

________ is having sores in between the toes (a) hand rot (b) foot rot (c) hair rot (d) teeth rot

Cleaning the mouth involves cleaning of the teeth and _____ (a) nose (b) tongue (c) ear (d) lip

It is dangerous to share your _____ with others no matter how close they are to you.


(a) book (b) toothbrush (c) table (d) bed


A _________ person does not get sick easily (a) fat (b) slim (c) healthy (d) short

Good health provides a good ______ (a) school (b) appetite (c) job (d) system

Good health helps one to grow _____ (a) sick (b) weak (c) normally (d) thin

Clothes are worn to protect the body from the___________


(a) parents (b) teachers (c) danger (d) friends


Clothes help us to promote our __________ and status in society


(a) culture (b) class (c) system (d) persons


Clothes should be mended as soon as they tear (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe

Church and mosque clothes should be ____________ and beautiful


(a) dirty (b) rough (c) clean (d) heavy


Bedtime clothes and pyjamas are made with ____________ material


(a) heavy (b) strong (c) light (d) thick


To take our bath we need ______________ and _____________ (a) sand and oil (b) clay and water (c) soap and water (d) kerosene and cream

There are _____ types of hair (a) 9 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 2

Hands should be washed before and after eating (a) No (b) Yes (c) Maybe

______ and _____ are types of hair infection (a) fever and headache (b) ringworm and rashes (c) leg pain and nose pain (d) HIV and AIDS

After taken our bath we clean our body with _____ (a) rag (b) pant (c) wrapper (d) towel

A person who is infected with __________ will keep scratching his or her hair


(a) fever (b) malaria (c) head-ache (d) dandruff


_____________ is one of the reasons for daily care of the body


(a) to look rough (b) to be attractive (c) to look dirty


_______ and ______ are materials for caring for clothes (a) salt and water


(b) water and soap (c) soap and sand (d) stone and hangers.


Examples of town in Nigeria is ____ (a) Ibadan (b) Oyo (c) Sokoto (d) Ikorodu


Section B: Answer all questions


State two traditional mouth cleaning material


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


b.) List three modern mouth cleaning materials


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


(c) ________________________________


Identify four rules for healthy living


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


Give two reasons why it is good to sleep and rest


(a) _________________________________________________________________________


(b) _________________________________________________________________________


State five types of clothing


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


(e) ________________________________


List five materials for caring for clothes


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


(e) ________________________________



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