Marking Guide First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies [mediator_tech) 1.) A person who operates the computer is known as ___________ (b) humanware 2.) Which of the following is a system software (a) windows 7 3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________ (a) application software
Class: Primary 1 Subject: Christian Religious Studies Topic: The visit of the three wise men, list the gifts presented to Jesus and explain the significance of the gifts. Sub-topic: The Gifts to Baby Jesus Duration: 45 minutes Instructional Materials: Bible stories book, pictures of the wise men, pictures of the gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh), whiteboard,
Class: Primary 1 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Culture: Meaning, Types, and Special Aspects Sub-topic: Some people have their special dances, music, and clothes. Others have their own food they love to eat. Duration: 40 minutes Instructional Materials: Pictures of cultural dances, music instruments, traditional clothing, and food. Flashcards with simple words and images. Whiteboard and
Class: Primary 1 Subject: Civic Education Topic: Good Values That Build A Nation: Honesty, Patriotism, Tolerance, Cooperation, and Self-Reliance Sub-topic: Understanding Good Values Duration: 40 minutes Instructional Materials: Flashcards with images and words for each value Pictures representing different values Whiteboard and markers Stickers for rewards Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of values
Class: Primary 1 Subject: Physical and Health Education Topic: Athletics, Short Distance Races, and Health Benefits Sub-topic: Understanding Athletics and Short Distance Races Time: 45 minutes Duration: One class period Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Define what Athletics means. Explain what short distance races are in athletics.
Lesson Plan Presentation Grade: Primary 6 Subject: Christian Religious Studies Topic: The Story of the Israelites Crossing the Red Sea Week: 5 Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Recall the key events of the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Identify and discuss
Subject: English Grammar Topic: A Miraculous Motor Accident Duration: 1 hour Term: Second Term Previous Lesson: Verb Forms and Tenses Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Understand the story of the miraculous motor accident. Identify the key details in the passage. Apply their comprehension skills to answer questions
verb in relation to time; apply the various verb forms previously learnt appropriately in sentences. identify the various verb forms use in each sentence. Subject: English Grammar Topic: Reviewed Verb Forms Duration: 1 hour Term: First Term Previous Lesson: Introduction to Verb Forms Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be
Title: Se Présenter et Présenter Quelqu’un (Introducing Yourself and Someone) Subject: French Language Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Learn how to introduce yourself in French. Understand how to introduce someone else. Practice using the verb “aimer” (to like) with nouns. Master the use of personal pronouns “Il”
Title: Roles Played by Family Members and Unhealthy Marriage Practices Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 5 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: Roles of Family Members and Consequences of Unhealthy Marriage Practices Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: Understand the roles played by each family member in a household. Recognize the importance of providing useful advice