Second Term Exams Primary 5 Mathematics

Edu Delight tutors

Second Term Exams Primary 5 Mathematics

Section a

What is the place value of the underlined digit in each of the following

  1. 48536 = (a) million (b) unit (c) hundred
  2. 935628 = (a) tens of thousand (b) million (c) hundred
  3. 5534720 = (a) thousand (b) million (c) unit
  4. A million has ______ digit (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7
  5. Express 2/5 as percentage (a) 7.5 % (b) 40 % (c) 25 %
  6. Change 0.75 to percentage (a) 7.5% (b)75% (c) 70.5%
  7. A number that can only be divided by 1 and itself is called a/an ______ number (a) odd (b) even (c) prime
  8. What is the largest share when #5000 is shared among three persons in ratio 2:3:7? (a) 1500 (b) 3000 (c) 2000 (d) 2500
  9. Express 10cm:15cm as a fraction in its lowest term (a) 2:3 (b) 5:2 (c) 5:10 (d) 4:8
  10. Take away 205 from 2500 (a) 2275 (b) 2285 (c) 2295 (d) 2245
  11. Find the value of X if X:3 = 12:18 (a) x= 3 (b) x = 2 (c) x = 4 (d) x = 5
  12. Add 92463 and 31587 (a) 73495 (b) 124150 (c) 124051

Replace by > or < or = use equivalent ratios

  1. 7:10 3:5 (a) > (b) < (c)=
  2. 3:5 2:4 (a) < (b) > (c) =
  3. 3:4 11:12 (a) = (b) > (c) <

Section B

  1. Change each of the following fraction to decimals (a) 3/10 (b) 8/100 (c)9/1000

1b. Change the following decimals to fractions (a) 0.5 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.254

  1. Change the following fractions to percentages (a) 20/40 (b) 6/30 (c) 35/70

2b. i. Find 20% of #2500 ii. Find the 40% of #100 (iii) 75% of 200

  1. Find the ratio in their simplest form (i) 18:12 (ii) 5L:15L (iii) 9cm:36cm (iv) 10mins. : 30 mins. (v) 6 weeks to 18 weeks
  2. Find the value of letters shown
  3. X:5 = 12:20
  4. 2:10 = y:100
  5. 4:5 = y:25
  6. 9:18 = x:2
  7. 6:9 = m:15
  8. B:6 = 3:2
  9. Find the sum of each of the following numbers
  10. 31234 + 95769 =
  11. 63216 + 72957 =
  12. 32 + 86 + 41 =
  13. Find the difference between each of the following numbers
  14. 7132 – 2182 =
  15. 808 – 697 =
  16. 342 – 165 – 98 =


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