1ST TERM EXAMINATION BASIC 9 MATHEMATIC JSS 3 CLASS: JSS 3. SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS.TIME: 1 HOUR. INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions. The number of minutes in 2 ½ hours is _________(a) 90 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d)65 Which one of the following is not equivalent to ½? (a) 9/18 (b) 11/22 (c) 15/30 (d) 24/42 How
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 9 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Data presentation (Revision) Range of a set of values that was taught in their previous lesson Topic:Measures of central tendencies Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 8 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of TRIGONOMETRY that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Explain Data presentation (Revision) Explain Range of a set of values
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 6 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of EQUATIONS WITH FRACTIONS that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: TRIGONOMETRY Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to solve questions on right angle triangle (Revision) Explain the
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 5 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of FACTORIZATION: FACTORIZING EXPRESSION WITH A COMMON FACTOR BRACKET AND BY GROUPING that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: EQUATIONS WITH FRACTIONS Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of COMPOUND INTEREST, PROFIT AND LOSS, AND SIMPLE INTEREST that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: FACTORIZATION Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Factorize algebraic expressions Factorize
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 3 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of The Theory of Numbers that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: COMPOUND INTEREST Behavioural Objectives: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Explain the concept of Profit and loss
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 2 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of CONVERTING FROM BASE TWO TO ANOTHER BASE (BINARY NUMBERS) that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: The Theory of Numbers Types of numbers Rational and non-rational numbers; the concept of Pi; Recurring and
Subject: MATHEMATICS Term: First Term Week: Week 1 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of BINARY OPERATIONS that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Number Bases: (a) Conversion from base ten to other bases. (b) Conversion from other bases to base ten. (c) Conversion from one base to
ENGLISH STUDIES FIRST TERM JSS 3 WEEKLY LESSON NOTES FIRST TERM E- LEARNING NOTE CLASS: JSS3 (BASIC 9) SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Speech Work–Long and Short Vowel Contrasts /i: – i/; /a: – æ/ and /ɔ: – ɒ/. (NOSEC, page 1)Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour