National Values III (Self-Reliance) Civic Education JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Lesson Plan for Civic Education

Subject: Civic Education
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 11 years
Topic: National Values III (Self-Reliance)

  1. Meaning of Self-Reliance
  2. Analyze the Attributes of Self-Reliance
  3. Benefits to One’s Self, Family, and Society
    Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define self-reliance and understand its meaning.
  2. Identify and explain the attributes of self-reliance.
  3. Discuss the benefits of self-reliance to individuals, families, and society.


  • Self-reliance
  • Attributes
  • Independence
  • Benefits
  • Self-sufficiency

Set Induction

Begin by discussing a well-known individual or character who is admired for their self-reliance. Ask students to think about what qualities made this person self-reliant.

Entry Behaviour

Students should have a basic understanding of the concept of values and their importance from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Textbook: Civic Education for JSS 1
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Link the concept of self-reliance to previous lessons on values, highlighting how self-reliance fits into the broader context of national values.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Self-management
  • Independence

Learning Materials

  • Civic Education textbook
  • Chart paper for listing attributes and benefits

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “Civic Education for JSS 1” by [Author]

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Chart paper


  1. Meaning of Self-Reliance
    • Self-reliance is the ability to depend on one’s own abilities and resources rather than relying on others.
      • Example: A person starting their own business and managing it successfully.
  2. Attributes of Self-Reliance
    • Independence: Being able to make decisions and solve problems on one’s own.
      • Example: A student completing their assignments without external help.
    • Confidence: Believing in one’s abilities and skills.
      • Example: An individual confidently applying for a job they are qualified for.
    • Resourcefulness: Using available resources effectively to achieve goals.
      • Example: Utilizing community resources to start a small project.
    • Responsibility: Taking ownership of one’s actions and decisions.
      • Example: A teenager managing their personal budget effectively.
  3. Benefits of Self-Reliance
    • To One’s Self: Builds confidence and personal growth.
      • Example: An individual feeling proud after achieving a personal goal.
    • To Family: Reduces dependency on family members and promotes mutual respect.
      • Example: An adult child supporting themselves financially, reducing the burden on their parents.
    • To Society: Encourages innovation and self-sufficiency, contributing to community development.
      • Example: An entrepreneur starting a business that provides jobs for others.


  1. Self-reliance means depending on ________. a) Others
    b) One’s own abilities
    c) Family
    d) Friends
  2. An attribute of self-reliance is ________. a) Dependence
    b) Ignorance
    c) Independence
    d) Laziness
  3. Confidence in self-reliance involves ________. a) Doubting oneself
    b) Believing in one’s abilities
    c) Relying on others
    d) Avoiding challenges
  4. Resourcefulness means using ________ to achieve goals. a) External help
    b) Available resources
    c) Others’ skills
    d) None of the above
  5. Responsibility in self-reliance is taking ________ of one’s actions. a) Avoidance
    b) Blame
    c) Ownership
    d) None
  6. Self-reliance benefits individuals by building ________. a) Doubt
    b) Confidence
    c) Dependency
    d) Uncertainty
  7. To families, self-reliance reduces ________ on family members. a) Responsibility
    b) Support
    c) Dependency
    d) Supportiveness
  8. Self-reliance benefits society by encouraging ________. a) Dependency
    b) Innovation
    c) Laziness
    d) Inefficiency
  9. Self-reliance in a student might be shown by ________. a) Relying on friends for homework
    b) Completing assignments independently
    c) Asking for help with every task
    d) Ignoring assignments
  10. An example of self-reliance is ________. a) Waiting for others to solve problems
    b) Starting and managing a personal business
    c) Relying on parents for every need
    d) Ignoring personal responsibilities
  11. Resourcefulness is using ________ effectively. a) Limited resources
    b) External help
    c) Available resources
    d) Others’ resources
  12. Self-reliance in an adult might be shown by ________. a) Living with parents
    b) Managing finances independently
    c) Relying on family for every decision
    d) Avoiding responsibilities
  13. Confidence in self-reliance means believing in ________. a) Others
    b) External help
    c) One’s abilities
    d) Ignorance
  14. Responsibility means taking ________ for one’s actions. a) Blame
    b) Avoidance
    c) Ownership
    d) Neglect
  15. Self-reliance benefits families by promoting ________. a) Dependency
    b) Burden
    c) Mutual respect
    d) Ignorance

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What does self-reliance mean to you?
  2. How does confidence contribute to self-reliance?
  3. Discuss how being resourceful can help achieve personal goals.
  4. Explain how self-reliance benefits your family.
  5. What are some ways self-reliance benefits society?


  • Step 1: Review the previous lesson on cooperation.
  • Step 2: Introduce the new topic on self-reliance, covering its meaning, attributes, and benefits.
  • Step 3: Encourage students to share their own experiences related to self-reliance and provide guidance as needed.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Define and explain self-reliance and its attributes.
  • Facilitate class discussions and activities to reinforce understanding.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Share personal experiences related to self-reliance.


  • Evaluate students’ participation and responses to ensure they grasp the concept of self-reliance and its benefits.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define self-reliance and give an example.
  2. What are the attributes of self-reliance?
  3. How does self-reliance benefit individuals?
  4. Explain how self-reliance benefits families.
  5. What are the societal benefits of self-reliance?
  6. Provide an example of resourcefulness in achieving a goal.
  7. How does confidence contribute to self-reliance?
  8. Describe the attribute of responsibility in self-reliance.
  9. How does self-reliance encourage innovation in society?
  10. Discuss the importance of self-reliance for personal growth.


The teacher reviews key points about self-reliance, summarizes its attributes and benefits, and provides feedback on students’ understanding and contributions.

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