CIVIC 1. Laws made by military government are called a. A. constitution B. decrees C. bye-laws 2. Laws made by local government in Nigeria are called a. A. constitution B. decrees C. bye laws 3. 3. The head of the executive in Nigeria is the a. A. President B. Vice President C. Senate President 4.
SECTION A The act of choosing a leader by voting is called (a) franchise (b) appointment (c) election _________ is a document that contains the name and details of people who are qualified to vote during election? (a) ballot paper (b) ballot box (c) voters register which of these forms of government best promote
CLASS: S.S.1 SUBJECT: Civic Education INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct answer. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Democracy can promote national development if there is: a. Good governance b. Promotion of culture c. Immunity for leaders d. Registration of parties Cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria was originally introduced to: a. Perpetuate the use of local gin and alcohol b.
S S 2 CIVIC EDUCATION 1. ________is a body of rules and regulations through which a society is governed to maintain peace and order. (a) programme (b) virtue (c) integrity (d) law 2. There are _______forms of democracy (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2 3. ____________is a system where citizens choose their representative
Edu Delight Tutors Tapa Street off Freeman Street FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC FOUR SUBJECT: MORAL INSTRUCTION TIME: 1 HOUR Instructions for Teachers and Students Teachers: Ensure all students follow the rules during the examination. Supervise closely to prevent any form of cheating. Students: Read each question carefully before answering. No talking or copying from
Edu Delight Tutors Subject: Civic Education Class: SSS 1 Term: First Term Week: Week 2 Previous Lesson: Revision on Previous Lesson Topic: Our Values Behavioral Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify things we cherish, honor, respect, and value as a nation. Define what values are. Mention different types
SUBJECT: Civic Education Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: GRADE 6 SECTION A 1. A _______ is an individual who has the legal right to live permanently in a particular country, enjoying the full right (a) Nigeria (b) citizen (c) president (d) senator 2. Foreigners acquire or obtain the citizenship of a particular country by the process
Edu Delight Tutors LAGOS 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 5 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Section A The following are types of national honours awards except a. NNPC b. GCFR c. GCON The following are reasons for national honors award except __________ a. hardwork b. fraudulent c. patriotism __________ is the worth, importance or usefulness of something
Edu Delight Tutors Primary 3 Examinations First Term All Subjects First Term 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS 0.12 + 3.45 = (a) 2.57 (b) 0.57 (c) 3.57 (d) 3.33 0.92 – 0.51 = (a) 0.41 (b) 0.14 (c) 11.43 (d) 1.35 What is the Square of 5? (a) 10 (b) 5 (c)
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: PRIMARY 3 Underline the correct answers 1. The need for constituted authority is to ____law and order (a) fight (b) bell (c) maintain 2. Drug education involves teaching people on the ____(a) way of making drugs (b) proper use of drugs (c) cooking and selling of drugs 3.