Subject :


Topic :


Class :


Term :


Week :


Instructional Materials :

  • Stimulate Conflict in The Class
  • Watch Video on Conflict Resolution
  • Pictures of Various international Conflict Resolution Organization
  • Whiteboard/ chalkboard
  • Interactive poster
  • Interactive video


Reference Materials

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum

Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of  GENDER DISCRIMINATION



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Explain the Meaning of group conflict
  2.  Explain the Meaning of cooperation
  3. Say the Importance of communication
  4. Describe How group problems can be resolved
  5. Mention Various International Conflicts Resolution organization
  6. Explain the Causes of international conflicts.





Content :


Conflict is a fight.

Conflict is Inevitable.

Conflict is Disagreement.

Conflict is Misunderstanding.

Conflict is Quarrel.

We agree to disagree and we disagree to agree …… That is conflict.

When there is conflict, we must try to resolve the conflict as soon as possible.

hence there is need for Conflict Resolution Bodies or Mediators

Group conflict refers to a situation in which the goals, interests, or values of one group are perceived to be incompatible with the goals, interests, or values of another group. This can lead to tension, hostility, or even violence between the groups. Group conflict can occur within a single organization or between organizations, and it can be based on a variety of factors, such as differences in race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, politics, or social status. In order to resolve group conflict, it is often necessary to find ways to address the underlying issues that are causing the conflict and to establish channels of communication and cooperation between the groups.


There are many factors that can contribute to group conflict. Some common reasons for group conflict include:

  1. Differences in values or beliefs: When two groups have conflicting values or beliefs, it can be difficult for them to find common ground.
  2. Competition for resources: When two groups are competing for the same limited resources, such as funding, territory, or power, it can lead to conflict.
  3. Inequality or discrimination: When one group is treated unfairly or unfairly disadvantaged compared to another group, it can lead to resentment and conflict.
  4. Miscommunication or lack of understanding: Miscommunication or a lack of understanding can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between groups.
  5. Personal animosity: Personal animosity between individuals in different groups can lead to group conflict.
  6. Differing goals or objectives: When two groups have conflicting goals or objectives, it can lead to conflict as they try to achieve their respective goals.


Other reasons are 

  1. Lack of understanding each other’s language.
  2. Lack of unity among members of a religion.
  3. Ignorance of the customs of other people.
  4. Level of education.
  5. Discrimination,
  6. Lack of free and fair election.




There are several strategies that can be used to try to resolve group conflict:

  1. Communication: Establishing open lines of communication between the conflicting groups can help to identify the underlying issues and find ways to resolve them.
  2. Mediation: A neutral third party, such as a mediator, can facilitate communication and help the conflicting groups find common ground.
  3. Collaboration: Encouraging the conflicting groups to work together towards a common goal can help to build trust and cooperation.
  4. Problem-solving: Using a structured problem-solving process can help the conflicting groups identify the root causes of the conflict and find mutually beneficial solutions.
  5. Compromise: Both sides may need to make compromises in order to reach a resolution.
  6. Education: Providing education and training on conflict resolution skills can help individuals and groups learn how to effectively handle conflicts in the future.

Other ways of resolving group conflicts are 

  1. We should tolerate one another.
  2. We should learn to understand one another.
  3. We should have love and be honest with one another.
  4. We should understand our religious differences.
  5. Understanding each other’s language.
  6. Understand people’s way of life.
  7. Use dialogue or Negotiation   to resolve conflict,
  8. The use of a mediator who is a third party that intervenes in the conflict with the hope of settling the conflict
  9. At times, when all options of peaceful settlements have been exhausted, the parties involved in conflict may resoled to meet in court (Litigation)





  1. What is group conflict? a) A situation in which the goals, interests, or values of one group are incompatible with another group b) A situation in which two groups are working together towards a common goal c) A situation in which one group is unfairly disadvantaged compared to another group d) A situation in which personal animosity between individuals in different groups leads to conflict
  2. Which of the following is NOT a common reason for group conflict? a) Differences in values or beliefs b) Competition for resources c) Inequality or discrimination d) Personal animosity e) Agreement on goals or objectives
  3. What is a strategy that can be used to try to resolve group conflict? a) Communication b) Mediation c) Collaboration d) All of the above
  4. What is a benefit of using mediation to resolve group conflict? a) It allows a neutral third party to facilitate communication and help find common ground b) It allows one side to dominate the other c) It allows the conflicting groups to work together towards a common goal d) It provides education and training on conflict resolution skills
  5. What is a potential disadvantage of using compromise to resolve group conflict? a) It may not fully address the underlying issues causing the conflict b) It may lead to resentment or mistrust between the conflicting groups c) It may not be possible if the conflicting groups have incompatible goals d) All of the above
  6. What is an example of a problem-solving process that could be used to resolve group conflict? a) Brainstorming potential solutions b) Evaluating the pros and cons of each solution c) Selecting the best solution d) All of the above
  7. How can education and training on conflict resolution skills help to prevent future group conflicts? a) It can help individuals and groups learn how to effectively handle conflicts b) It can teach individuals and groups to avoid conflicts altogether c) It can help individuals and groups to better understand the underlying causes of conflicts d) All of the above
  8. When two groups have conflicting values or beliefs, what can be a potential resolution to group conflict? a) Communication b) Mediation c) Collaboration d) All of the above e) None of the above
  9. If two groups are competing for the same limited resources, what can be a potential resolution to group conflict? a) Communication b) Mediation c) Collaboration d) All of the above e) None of the above
  10. If one group is treated unfairly or unfairly disadvantaged compared to another group, what can be a potential resolution to group conflict? a) Communication b) Mediation c) Collaboration d) All of the above e) None of the above



COOPERATION is the agreement or understanding among a group or groups of people. When people work together to achieve a particular goal it is cooperation.

It can be an effective way for people to get things done because it allows individuals to pool their skills, resources, and knowledge towards a shared purpose. Cooperation can also foster a sense of teamwork and unity, which can be beneficial for building relationships and creating a positive work or social environment.



  1. Improves efficiency and productivity: Good communication and cooperation can help teams and groups to work more efficiently and effectively by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and has the information and resources they need to complete their tasks.
  2. Prevents misunderstandings and conflicts: Effective communication can help to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications, which can lead to conflicts and issues within a team or group.
  3. Facilitates problem-solving and decision-making: By sharing ideas and feedback, team members can work together to identify and solve problems, and make informed decisions.
  4. Promotes a sense of belonging and inclusiveness: Communication and cooperation can help to foster a sense of unity and belonging within a team or group, which can improve morale and create a positive work or social environment.
  5. Builds trust and strengthens relationships: By working together and sharing information and resources, team members can build trust and strengthen their relationships with one another, which can be important for the long-term success of any team or group


  1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of effective communication and cooperation? a) Improved efficiency and productivity b) Increased conflict and misunderstandings c) Facilitated problem-solving and decision-making d) Greater sense of belonging and inclusiveness
  2. What is NOT a characteristic of good communication? a) Clear and concise b) Confusing and vague c) Respectful and considerate d) One-sided and dismissive
  3. Which of the following is NOT an example of cooperation? a) Sharing ideas and feedback b) Working towards a common goal c) Competing with one another d) Pooling skills and resources
  4. Why is it important for team members to build trust? a) It helps to improve communication b) It allows for more effective decision-making c) It promotes a sense of unity and belonging d) All of the above
  5. Which of the following is NOT a way to improve communication within a team or group? a) Active listening b) Open and honest communication c) Avoiding feedback d) Fostering a sense of competition
  6. What is NOT a benefit of cooperation? a) Improved efficiency and productivity b) Greater sense of unity and belonging c) Increased conflict and misunderstandings d) Leveraging each other’s strengths and expertise
  7. Why is it important for team members to share information and resources? a) It helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts b) It facilitates problem-solving and decision-making c) It promotes a sense of competition d) It builds trust and strengthens relationships
  8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of effective cooperation? a) Sharing responsibilities and tasks b) Working towards a common goal c) Competing with one another d) Pooling skills and resources
  9. How can effective communication and cooperation improve the work or social environment? a) It promotes a sense of belonging and inclusiveness b) It fosters conflict and misunderstandings c) It builds trust and strengthens relationships d) It encourages competition
  10. Which of the following is NOT a way to improve cooperation within a team or group? a) Sharing responsibilities and tasks b) Working towards a common goal c) Competing with one another d) Refusing to share information and resources.


International conflicts and organization

International conflicts refer to disagreements, disputes, or hostility between countries or other international actors. These conflicts can take many forms, including military confrontations, economic competition, cultural clashes, and political disputes.

There are a number of international organizations that work to address and resolve international conflicts, including the United Nations (UN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the European Union (EU). These organizations can use a variety of tools to promote peace and stability, such as diplomacy, economic sanctions, peacekeeping missions, and conflict resolution efforts.

It is important for countries to find ways to peacefully resolve conflicts, as violence and war can have serious consequences for the countries involved, as well as for the global community.

Here is a list of some of the major international organizations that work to resolve conflicts:

  1. United Nations (UN): The UN is an international organization that aims to promote international cooperation and address global issues. It has a number of bodies and agencies that work to prevent and resolve conflicts, including the UN Security Council, which has the power to impose sanctions and authorize the use of force to maintain international peace and security.
  2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): NATO is a military alliance of countries in Europe and North America. It works to defend member countries against external threats and to promote stability and security in the region.
  3. European Union (EU): The EU is a political and economic union of 27 European countries. It works to promote cooperation and integration among its member states and to address issues of common concern, including conflict prevention and resolution.
  4. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): The OSCE is a regional security organization that works to promote stability and cooperation among its 57 member states in Europe, Central Asia, and North America.
  5. African Union (AU): The AU is a regional organization that works to promote cooperation and integration among its 55 member states in Africa. It has a number of bodies and agencies that work on conflict prevention and resolution, including the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).
  6. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): ASEAN is a regional organization that works to promote cooperation and integration among its 10 member states in Southeast Asia. It has a number of mechanisms for addressing conflicts and promoting regional stability, including the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).
  1. Which of the following organizations is NOT an international organization that works to resolve conflicts? a. United Nations (UN) b. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) c. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) d. World Bank
  2. Which of the following is NOT a function of the UN Security Council? a. Impose economic sanctions b. Authorize the use of force to maintain international peace and security c. Promote economic development d. Mediate conflicts between member states
  3. Which of the following is NOT a member of the European Union (EU)? a. France b. Germany c. United Kingdom d. Russia
  4. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is a regional security organization that works to promote stability and cooperation among its member states in which region? a. Europe, Central Asia, and North America b. Southeast Asia c. Africa d. Latin America
  5. The African Union (AU) has a number of bodies and agencies that work on conflict prevention and resolution, including: a. The African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) b. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) c. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) d. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  6. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional organization that works to promote cooperation and integration among its member states in: a. Southeast Asia b. Europe c. Africa d. North America
  7. The UN has a number of bodies and agencies that work to prevent and resolve conflicts, including: a. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) b. The World Trade Organization (WTO) c. The UN Security Council d. The International Labor Organization (ILO)
  8. Which of the following is NOT a member of NATO? a. United States b. Canada c. France d. Russia
  9. The EU works to promote cooperation and integration among its member states and to address issues of common concern, including: a. Conflict prevention and resolution b. Environmental protection c. Trade d. All of the above
  10. The OSCE has 57 member states in: a. Europe, Central Asia, and North America b. Southeast Asia c. Africa d. Latin America


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :

Mention Five Causes Of Conflict


2, ………………………………………






Mention five importance of cooperation


2, ………………………………………




Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she makes the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.



Prepare for the next lesson by reading about



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