Explain the parable of the sower.
  3. Mention three roles of the members of the family.
  4. Mention two things that can help to maintain a good family name.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopome eta’l.Page;10-102.

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page:199-202.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by AdeyinkaPage:21-23.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 By TundeErumol eta’l..Page:39-42.

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)

Weekend Assignment

1. Which of the following parables illustrates the day of Judgement? (a) The Sower (b) The Wheat and the Tares (c) The Mustard Seed (d) the seed growing secretly

2. Which of the following is not a parable of the kingdom? (a) The sower (b) The prodigal son (c) The seed growing secretly (d) the wheat and tares

3. In the parable of the weed, the enemy who sowed among the wheat was____.

(a) a wicked neighbor (b) the man’s bad servant ( c) Satan, the devil (d) a wicked in law

4. The parables of the kingdom of God teach about

(a) Criteria for entering the kingdom of God (b) the nature of the kingdom and its coming (c) The number of people who may enter (d) the kind of people who may enter

5. The Christian church is today a universal institution. This is pointed out in the parable of the____.(a) Mustard seed (b) the sower (c) the seed growing secretly (d) prodigal son


1. Narrate any parable to illustrate the kingdom of God.

2. Point out any three lessons derivable from it.




A. The lost sheep Luke 15:3-7, Matt.1812-14

B. The lost coin Luke 15:8-10

C. The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32.

As earlier mentioned, most of the parables Jesus used in his teaching illustrated God’s love for us. Three different parables fall under this category. The Lost Sheep, the Lost coin and the Prodigal Son.

The Lost Coin – Luke 15:3-19

In the parable of the lost coin, Christ spoke of a woman who has ten silver coins but when she

loses one of the coins she lights a lamp, sweep the house and seek the coin diligently until she

finds it. When she found it, she tells her neighbour and friends to rejoice with her for having

found her coin. In the same way, there is joy in heaven before the angels of God over one sinner who repents of his/her sins.


1 Compare and contrast the parable of the lost Sheep with the lost coins.

2. What Lessons can be drawn from it?

The Lost Sheep Luke 15:3-7, Matt 18:12-24.

In the parable of the lost sheep Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a man who had one hundred

sheep but one goes astray, he leaves the rest of the ninety-nine in the wilderness and searches for

the one that is lost. When he finds it, he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing. When he comes home,

the man calls his friends and his neighbours to rejoice with him for he has found his lost sheep.

Jesus said in the same way, there will be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over

ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance .

The significance of the parable of the Lost Coin and the Lost Sheep.

1. In the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin, a sinner is seen as a lost soul.

2. These two parables show how interested God is to ensure that the lost soul is saved.

3. God loves us and does not want our souls to perish.

The Prodigal Son (luke 15:11-32)

Jesus told a parable of a man who had two sons and the younger of them said to his father,

“Father give me the share of property that falls to me” the father divided his belongings between

them. After some days, the younger one gathered all he had and went to a far country where he

squandered his wealth in loose living. After spending all he had, he had nothing left. He came

back to his senses and decided to go back to his father. As the father saw him afar off, he was so

happy and ran after him embraced him and made a feast for him. The elder brother was not

happy. The father comforted him and asked him to join in welcoming his brother, for his brother

who was dead before had come back to life.

Lessons to Learn

    1. The important point to note in this case is that the father had compassion on the son and welcomed him back with happiness, despite the loose life he had lived and the father’s wealth he had wasted. In the same manner, God is always ready to welcome his children once they confess their sins and forsake them.
    2. The prodigal son decision to return as a servant and not as a son shows a high sense of humility on his part. The Psalmist wrote “broken and contrite heart, O God thou will not despise” This is the type of Sprit God wants in His children – Christians.


  1. Narrate the parable of the prodigal son
  2. What are the lessons to be drawn from it regarding God’s love?

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. Narrate the parable of the lost sheep.
  2. Describe the attitude of the father of the prodigal son.

3. Define human relationship.

4. List five factors that militate against having a good human relationship.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopome eta’l.Page;119-121

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page:199-202.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:30-31.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 ByTundeErumol eta’l.Page:52-55.

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)

Weekend Assignment

1. In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus intended to teach (a) respect for parents (b)God’s love for a repentant sinner (c) Love of parents for their children (d) how to spend

money wisely

2. Which of the following parables illustrates God’s Love?
(a) The Mustard Seed (b) Wheat and Tares (c) The Prodigal Son (d) the rich fool

3. in the parable of the lost sheep, the shepherd went after____ sheep.

(a) four(b) three ( c) two (d) one

4. In the parable of the prodigal son, the elder son was not happy because____.

(a) he has never been rewarded for all he has done (b) The younger brother was wasteful ( c) the father is partial (d) the father doesn’t like him

5. In the parable of the lost coin, the woman had …….coins

(a) two (b) ten (c) five (d) seven


  1. Narrate the parable no prodigal son
  2. What are the lessons to be drawn from it regarding the love of God.?

WEEK THREE Date: …………..



(a) Parable of the rich fool Luke 12:13-2

(b) Parable of the rich man & Lazarus

(c) Moral lessons

True value in life does not depend on Material possession. This is reflected in Jesus’ teaching about material possessions. One of the multitudes said to him, ‘Teacher bid my brother to divide the inheritance with me”. But Jesus said to him “man who made me a judge or divider over you? “ He then said to them “Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”.


There was a rich man whose land brought forth plenty of crops, He had a bountiful harvest He said to himself, I will full down my bars, and build a larger one, I will say to my soul, you soul rest and enjoy the fruit of your labour, But God said “you fool, tonight your soul would be required from you and he died that night.

Moral lesson

The rich should learn to glorify God with their wealth.


Narrate the parable of the rich fool.


There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine clothes. He feasted every day. Also, there was at the gate a poor beggar named Lazarus full of sores and dogs licked his sores. Lazarus usually ate from the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Later Lazarus died and was carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment.

While the rich man was in torment in hell, he looked up and saw Lazarus and pleaded with Abraham to ask Lazarus to give him a drop of water to cool his tongue. The request was turned down. He was reminded of his life on earth, Also the fact that there is a barrier between the two sides.

He also told Abraham to send a message to his five brethren so that they could repent but Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets that they should listen to them, otherwise they will be in hell.


1. Selfishness is bad.

2. We should help others with our wealth.

3. We should not love money more than anything else.


1) Who was Moses? Mention the names of some prophets

2) Try to explain the gulf that was fixed between Abraham, Lazarus and the rich man

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. Describe the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
  2. Mention three ways the rich can help the poor in the society.
  3. Give four reasons why you must choose good friends.
  4. List five consequences of choosing bad friends.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome eta’l.Page:123-


[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page;103-105.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:32-33.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 3 By TundeErumol et AL., Page 56-58.

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


  1. What did the rich fool say to himself? (a)I will move crops (b) My soul is required from God I will pull down my barns and build a larger one (d) I will plant another seed
  2. The rich man died and went to where? (a) Heaven and hell (b) Heaven (c) Hell

(d) Purgatory

  1. In hell the rich man was in _____.(a) Torment (b) Pleasure (c) Peace (d) Meditation
  2. What was Abraham’s response to the request of the rich man concerning his brother?
    1. (a) They will go to hell (b) They have Moses and the prophet (c) They should be good and kind to people (d) They should pay their tithes
  3. Lazarus situation is illustrated with the following words except_____.(a) Pleasure and relaxation (b) Pain and sickness (c) Wretchedness and poverty (d) penury


1. What mistake did the rich fool make?

2. Discuss the situation in which the rich man found himself when he died.

WEEK FOUR Date: ……………….



(a) The talents Matt 25:14-30,

(b) The ten virgins Matt 25:1-13

(c) The wicked servant Matt 18:21-35, Matt.28:21-35


When we say maturity, we simply mean to become completely developed or grown-up while responsible on the other hand mean liable to answer for or accountable. Therefore when we say maturity and responsibility we mean to develop completely and to be accountable

1) THE TALENTS MATT 25:14-30

A certain businessman was about to travel to a far country. He called his servants and gave them talents according to their abilities. He gave the first one 5 talents, the second 2 talents and the third one 1 talent. When the master arrived they all came to give account of their business. The first servant made 5 more talents. The second two more talents, the third one went and hid his own in a pit. Their master commended the first two servants and rewarded them accordingly, while the third servant was punished and condemned.

Evaluation: Narrate the parable of the talents.


Ten virgin went with their lamps to meet the bridegroom at a marriage feast. Five were foolish and five were wise. The five wise maidens took their lamps with extra/enough oil while the foolish ones had not enough oil in their lamps. In the middle of the night after much delay in waiting for the bridegroom, the oil of the foolish maidens finished. They begged the wise ones to give them oil but they refused.

The foolish maidens went to a nearby village to look for oil, before they arrived; the bride groom had come and gone with the wise maidens. They cried but it was too late.


Christians should be prepared for the second coming of Christ. The five foolish virgins were the careless, irresponsible and immature Christians who did not prepare for the coming of the Lord. The wise virgins were the prepared matured Christians who prepared for the coming of the Lord.


Interpret the parable of the ten virgins.


Jesus told the parable of the wicked servant to teach his audience about maturity and responsibility.Peter had come to Jesus to ask the question’, Lord how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him as many as seven times?’ Jesus answered” I do not say to you seven times but seventy times seven”. At this point, Jesus told the parable. He compared the kingdom of heaven to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants.

As he started to work on the account, a servant who owed him ten thousand talents (about N10m) Came in and begged him to forgive him as he was unable to pay the debt. The king forgave the servant and cancelled the debt. Later, that same servant met one of his fellow servant who owed him only one hundred denarii (about N20). He seized him, held him by his cloth and demanded the immediate payment of his money.

In spite of the plea of that debtor, the man refused to forgive him. Instead he put him in prison until he was able to pay the debt. His fellow servants saw this and told the king, who had earlier forgiven him,. The king immediately arrested him and sent him to prison until he too was able to pay the debt. Then, Jesus said, so also my heavenly father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.


The first two servants were matured and responsible Christians who asked God’s gift in their lives very well. The third servant represents an unfaithful irresponsible Christian who did not use God’s gift well


1) Explain briefly the parable of the unforgiving servant

2) How best can we treat those offend us?

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. Narrate the parable of the ten virgins.
  2. Interpret the parable of the unforgiving servant.
  3. State five duties of children and youth in the church?
  4. According to St Peter, why is it important for the young ones to humble themselves?


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopomeeta’l .Page:138-139

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page:212-214.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 By TundeErumoleta’l..

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


1. The other five virgins were called foolish because_____.(a) they fell asleep

(b) they went before the bridegroom came (c) they did not prepare well for the occasion (d) they didn’t have enough resources to buy oil

2. Which is regarded as the Bridegroom in our study?(a) ten of the maidens

(b) the wise maidens (c) Jesus Christ (d) the husband

3. Which of the following is not true of the foolish virgins?

(a) They were careless and irresponsible (b) They were immature and irresponsible

(c) They were sluggish (d) They were clever

4. In the parable of the talent, the Bible said the servants were given talent according to their

(a) abilities (b) seriousness (c) wealth and possession (d) leadership status

5. Which of the three servants received condemnation? (a) The servant with one talent (b) The servants with two and five talents (c) The servants with one and two talent (d) The servants with one and five talents


1. Interpret the action of each servant in the parable of the talents.

2. Why were the five virgins regarded as foolish in the parable of the ten virgin?

WEEK FIVE Date: …………….



(a) Meaning of Obedience to the first law

(b) The visit to Jerusalem Luke 2:12-24 41-51

(c) Payment of Taxes.


Jesus Christ was brought up according to Jewish laws and customs. His parents were obedient Jews and set an example for him from childhood on how to keep the religious laws and he was circumcised as was the custom. He was brought to the temple for the annual and usual custom of presentation to the priest in charge. Therefore his parents came to offer a sacrifice according to the law of God. By so doing they laid the foundation for religious obedience in the young Jesus


When Jesus was 12 years, He followed his parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast at home, in Nazareth; He learnt some trade and studied the religious life of his people. He followed them to the synagogue. The Jews law has a rule that all male Jews must go to Jerusalem at least once a year.

At 12, He accompanied the parents to the Passover and stayed behind. His parents did not know it. They later sought and found Him in the temple sitting among the teachers, listening and asking them question. The parents persuaded Him and he came back with them to Nazareth.


A leper came to Jesus and begged Him to cure him of his leprosy. Jesus had pity on the man and stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will, be clean” the man was made clean. He ordered the man to not to tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded for a proof to the people. He thereby taught the lesson of obedience to the law of the community.

When the Pharisees and the Herodians wanted to find a charge with which to accuse Jesus, they asked for His opinion about the payment of taxes Matt22:17. Jesus knew he was being tempted. He took a coin that had the picture of Caesar and told them that they should obey the government and also obey laws of God.” Render to Caesar things that are Caesar’s and to God things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21.



Jesus was obedient and also taught obedience to the laws of the community. A good Christian is one who is also good citizen .Jesus as well, as his disciples, paid their taxes. It is highly expedient, that we obey the laws, rules, regulations and also keep the road signs. This will lead to peace and harmony in our society.


1) Why do we have to pay tax?

2) List 4 rules you must keep while you are in school.

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. Why do we have to pay tax?
  2. What are rules and regulations?
  3. Mention five ways through which God speaks to us today.
  4. Explain how God revealed Himself to Moses.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopomeeta’l .

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS.BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:39-40.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 By TundeErumoleta’l..

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


  1. Jesus Christ was circumcised on what day? (a) Seventh (b) eighth (c) ninth (d) tenth
  2. “Render to Caesar things that are Caesar’s and to God things that are God’s.” This statement was made by____. (a) Peter (b) Paul (c) Jesus Christ (d) James
  3. Who was told to go to the priest and obtain a certificate of cleansing? (a) Adulterer

(b) Blind man (c) Leper (d) The deaf

  1. Peter paid tribute to collectors from the money taken from ___. (a) His pocket (b)Mouth of fish (c) Mouth of birds (d) the lake
  2. ____child is to be brought to the temple according to the Law of Moses. (a) third

(b) female (c) first male (d) last



1. Explain how you can subject yourself to religious laws?

2. Discuss your civil laws.

WEEK SIX Date:………………



(1) The Observance of the Sabbath day [Mark 2:23-28;3:1-12]

(2) The Practice of Corban [Mark 7:9-13]

(3) Ceremonial cleanness [Mark 7:18;14:23]


When the Pharisees challenge Jesus for allowing his disciples to pluck corn on a Sabbath, He reminded them on how David entered the house of God and ate the sacred bread when he was hungry. Jesus therefore declared; the Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.

A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to heal on a Sabbath day. The Pharisee came around to know what He would do. Jesus knowing their intentions asked them “is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill. The Pharisee were confused. Jesus went ahead to cure the man.

The conclusion, some human needs are above others.


Corban is a Jewish word which means dedicating or giving something to God. It was the practice of the Jew to give their property to God .Such property will be used to maintain the temple and the priest who worked in the Temple. The law of Corban states that once a property is declared a Corban, no part of it is to be used by that person to help anyone in need of help. Some of them declared their property to be Corban ,but they did not give it up for God’s use.They did this in order to prevent using other part of it to help anyone including their parents.This law enabled some of the Jews to dodge their responsibilities to their parents. Jesus condemnedevil thispractice and he said that the people had made the Commandments of God useless by the law of Corban.


  1. What is Corban?
  2. Give reason why Jesus condemned the law of Corban?

The Pharisee and Scribes condemned the disciples of Jesus for eating bread with unwashed hands. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, except they wash, they will not eat. They also wash cups, pots, brazen vessels and tables before eating or doing anything with them when they come from market; thereby holding the tradition of the elders.

These were the charges the Pharisee and scribes brought to Jesus that his disciples failed to keep or walk according to the traditions of the elders. Jesus responded to them by saying that they honour God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. That they worship God in vain teaching doctrines and the commandments of men and laying aside the commandments of God.


Jesus further told them that purity of heart should supersede human laws. Human laws can be changed and broken, but purity of heart becomes paramount as that is the only passport one has to see God. He also told them that there is nothing that enters into a man that can defile him, but the things which come out of him; those are the things that defile the man.


1) How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?

2) Identify two Old Testament law in the passage (Matt 5:21-28) what does Jesus Christ teach about these laws?

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. What is Corban?
  2. How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?
  3. Define prayer.
  4. What are the hindrances of prayer?


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopomeeta’l .

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS.BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:39-40

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 By TundeErumoleta’l..

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory) .


1. The root of God’s instruction is____. (a) hope (b) faith(c) love(d) wisdom

2. “Sabbath was made for man; and not man for Sabbath” Simplified that____.(a) Sabbath is greater than man (b) man is greater than Sabbath (c) man and Sabbath day are equal (d) failure to keep the Sabbath day will bring problems

3.A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to be healed on _____ day. (a)a festive b) Sabbath (c) ash (d) Christmas

4. ____ is a Jewish word that means giving something to God.(a)corban(b) corn-ban (c)cannon (d)corbar

5 “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy” is number_____ in the Ten Commandment. (a) seven (b) six (c) four (d)five


  1. What is Corban?
  2. Give reason why Jesus condemned the law of Corban?

WEEK SEVEN Date: ……………



(1) MURDER [Matt.5:21-26]

(2) ADULTERY [Matt.5:27-30]

(3) SWEARING [Matt.5:33-37]

(4) RETALIATION [Matt.5:38-42]

(5) LOVE OF THE ENEMIES [Matt.5:43-48]

Jesus Christ said continually that he did not come to condemn the law but came to fulfill it. He did not only come to fulfill the law but also to improve it. He came to give the true meaning of the law by giving deeper interpretation of the law. He went beyond what the people knew. It is when the people know what the law is all about they can then stop breaking it and be obedient to it. Jesus spoke on some examples from the commandment laws to show them how this is possible.


What are laws?


1) ON MURDER: – The law says. “You shall not kill and whosever kills shall be liable to judgment. The act of killing is bad and sinful. Jesus went beyond the act of killing to condemn anger of heart murder. He advocates that we should not insult or bear grudge towards others. We should forgive and forget. He says that anyone who says, “You fool” shall be liable to hell fire.

2) ON SWEARING: – The Jewish says “you shall not swear false but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn’. The law permits people to swear but what they say must be the truth and nothing else. The aim of the law is to compel the people to say the truth and make people to be honest and sincere. Jesus added more to it. He said do not swear at all ether by heaven, earth or by Jerusalem, you shall simply say Yes or No.

3) ON REVENGE: The law says “an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth”. Jesus warned that we should not retaliate the wrong done to us. Retaliation is for God alone. It calls for peace, social justice and control of violence in the society. Jesus says if anyone slaps you on the right check, turn the left cheek. If anyone asks you to go a mile, go with him two miles, if anyone asks for a coat, give him two coats.

4) ON ADULTERY: The law says you should not commit adultery Jesus state that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has committed adultery already. Jesus therefore states that anything that can cause you to sin, avoid it.

5) ON DIVORCE: The law says that anyone who wants to divorce his wife, he should give her a certificate of divorce, but Jesus said divorce should only be on the ground of unchastity or unfaithfulness. Married couples should avoid sexual promiscuity which leads to divorce or separation.

6) ON LOVE: The Jewish law asked people to love their neighbours and hate their enemies. Jesus however, said “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”. We should therefore understand the law before obeying it. We should worship God with a pure heart.This means no anger and hatred in the heart we should love our enemies and not kill them.


When the Pharisees challenge Jesus for allowing his disciples to pluck corn on a Sabbath, He reminded them on how David entered the house of God and ate the sacred bread when he was hungry. Jesus therefore declared; the Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.

A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to heal on a Sabbath day. The Pharisee came around to know what He would do. Jesus knowing their intentions asked them “is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill. The Pharisee were confused. Jesus went ahead to cure the man.

The conclusion, some human needs are above others.


The Pharisee and Scribes condemned the disciples of Jesus for eating bread with unwashed hands. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, except they wash, they will not eat. They also wash cups, pots, brazen vessels and tables before eating or doing anything with them when they come from market; thereby holding the tradition of the elders.

These were the charges the Pharisee and scribes brought to Jesus that his disciples failed to keep or walk according to the traditions of the elders. Jesus responded to them by saying that they honour God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. That they worship God in vain teaching doctrines and the commandments of men and laying aside the commandments of God.


Jesus further told them that purity of heart should supersede human laws. Human laws can be changed and broken, but purity of heart becomes paramount as that is the only passport one has to see God. He also told them that there is nothing that enters into a man that can defile him, but the things which come out of him; those are the things that defile the man.


1) How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?

2) Identify two Old Testament law in the passage (Matt 5:21-28). What does Jesus Christ teach about these laws?

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. How did Jesus address the issue of love?
  2. How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?
  3. Describe Abraham’s response to God’s call.
  4. Discuss the qualities of Abraham.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopome eta’l.Page:145-148

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page:214-220..

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:42-44.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 ByTundeErumolba eta’l.Page:66-68.

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


  1. Jesus condemned anger by saying that anyone who says “you fool shall be liable to____.(a) judgment (b) Hell fire (c) Punishment (d) fiery furnace

2. The greatest commandment of all is based on___.(a) faith (b) Joy (c) peace (d) love

3. ____is the law of Jesus. (a) Eye for eye (b) Tooth for tooth (c) Turn the left cheek if someone slaps you on the right (d) hate your enemies

4. ____ is the New Testament law on adultery. (a) Only shaping with a married woman (b)Looking at a woman lustfully(c) Receiving a certificate of divorce (d) Asking a woman out

5. The major problem of the Christian world is _____. (a) ignorance (b)sin (c)poverty



1. State five Old Testament law that Jesus clarified in Matt 5:41-45.

2. How did Jesus define his use of each law?

WEEK 8 Date…………………



(1) The law of love

(b) Love as the new commandment of Jesus Christ

(c) Moral Lesson

The Ten Commandments are the laws given to the nation of Israel. The first four are man’sduties to God while the last six are for the relationships of man and his fellow brethren. Thesummary of those commandments is love. It is called the supreme law. This is so because God islove.


What is love?

1) THE LAWS OF LOVE. Luke 10:25-28

One day, when Jesus was teaching, a lawyer stood up to test Him, He asked Jesus what he should do to have eternal life, Jesus replied by asking him what is written in the law? In reply the lawyer said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself. Jesus answered that he had answered rightly and added. “Do this and you will live”.


I COR. 13:4-13

The new commandment or law which Jesus gave His disciples was love. He said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, by this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Paul, who had earlier preached the gospel to the Corinthians, later wrote a letter to them about love. Here are the characteristics of the God kind of love that Paul enumerated in I Corinthians. 13:4-8

  1. It is kind.
  2. It is patient.
  3. It is not arrogant or boastful.
  4. It is not jealous.
  5. It is not resentful or irritable.
  6. It does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right.
  7. It believes all things.
  8. It endures all things.
  9. It hopes all things.
  10. It does not fail.

Infact, he told them that the crown of all virtues (good character) is love. Therefore, Christians should see love as supreme.


1. Love is free: – There is no limit to love. It touches all aspects of life

2. Love is better expressed. We must act it out, to meet and help a neighbour in need.


1) What are the properties of love?

2) Explain what was written in the law which Jesus asked the lawyer to recite.

General Evaluation/ Revision Questions

  1. What is love?
  2. Mention five qualities of love.
  3. Give two qualities in Joshua that makes him a worthy leader.
  4. Is Gideon a man of faith? Give examples to justify your view.


[1] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 2,by T.N.O Quarcoopome eta’l.Page:150-155.

[2] Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 1-3 by A.F Bello.Page:221-222.

[3] Fundanmental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 1, by Adeyinka.Page:45-46.

[4] Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for JssBk 2 ByTundeErumol eta’l.Page:70-71.

[5] Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


  1. Who asked Jesus “What must I do enter eternal life”? (a) a gentile (b)a Pharisee (c)a lawyer (d)a


2. According to Jesus, you are to love your neighbor ____. (a) more than yourself( b) as you loved yourself (c)and grant all their request (d)and please them at your expenses

3. The commandment given by Jesus was on ______ .(a) Decalogue (b) Pentateuch (c) Agape love (d)forgiveness

4. The crown of all virtues and good character is _____. (a) patience (b) kindness (c) love (d)hope

5. The following people extensively emphasis on love except _____ (a)Jesus (b)Paul (c) Peter (d) Herod


(1) What is love?

(2) Mention three features of love.


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