Tag: Motivation

Getting Parents More Involved

  Getting more Involved _Love your parents…._ You see people don’t leave organisation but they leave people. Humans are versatile and likewise is our relation with each others. When parents are not well treated or respected, they tend to complain and complain the more. When appropriate answers or solutions are not given to these complains,

A Doctor Discussion With One Of His Patients

A Doctor Discussion With One of his patients…..Animated Video Production from one of the Students of Animation Master Class 1.0   Animation Master Class 1.0     Animation Master Class 1.0 video       Animation images      


WHY STAFF ARE NOT UNITED. THE IMPLICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS An important cause of stagnation in schools is division… When there is division in a school the school CAN NEVER grow… I am not mincing words, teachers having factions, management staff against teaching staff A school owner important work is to stop divisions among staff no

Why Parents Leave Schools

Why parents leave schools…  Parents leave schools because of close substitutes at cheaper fees. Please a close substitute is not another school close by. A close substitute is a school that offers your kind of value but charge lower fees A proprietor once asked me what to do when schools around keep taking his parents…

What to avoid when educating your child

What to avoid when educating your child: Avoid giving your child everything he asks. He’ll grow up thinking he has the right to get everything he wants. Avoid laughing when your child pronounces insulting words. He’ll grow up thinking that disrespect is entertainment. Avoid being insensitive to bad behavior that he can display without scolding

The Many Troubles of Running a School

The Many Troubles of Running a School: Running a school is a challenging job, especially when it involves educating children. The school owner’s primary duty is to provide care, supervision, and attention to students while delivering educational services. The school owner faces various difficulties and troubles in their role. When the school owner gets sick

Civil Ways To Communicate

CIVIL WAYS TO COMMUNICATE (Pragmatics)1. Instead of saying you are lying say THIS IS NOT TRUE 2. Instead of saying this post is fake say ARE YOU SURE OF THIS? 3. Instead of saying you are wrong say THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE 4. Instead of saying you will be punished say THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO THIS

Online Useful Resources

Dear All, If you are In need of any book(.pdf) relating to any subject/field or topic? Go to your browser and type: www.pdfdrive.net You will get access to millions of  books you need, for free. Unlimited downloads. You may browse by title or author, etc. Currently 274376478 books are available for free and every minute,

The Main Elements Of An Ebook

The main elements of an eBook So you’ve got the main content figured out. Here are the main elements of an eBook that you shoulder never fail to include. 1. Disclaimer and Copyright Page Even though you may think you know what you’re writing about, some people may interpret what you say differently, or you
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Use the search box to search for any topics or subjects that you want