Subject : HISTORY TERM THIRD TERM CLASS JSS 1 / Basic 7 Topic : ADVANTAGES OF CENTRALIZED STATES; Sub Topics : MAJOR CENTRALIZED STATES IN PRE-COLONIAL NIGERIA Class : JSS 1 / Basic 7 Term : Third Term Week : Week 2 Instructional Materials : Map of Nigeria Pictures that are
Subject : HISTORY TERM THIRD TERM CLASS JSS 1 / Basic 7 Topic : Meaning of centralized states. Sub Topics : MAJOR CENTRALIZED STATES IN PRE-COLONIAL NIGERIA Class : JSS 1 / Basic 7 Term : Third Term Week : Week 1 Instructional Materials : Map of Nigeria Pictures that are
JSS 1 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWERS 1. I am in Jss 1 is _________in French (a) me suis en deuxieme classe (b) je suis en premiere classe. 2. My name is bola. (a) je m’appelle bola (b) elle s’appelle bola 3. I live at ikotun. (a) j’habite à ikotun (b) j’habite sur
THIRD TERM: E – LEARNING NOTES JSS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: MUSIC SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of Last term’s work. Music Notation: Definition of Music Notation. Kinds of Music Notation. Musical Notes and their Values. Definition of Musical Notes. Types of Musical Notes. Musical Notes with stems.
THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JSS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: IGBO LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Mmeghari ihe ndi a muru na taam gara aga 2-3. Onuogugu site n’otu,ruo otu nde:onuogu site n’otu ruo otu nde,Ntinye onuogu n’ahiriokwu,odide onuogu. Nzisaozi: (1) Uzo nzisa ozi:(i) keodinala di ka; okwuonu,ekwe,egbe dgz (ii)keugbua di ka;ekwenti,redio,tiivii,nuzpepa,komputa dgz (2)
THIRD TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES (JS 1 BASIC 7) SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS SCHEME OF WORK: WEEK TOPIC Revision of work done in second term. Care of family house: (a)Reasons for care of the family (b)Equipment, tools and materials for the care of family house. (c)Types of care : daily, weekly and seasonal care. (d)
THIRD TERM E- LEARNING NOTES JS 1(BASIC 7) HAUSA LANGUAGE SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Kayayyakin amfani a gida Ire-iren kayayyakin da ake amfani dasu a gida Kayayyakin amfani na cikin daki Kayayyakin anfani na tsakar gida Kayayyakin amfani na yin girki Ma’anar furuci.
NAME……………………………….CLASS………………………… THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTES JS 1 (BASIC 7) SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of Second Term Work 2&3 Basic Computer concepts. (a) Definition a computer (b) Description of a computer as Input – process – output (IPO) system (c) Parts of a computer system e.g. system unit, monitor,
THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: STUDIES CLASS: JSS1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Revision of Last Term’s Work. Negotiation 1 Meaning Situations That May Need Negotiation Steps in Successful Negotiation Negotiation II Factors that Influence Negotiation Negotiation and Refusal Skills Techniques Advantages of Negotiation Negotiating Safer Sexual Behaviour STIs/HIV/AIDS Meaning Causes
THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION CLASS: JSS 1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Recreation, Leisure and Dance Activities Importance of Food Athletics (Field Events) Discus and Shot put Basic Skills in Shot put and Discus Practical Demonstration of Skills in Shot put and Discus 6 & 7