
    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : Matter Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation     Previous Knowledge : The pupils

Description of eclipse, climate and seasons.

    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : Description of eclipse, climate and seasons. Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 5   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation    

The earth in space.

    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : The earth in space. Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 4   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation     Previous Knowledge

Drug Abuse/Addiction/Misuse and Sources of Drugs

    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : Drug Abuse/Addiction/misuse and sources of drugs Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 3   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation    

Prevention of STI’s, HIV\AIDS.

    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : Prevention of STI’s, HIV\AIDS. Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 2   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation     Previous Knowledge

Disease Prevention Through Availability Of Clean Water

    Subject : BASIC SCIENCE Topic : Disease Prevention Through Availability Of Clean Water Class : JSS 1 (BASIC 7)   Term : SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTES   Week : Week 1   Instructional Materials  Wall charts Pictures Online Resource Textbooks Methods of Teaching  Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation  

Agriculture and Health

  SECOND TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES   JS3 (BASIC 9)   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Subject : Agricultural Science Class : Basic 9 JSS 3 Term : Second Term     WEEK 10 TOPIC: AGRICULTURE AND HEALTH CONTENT: Effects of HIV/AIDS and Malaria in Agricultural production. HIV/AIDS and Malaria These are two major diseases that are

Current Issues in African Agriculture

  SECOND TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES   JS3 (BASIC 9)   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Subject : Agricultural Science Class : Basic 9 JSS 3 Term : Second Term WEEK 9 Date:…………………………………….. TOPIC: CURRENT ISSUES IN AFRICAN AGRICULTURE CONTENTS: 1. Food crisis in Africa; Hunger and poverty in Africa; Meeting the challenges of African food crisis:


SECOND TERM EXAM BASIC 2 SOCIAL STUDIES Underline the correct answer (1). The _________________ is the man on his wedding day (a)Husband (b) Wife (c)Groom (2), Which of these is not a type of family? (a) Nuclear family (b) Orphaned Family (c)Extend Family (3) Drugs comes in different forms Yes / No (4) ___________ is


LAGOS EDU DELIGHT TUTORS SECOND TERM EXAM BASIC 2 CIVIC EDUCATION Underline the correct answer   (1) ______________________ are benefits a citizen derives from his / her country (a) Right (b) Duties (c)Patriotism (2) _________________ are obligations a citizen owns his / her country (a) Right (b) Duties (c) Nationalism (3) Which is not a
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