

Jesus turned water to __________ in the marriage feast (a) blood (b) wine (c) stone (d) paper

Jesus made a lame man to walk near a pool of water called _______________


(a) Jerusalem (b) Bethsaida (c) Jordan (d) Jericho


A good shepherd knows his sheep and calls them by ___________ (a) shouting (b) name


(c) abuse (d) sleeping


All those who believe in him are his _____ (a) goat (b) sheep (c) cow (d) lion

The bread of life are the _____ of Jesus (a) words (b) note (c) verses (d) calls

Jesus fed five thousand people with _____ loaves of bread and _____ fishes


(a) five and two fishes (b) six and seven fishes (c) three and ten fishes (d) two and three fishes


Christians are the salt of the earth means _____ (a) setting good examples for unbelievers to follow (b) stealing and making life difficult for people (c) disobeying (d) all of the above

As salt of the earth, we are to behave like ____ (a) Jesus Christ (b) Satan (c) David (d) Moses

Jesus said Christians should shine as the _____ of the world for people to see


(a) darkness (b) light (c) stone (d) all of the above


As Children of God, we must learn how to bear our ___________

(a) pains (b) happiness (c) sad (d) all of the above

Stephen was stoned to death because he told the people ____ about Jesus.


(a) Truth (b) False (c) promise (d) prosper


Jesus said, if we suffer for His sake, we should _____ (a) sad (b) rejoice (c) fight (d) kill

Judas Iscariot betrayed _____ (a) Jesus Christ (b) Noah (c) Matthew (d) David

The place Jesus Christ was nailed was called _____________ (a) Golgotha (b) Bethlehem


(c) Jerusalem (d) All of the above


Jesus had ______ disciples (a) six (b) twelve (c) two (d) seven

___________ said father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing


(a) Noah (b) Jesus Christ (c) Abraham (d) Moses


The earthly father of Jesus Christ was _____


(a) Abraham (b) Joseph the carpenter (c) Moses (d) Noah


Jesus raised _____ from death after four days (a) Lazarus (b) Moses (c) Abraham (d) David

_____ came to redeem mankind from sins (a) Abraham (b) Jesus Christ (c) David (d) Jacob

_____ led the Israelites out of Egypt (a) Moses (b) Jacob (c) Noah (d) Joseph




Who is a good shepherd?



b.) List two qualities of a good shepherd


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


What do you understand by the bread of life?



b.) List two qualities of a Christian?


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


List two disciples of Jesus Christ


(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


b.) ___________________ was stoned to death simply because he told the people the truth.


What do you understand by Christian as the salt of the earth?



b.) List two duties of a Christian


(a) _________________________________________________________________________


(b) _________________________________________________________________________


___________________________________ is the son of God


b.) ________________________________ betrayed Jesus Christ.




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