First Term

Marking Guide First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies

Marking Guide   First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies     [mediator_tech)           1.) A person who operates the computer is known as ___________ (b) humanware 2.) Which of the following is a system software (a) windows 7 3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________ (a) application software

Culture : Meaning, Types and Some people have their special dances, music, and clothes. Others have their own food they love to eat Social Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 1 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Culture: Meaning, Types, and Special Aspects Sub-topic: Some people have their special dances, music, and clothes. Others have their own food they love to eat. Duration: 40 minutes Instructional Materials: Pictures of cultural dances, music instruments, traditional clothing, and food. Flashcards with simple words and images. Whiteboard and

Good Values That Build A Nation Like Honesty, Patriotism, Tolerance, Cooperation, and Self Reliance Civic Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 1 Subject: Civic Education Topic: Good Values That Build A Nation: Honesty, Patriotism, Tolerance, Cooperation, and Self-Reliance Sub-topic: Understanding Good Values Duration: 40 minutes Instructional Materials: Flashcards with images and words for each value Pictures representing different values Whiteboard and markers Stickers for rewards Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of values

Se Présenter et Présenter Quelqu’un (Introducing Yourself and Someone) French Language Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Se Présenter et Présenter Quelqu’un (Introducing Yourself and Someone) Subject: French Language Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Learn how to introduce yourself in French. Understand how to introduce someone else. Practice using the verb “aimer” (to like) with nouns. Master the use of personal pronouns “Il”

Roles played by Family members like providing useful advice, Unhealthy Marriage practices (consequences) Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Title: Roles Played by Family Members and Unhealthy Marriage Practices Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: Roles of Family Members and Consequences of Unhealthy Marriage Practices Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Understand the roles played by each family member in a household. Recognize the importance of providing useful advice