Bible Knowledge Second Term Examination Questions Primary 3
CLASS: Primary 3
SUBJECT: Bible Knowledge
NAME: ……………………………………….
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:
- Jesus turned water to __________ in the marriage feast
(a) blood (b) wine (c) stone (d) paper - Jesus made a lame man walk near a pool of water called __________
(a) Jerusalem (b) Bethsaida (c) Jordan (d) Jericho - A good shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by __________
(a) shouting (b) name (c) abuse (d) sleeping - All those who believe in him are his __________
(a) goat (b) sheep (c) cow (d) lion - The bread of life represents the __________ of Jesus
(a) words (b) note (c) verses (d) calls - Jesus fed five thousand people with _____ loaves of bread and _____ fishes
(a) five and two fishes (b) six and seven fishes (c) three and ten fishes (d) two and three fishes - Christians are the salt of the earth, which means __________
(a) setting good examples for unbelievers to follow (b) stealing (c) disobeying (d) all of the above - As the salt of the earth, we are to behave like __________
(a) Jesus Christ (b) Satan (c) David (d) Moses - Jesus said Christians should shine as the __________ of the world
(a) darkness (b) light (c) stone (d) all of the above - As children of God, we must learn to bear our __________
(a) pains (b) happiness (c) sadness (d) joy - Stephen was stoned because he told the people the __________ about Jesus
(a) truth (b) lie (c) story (d) promise - Jesus said if we suffer for His sake, we should __________
(a) be sad (b) rejoice (c) fight (d) kill - Judas Iscariot betrayed __________
(a) Jesus Christ (b) Noah (c) Matthew (d) David - The place where Jesus was nailed is called __________
(a) Golgotha (b) Bethlehem (c) Jerusalem (d) all of the above - Jesus had __________ disciples
(a) six (b) twelve (c) two (d) seven - __________ said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”
(a) Noah (b) Jesus Christ (c) Abraham (d) Moses - The earthly father of Jesus was __________
(a) Abraham (b) Joseph (c) Moses (d) Noah - Jesus raised __________ from death after four days
(a) Lazarus (b) Moses (c) Abraham (d) David - __________ came to redeem mankind from sins
(a) Abraham (b) Jesus Christ (c) David (d) Jacob - __________ led the Israelites out of Egypt
(a) Moses (b) Jacob (c) Noah (d) Joseph - Jesus healed a man who was blind from __________
(a) birth (b) adulthood (c) childhood (d) youth - Jesus taught people to pray to __________
(a) God (b) Satan (c) idols (d) angels - __________ was the mother of Jesus
(a) Elizabeth (b) Mary (c) Martha (d) Sarah - Jesus was born in __________
(a) Nazareth (b) Bethlehem (c) Jerusalem (d) Egypt - Jesus taught that we should love our __________
(a) enemies (b) family only (c) neighbors only (d) none of the above - Jesus called himself the __________ of the world
(a) light (b) darkness (c) bread (d) stone - Jesus fasted for __________ days and nights
(a) ten (b) twelve (c) forty (d) twenty - Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a __________
(a) camel (b) horse (c) donkey (d) chariot - The __________ is a prayer taught by Jesus
(a) Psalm 23 (b) Lord’s Prayer (c) Hail Mary (d) Apostle’s Creed - Jesus promised the __________ to his disciples after he left
(a) angel (b) prophet (c) Holy Spirit (d) king
Evaluation Questions:
- Who is a good shepherd?
- List two qualities of a good shepherd
(a) _____________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________ - What do you understand by “the bread of life”?
- List two qualities of a Christian
(a) _____________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________ - Name two disciples of Jesus Christ
(a) _____________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________ - __________ was stoned to death because he told the people the truth.
- Explain what it means for Christians to be the “salt of the earth.”
- List two duties of a Christian
(a) _____________________________________________________
(b) _____________________________________________________ - __________ is known as the Son of God.
- __________ betrayed Jesus Christ.
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