Edu Delight Tutors
Tapa Street Lagos Island

Part A: Objectives
Read the following questions and pick the best answer from the given alternative
1.) The physical part of computer that can be seen and touched is called ______
(a) data (b) software (c) hardware (d) handphone

2.) The brain or engine of a computer is called ____
(a) mouse (b) pot (c) keyboard (d) system unit

3.) A device that is used to type messages on the computer is called ____
(a) mouse (b) keyboard (c) monitor (d) UPS

4.) Mostly a monitor has a power cable and a _____ cable
(a) monitor (b) signal (c) charge (d) data

5.) One of these is an example of non electric device _____
(a) radio (b) book (c) television (d) fan

6.) What does a monitor look like? ___ (a) CD (b) television (c) Video (d) keyboard

7.) Internet means ______
(a) device input (b) information network (c) international network (d) international flight

8.) The eagle on the National coat of Arm signifies ____
(a) strength (b) dignity (c) rivers (d) fertile soil

9.) The two horses on the National Coat of Arm stand for ____
(a) strength (b) dignity (c) rivers (d) fertile soil

10.) The Y shape on the national coat of Arm stands for major ____ in Nigeria
(a) strength (b) dignity (c) rivers (d) fertile soil

11.) A first class Oba in Yoruba land wears a ____ (a) buba (b) crown (c) bead (d) shoe

12.) Blue and yellow when mixed together in equal quantity will give us colour ____
(a) white (b) red (c) green (d) black

13.) Which of the following bones protects the human heart and lungs ____
(a) skull (b) rib cage (c) humerus (d) column vertebrae

14.) Juice can be extracted from ____ (a) egg (b) beans (c) fruits (d) cotton

15.) A carpenter makes ____ objects (a) golden (b) metallic (c) wooden (d) iron

16.) This device is used by a carpenter to drive in nails into wood and it is called a ____
(a) hammer (b) saw (c) smooth (d) clamp

17.) A _____ is used by a carpenter to cut wood into various pieces
(a) smooth (b) clamp (c) saw (d) hammer

18.) A _____ makes and repairs shoes (a) journalist (b) cobbler (c) goldsmith (d) caretaker

19.) A ______ is used by both a bricklayer and a farmer
(a) head towel (b) scissors (c) plum (d) keyboard

20.) One of the following is suitable for serving drinks at home ____
(a) trolley (b) tray (c) sieve (d) basket

21.) The process of washing, ironing and making clothes suitable for use is known as ____
(a) washing (b) washer man (c) laundry (d) starch

22.) The process of food preparation with dry heat that is generated by charcoal is known as ____ (a) boiling (b) roasting (c) frying (d) steaming

23.) The method of food preparation that involves the use of water with heat is known as ____
(a) boiling (b) frying (c) smoking (d) baking

24.) The first medical treatment given to an injured person before the arrival of a doctor is called ____ aid treatment (a) lost (b) first (c) school (d) care

25.) The aircrafts is to a pilot as the ship is to a ____ (a) captain (b) cyclist (c) driver (d) pilot

26.) The sense organ of touch is ____ (a) ear (b) eye (c) nose (d) skin

27.) The part of the building that provides access to in and out of a building is called ____
(a) ceiling (b) door (c) lintel (d) roof

28.) _____ is a good conductor of electricity (a) copper (b) papper (c) elastic (d) rubber

29.) “Akara” is a snake that is prepared by _____ (a) baking (b) frying (c) boiling

30.) A device that is used by a doctor heart beat or breathing is ____
(a) foreceps (b) stethoscope (c) thermometer (d) compass

Part B: Theory
1.) Mention four carpeting tools
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) Mention four vocation and the people in that vocation
Vocation People in the vocation
(a) _______________________________ ______________________________________
(b) _______________________________ ______________________________________
(c) _______________________________ ______________________________________
(d) _______________________________ ______________________________________

3.) Mention four computer hardwares
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

4.) Write out the following professional body abbreviations in full
(a) ICAN ___________________________________________________________________
(b) COREN _________________________________________________________________
(c) CIBN ___________________________________________________________________
(d) CIMN ___________________________________________________________________

5.) List four indoor sports
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

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