Group Conflicts: Causes and Solutions Social Studies Primary 6 Second Term


Comprehensive Lesson Plan for Social Studies


Social Studies


Primary 6


Second Term


Week 6


10–11 years


Group Conflicts


Causes and Solutions to Group Conflicts


40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define group conflict.
  2. Explain the causes of group conflicts.
  3. State the importance of cooperation and communication.
  4. Mention ways to resolve group conflicts.
  5. Identify examples of international conflict resolution organizations.


  • Conflict
  • Cooperation
  • Communication
  • Mediation
  • Resolution

Set Induction

The teacher will stimulate discussion by asking pupils to share any experiences where two groups disagreed and how the issue was resolved.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have previous knowledge of gender discrimination and group disagreements.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Simulated class conflict activity.
  2. Video clips on conflict resolution.
  3. Pictures of international organizations.
  4. Whiteboard/chalkboard.
  5. Interactive posters.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher connects the lesson to the pupils’ understanding of gender discrimination and past group disagreements.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Approved Social Studies Textbooks

Instructional Materials

  1. Posters showing examples of group conflicts.
  2. Videos demonstrating conflict resolution methods.
  3. Classroom resources (e.g., chalk, markers).


Definition of Group Conflict

  1. Group conflict is a situation where one group disagrees with another group’s goals, interests, or values.
  2. It often arises from misunderstandings or competition.
  3. Group conflicts can be minor disagreements or major disputes.
  4. It can occur in schools, workplaces, or even between countries.
  5. Resolving group conflict involves understanding the issues and working together.

Examples of Group Conflict

  1. Disagreements between student teams during group projects.
  2. Competition for limited classroom resources (e.g., textbooks).
  3. Religious or cultural misunderstandings.
  4. Rivalries between sports teams.
  5. Political disagreements between countries.

Causes of Group Conflict

  1. Differences in beliefs or values.
  2. Competition for limited resources.
  3. Miscommunication or lack of understanding.
  4. Personal grudges or animosity.
  5. Discrimination or unfair treatment.

Ways to Resolve Group Conflict

  1. Communication: Openly discuss issues.
  2. Mediation: Use a neutral third party.
  3. Collaboration: Work towards shared goals.
  4. Problem-solving: Identify the root causes.
  5. Compromise: Find middle ground.

International Conflict Resolution Organizations

  1. United Nations (UN): Promotes world peace and security.
  2. African Union (AU): Resolves conflicts within Africa.
  3. NATO: Ensures security among member countries.
  4. European Union (EU): Focuses on peaceful cooperation in Europe.
  5. ASEAN: Promotes peace in Southeast Asia.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Committed

Evaluation Questions

  1. Group conflict happens when _______.
    a) Two groups agree
    b) Goals and interests are incompatible
    c) One group refuses to cooperate
    d) Groups work together
  2. What is NOT a cause of group conflict?
    a) Miscommunication
    b) Fair treatment
    c) Competition for resources
    d) Personal grudges
  3. What is an example of resolving group conflicts?
    a) Fighting
    b) Mediation
    c) Ignoring the problem
    d) Discrimination
  4. An organization that resolves international conflicts is _______.
    a) NATO
    b) Local school council
    c) Family meeting
    d) Religious groups
  5. The key to resolving conflict is _______.
    a) Misunderstanding
    b) Dialogue
    c) Violence
    d) Avoidance

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What is group conflict?
    Group conflict occurs when two groups have disagreements.
  2. Can group conflict be resolved?
    Yes, through dialogue and understanding.
  3. Why does conflict happen?
    It happens due to differences in values, competition, or miscommunication.
  4. What is mediation?
    It is using a neutral party to help resolve conflicts.
  5. Name a conflict resolution organization.
    The United Nations (UN).

Presentation Steps

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Revise the previous topic on gender discrimination.
  2. Introduce the new topic, “Group Conflicts.”
  3. Explain the causes and solutions to group conflicts.
  4. Show a video clip about conflict resolution.
  5. Guide pupils to discuss and provide examples.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in the revision session.
  2. Listen attentively to the explanation of group conflicts.
  3. Share examples of conflicts they have witnessed.
  4. Watch the video and answer questions.
  5. Copy notes and complete exercises.


Answer the following:

  1. Define group conflict.
  2. Mention three causes of group conflict.
  3. State two ways to resolve group conflicts.
  4. List two international organizations that resolve conflicts.


The teacher summarizes the lesson by reviewing the key points. Pupils copy notes, and the teacher checks their work.


Read about “International Conflict Resolution Organizations” and prepare for the next lesson.

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