Conversion of Saul

Part A: Answer all the questions
Saul was travelling to imprison believers (a) Damascus (b) Rome (c) Israel (d) Ghana

Saul was blind for ______ days (a) four (b) three (c) nine (d) eight

God told ________ to pray for Saul so that he might regain his sight
(a) Jacob (b) Ananias (c) Abraham (d) Michael

______ asked Saul why he was persecuting Him (a) James (b) John (c) Jesus (d) Jude

God can transform a person’s life when he or she believed in God
(a) True (b) False (c) undecided (d) impossible

_____ was the original name of Paul before his conversion
Maul (b) Saul (c) Peter (d) James

After the great flood, God made a new beginning with the family of ___
Abraham (b) Adam and Eve (c) Moses (d) Noah

The original stories of the bible existed in the form of ____
archaeological findings (b) oral traditions (c) internet (d) scrolls

“Be fruitful and multiply” means God’s given power to ____
live (b) buy fruits (c) procreate (d) sing

Jesus’ meeting with the adulterous woman teaches us to ____ all sinners
condemn (b) hate (c) blame (d) love and help

Saul arrested Christians and put them in ____ (a) prison (b) school (c) church (d) station

Saul belonged to a religious group who felt that they were ____ than others
smarter (b) richer (c) holier (d) worse

The home town of Paul was ____ (a) Tarsus (b) Antioch (c) Macedonia (d) Lystra

Christian religion teaches man how best to maintain his ____with God
aggression (b) relationship (c) annoyance (d) hatred

The resultant effect of the sin of our first parents with regards to man’s relationship with God is ___ (a) death (b) disobedience (c) nakedness (d) selfishness

Scientific inventions and explorations by man show that man shares in God’s ____
supremacy (b) sovereignty (c) creativity (d) almightiness

“Christ is the head of my family, the unseen guest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation” This statement manifests God’s ___
immortality (b) invisibility (c) omnipotence (d) omnipresence

Which of the following is not a base for the following relationship between man and God ____ (a) forgiveness (b) ingratitude (c) kindness (d) love

____ created heaven and earth (a) God (b) man (c) devil (d) technology

The first woman to be created was ____ (a) Hannah (b) Eve (c) Sarah (d) Ruth

God created ____ on the fourth day
moon and sun (b) sea and dry land (c) man (d) animals

God ____ on the seventh day (a) worked (b) rested (c) prayed (d) played

In the beginning God created ____
man and woman (b) ocean and sea (c) sand and water (d) heaven and earth

The three boys were thrown into the ____ of fire when they refused to worship a graven image (a) furnace (b) finance (c) fish (d) force

_____ was a prophetess and a judge in Israel (a) Deborah (b) Mary (c) Lydia (d) Elizabeth

The Holy Spirit rested on the disciples like ______ of fire
teeth (b) mouth (c) touch (d) tongue

Abraham laughed when God told him that his wife Sarah would give birth to a son because____ (a) he did not believe Sarah (b) there was no hope (c) God does not keep his promise (d) the joke was funny

_____ means restoring broken relationship
reconciliation (b) restitution (c) restoration (d) revival

_____ means doing good to others (a) kindness (b) respect (c) obedience (d) honesty

Every _____ is sin (a) gifts (b) disobedience (c) desire (d) pride

Part B: Theory
Narrate the events that surrounded Paul’s life, parentage education and anti-Christian activities
Mention two importance of Paul’s conversion
What is goal setting
b.) List three steps to take to achieve your goals
Define temptation
b.) Mention four ways by which one may be tempted
What is decision-making
b.) List four examples of decision that we can make

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