Primary 1 Third Term Examinations Vocation




  1. __________ is a place where vehicle are repaired (a) office (b) school (c) mechanic workshop
  2. A tool is a device that make work easier (a) true (b) false (c) I don’t know
  3. ____________ is used for opening bottle crown (a) scissors (b) opener (c) rake
  4. _______________ is the person that cut hair (a) lawyer (b) fisherman (c) barber
  5. The person that plays piano is a ______________ (a) pianist (b) drummer (c) trumpeter
  6. The following are human voices instrument except _______ (a) harp (b) soprano (c) alto
  7. A potter work with _________________ (a) cloth (b) clay (c) vail
  8. A shop where toys are sold is called ______________ (a) farm (b) toyshop (c) bank
  9. The person that repairs vehicle is ________________ (a) mechanic (b) teacher (c) doctor
  10. ______________ is where a farmer works (a) school (b) farmland (c) office
  11. The following are farm tools except (a) cutlass (b) clipper (c) hoe
  12. Watering can is used for ______________ plan (a) harvesting (b) wetting (c) cutting
  13. How many types of trade do we have (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
  14. Farming provides food for all (a) true (b) false (c) none of the above
  15. The person that sells meat is ___________ (a) potter (b) copper (c) butcher
  16. Artisan can be grouped into _____________ (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3
  17. _____________ is someone who is involved in making things using their hands(a) artisan (b) lawyer (c) president
  18. The following are plumbing fitting except __________ (a) glass (b) pipes (c) water closet
  19. Sink is an example of _______________ (a) furniture (b) plumbing fitting (c) toy
  20. ________________ is where water is stored for a building (a) water tank (b) bus (c) lorry


Section B:

  1. We buy and sell in the __________________________________
  2. What is a bed used for? _______________________________________________________
  3. Mention two tools used in the hospital
    1. (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________
  4. ________________________________ is use to amend our clothes
  5. Mention two tools used by a mechanic
    1. (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________


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