Tag: Primary 5


NAME:                                                                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 5                         SUBJECT: Social Studies OBJECTIVES List three other members of your family ___________                       ii.         __________              iii.  _____________ Which of these is not an obligation of other members of the family? (a) correcting misbehaviours       (b) teaching culturing          (c) causing trouble A child of one’s uncle or aunt is one ____________ (a) nephew     (b)


NAME:                                                                                     CLASS: PRIMARY 5                           SUBJECT: English Studies OBJECTIVES COMPREHENSION PASSAGE Mr. A: Hello, good morning, can I meet you? Mr. B: Hi, i’m Daniel, calling from Abuja. Mr. A: How can I help you Daniel? Mr. B: Are you Remi, please? Mr. A: No, I’m not. I’m Gboye Mr. B: Ok, Gboye, please


NAME:                                                                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 5                         SUBJECT: Mathematics OBJECTIVES Write the following numbers in words 16384_____________ 235684_____________ 500285_____________ A million has ____________ digits Six-Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven = __________________  Ten Million, Six Hundred and Thirteen Thousand and One = __________________ Fill in the gaps 6,000,   __________,  _________,  __________,  10,000 1460000, 2460000,  __________, _________,  _________

Primary 5 Social Studies First Term Lesson Notes

  Edu Delight Tutors Online Training Scheme Notes and Other Resources  Primary 5 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme   Primary 5 Social Studies First Term     Primary 5 Social Studies First Term  Primary 5 Social Studies First Term WEEK 1 – Other people in the Family   Primary 5 Social

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 French

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: FRENCH CLASS: PRIMARY 5 Composition du 3eme Trimetre SECTION 1: Choisis la bonne réponse 1) Rainy season (a)la pluie (b)l’eau (c)la saison des pluies 2) Dry season (a)la saison seche (b)chaud (c)chaleur 3) Rain (a)la tasse (b)la pluie (c)la nuit 4) I am happy (a)Je suis contente (b)Je suis méchant (c)Je suis

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Yoruba

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: YORUBA                                          CLASS: KILAASI  KARUN-UN Dahun  gbogbo  awon  ibeere  wonyi Aroko  alariyanjiyan  maa  n da  lori ______ (a)  ise  sise  (b)  iyan  jija  (d)  ija  jija Apeere  oro  oruko  alaiseeka  ni____(a)  iyo  (b) 

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Yoruba

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: YORUBA                                          CLASS: KILAASI  KERIN Dahun  gbogbo  awon  ibeere  wonyi Oriki  orile  yato  si  oriki  ilu (a)  beeko  (b)  beeni  (d)  n ko  mo Kini ogota  ni nomba  (a)  50  (b)  70  

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Agricultural Science

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE                          CLASS: PRIMARY 5  1) _____       cause damage to crops (a)fishes   (b)bed bugs  (c)pests  2)    Pests can either be     _____    pests or         pest (a)paper /carton (b)rice/beans (c)field/storage  3)    _____       are examples of field pest (a)birds  (b)mango (c)mosquito 

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Basic Science

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 5  1)     _________           is an example of a naturally occurring material (a)wood (b)Organisms (c)science  2)         _________            can be made from woods. (a)Cat  (b)baby  (c)shelves  3)         _________           and   

Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Social Studies

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 5  Instruction : Answer the following questions by choosing the right option from the given alternatives. Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions. Don’t be involved in it. 1)    The building where people live is
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