
Agricultural Science



SS 2



THIRD Term / 3RD Term



Week 12



Third Term Agricultural Science Examination SS 2


Part A 


  1. A cowpea growing in a maize plot is a ________ A. plant B. weed C. crop D. animal
  2. Seed of centro, calapo are usually dispersed by _____ A. wind B. water C. explosive mechanism D. animals
  3. Which of the following is not a cultural weed control methods A. flooding B. burning (C) . mulching D. hoeing
  4. Which of the following is not a physical method of weed control? A. hand pulling (B) . mulching C. hoeing D. slashing
  5. Weeds have a _____ lifecycle A. long B. medium C. short D. average
  6. The unit of inheritance is ______ A. chromosomes B. eggs C. genes D. gamates
  7. __ are thread like bodies found in the nucleus of a cell A. chromosomes B. eggs C. genes(Dl. gamates
  8. The fusion of male and female gamate result in ____ A. embryo B. genes C. gamates (D) . zygote
  9. An individual with pair of identical genes for the same character is called ____ individual. A. homozygous B. heterozygous C. gamates D. zygote
  10. The character which express itself in the presence of the other is said to be ____A. dominant B. recessive C. sexual D. asexual
  11. The higher the price, the ____ the quantity demanded A. higher B. lower C. up D. down
  12. Increase in population will lead to _____ demand A. high B. low C. medium D. long
  13. The real cost of an item is the ____ A. cost of forgone alternative B. amount spent to acquire the item C. cost of substitute item D. money cost of the item
  14. Short run in production refers to ____ A. a period in which there is at least one fixed factor of production B. a period in which there is at least one variable factor of production C. a period in which there is no fixed factor of production D. a period in which there is variable factor of production
  15. An example of variable input in poultry production is? A. Land B. Feed C. Fertilizer or manure D. Incubator
  16. In profit and loss account, opening valuation is put on the _____ A. credit side B. debit side C. and side D. all sides
  17. Ability of farm to meet its financial commitment as the falls due is _____ A. solvency B. liquidity C. depreciation D. appreciation
  18. The amount at which an asset is sold off when the cost maintaining it is high is called ____ A. useful life B. lifespan C. salvage value D. asset
  19. Day to day activities on the farm are recorded in _____ A. register B. diary C. payroll D. inventory
  20. Farm assets are recorded in _____ A. diary B. register C. inventory D. labour
  21. ____ is essential for bone formation A. iron B. calcium C. carbon D. lodine
  22. Night blindness is as a result of lack of vitamin ____ A. A  B. B C. C D. D 
  23. Ricket is as a result of deficiency of vitamin ____ A. A  B. B C. C D. D
  24. Which of these is a micronutrient A. calcium B. manganese C. magnesium D. sulphur
  25. Goitre is as a result of deficiency of ____ A. iron B. cobalt C. copper D. lodine







  1. What are weeds
  2. Describe four methods of weed control
  3. List four benefits of weeds to farmers
  4. State four reasons why weeds are difficult to control
  5. State the Mendelian laws
  6. What is crop improvement
  7. List three aims of crop improvement
  8. State two advantages of breeding
  9. State two methods of improving crop productivity
  10. Using the table below, make an input-output graph and describe the relationship between fertilizer used and maize yield.


Quantity of fertilizer (bags) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Maize yield (Kg) 8 24 48 80 120 150 170 180 180 170




Paper 2


   THIRD TERM       

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.   



  1. Which of the following statements is not a reason for providing tractor-hiring services to farmers? To (a) encourage farm mechanization (b) increase the area of land to be cultivated (c) increase the cost of production (d) boost food production
  2. The land tenure system which involves the outright purchase of land is (a) leasehold (b) communal (c) freehold (d) inheritance
  3. Which of the following devices is not a tractor – coupled implement? (a) plough (b) Sheller (c) ridger (d) harrow
  4. Which of the following statements is not true of electrical power? it (a) can be generated from solar energy (b) is the cleanest source of farm power (c) can perform farm work on its own (d) is capital intensive
  5. The survey equipment used for measuring angular distance is (a) offset staff (b) measuring tape (c) ranging pole (d) prismatic compass
  6. which of the following is an example of igneous rock (a) basalt (b) dolomite (c) limestone (d) Marble
  7. The chemical composition of soil is mostly influenced by (a) climate (b) time (c) topography (d) Parent material
  8. Which of the following practices does not replenish lost soil nutrients? (a) crop rotation (b) fallowing (c) liming (d) bush burning
  9. The use of inorganic fertilizer is preferable to organic manure because inorganic fertilizer (a) improves soil structure (b) releases nutrients to the soil  faster (c) reduces leaching of soil nutrients (d) improves soil water holding capacity.
  10. Which of the following statements describe an advantage of underground drainage? it (a)  allows for free movement of farm machinery (b) checks the growth of weeds (c) improves soil texture (d) increases organic matter content of soil
  11. Which of the following crops is usually classified as a vegetable? (a) Lycopersicon esculentum (b) Ananas sativa (c) Hevea Brasiliensis (d) Theobroma Cacao.
  12. A groundnut variety produces a steady seed yield of 350kg per hectare. What will be the yield of the variety on a 10-hectare farm? (a) 35kg (b) 350kg (c) 3.500kg (d) 7.000kg 
  13. Which of the following plants is not a pasture grass? (a) Pennisetum purpureum (b) Axonopus compressus (c) stylosanthes gracilis (d) Panicum maximum. 
  14. One advantage of cross breeding is that the (a) offspring resemble the recessive parent (b) yield of the offspring may not be comparable to those of the parents (c) offspring perform better that the average of the parents (d) offspring cannot survive adverse environmental conditions.
  15. Ornamental plants are commonly used for the following purposes except (a) for exterior decorations (b) as sources of perfumes (c) provision of shade (d) as bedding materials for animals
  16. Hibiscus and croton are example of (a) ground covers (b) hedge plants (c) lawn plants (d) avenue trees.
  17. A disadvantage of vegetative propagation is the (a) plants are true to type (b) fruits are small in size (c) plants take a long time to mature (d) diseases are easily transferred to offspring
  18. An effective method of preventing viral diseases in crops by (a) treating the seeds with fungicides (b) practicing crop rotation (c) regular spraying of crops (d) planting resistant varieties
  19. A groundnut plant showing stunted growth with yellow or mottled leaves is likely to be infected with (a) blight (b) tikka (c) rosette (d) anthracnose
  20. A cultural method used in controlling chewing illustrated is insect pest is (a) spraying with insecticides (b) hand pulling of weeds (c) fumigation of store (d) early planting
  21. Vitamin K is deficiency in farm animals causes (a) night blindness (b) sterility in both sexes (c) delayed blood clothing (d) delayed ovulation
  22. Complete eradication of tsetse flies will be an effective control measures for (a) aspergillosis (b) trypanosomiasis (c) fowl pox (d) swine fever.
  23. Which of the following farm documents is usually prepared at the end of the year? (a) farm budget (b) labour record (c) farm inventory (d) profit and loss account
  24. Which of the following equipment is a farm implement (a) dryer (b) sheller (c) mower (d) mistblower
  25. A periodic maintenance activity carried out on the farm tractor is (a) checking for radiator water (b) checking of tyre pressure (c) changing of engine oil (d) cleaning after use
  26. Farm mechanization does not (a) involve the use of motorized equipment (b) require much capital (c) promote employment (d) involve the use of heavy equipment
  27. Farm surveying equipment include the following except (a) Abney level (b) compass (c) gunter’s chain (d)spade
  28. Organisms which may be beneficial to crops include (a) nematodes (b) bacteria (c) viruses (d) protozoa
  29. Soil profile is important in agriculture because it (a) determine the soil catena (b) determines the type of land tenure system (c) given indication of the type of crops to grow (d) promotes the weathering of rocks
  30. A soil sample with a PH of 4.5 is said to be (a) acidic (b) alkaline (c) natural (d) fertile.
  31. If a farmer continuity applies sulphate of ammonia to his farmland for many years. The resultant soil solution is most likely to (a) leave blue litmus paper unchanged (b) change blue litmus paper to red (c) change red litmus paper to blue (d) be rick in soil microbes
  32. Application of water to the subsoil through perforated pipes is known as (a) flooding irrigation (b) subsurface irrigation (c) sprinkler irrigation (d) overhead irrigation
  33. Tobacco belongs to the group of crops called (a) fibres (b) beverages (c) stimulants (d) cereals
  34. The Following crops require shade trees at the seedling stage except (a) Theobroma cacao (b) coffea spp (c) elaeis guimeensis (d)  Oryza Satina
  35. Crops which are primarily grown to provide food for farm animals are (a) legumes (b) weeds (c) forages (d) grasses
  36. Crop selection is advantages because (a) seeds are collected from stands with desirable traits (b) expertise is required in carrying out process (c) the breeder’s patience is being tasked (d) the process is time consuming
  37. A fungus known as phytophthora Palmivora is responsible for (a) panama disease of banana (b) blackarm disease of Kola (c) blackpod disease of Cocoa (d) Blossom-end rot of tomato.
  38. Viral Diseases of crops can best be controlled through (a) vector control (b) planting resistant varieties (c) spraying insecticide (d) sterilizing farm equipment
  39. Piercing and sucking insect pests possess (a) maxillae (b) mandibles (c) labrums (d) proboscis
  40. The digestive function of the rumen is ruminant nutrition is enhanced by the (a) absorption of water (b) presence of micro – organisms (c) absorption of food nutrients (d) retention of unwanted fireigo materials
  41. Grasses are important in pastures because they (a) make seeding and reseeding unnecessary (b) improve the quality of pastures (c) add nitrogen to the soil (d) check the growth of pasture weeds
  42. Which of the following combinations of grass and legume is most common in cultivated pasture? (a) giant star grass and centrosema (b) spear grass and mucuna (c) gamba grass and stylosanthes (d) guinea grass and soya bean
  43. Which of the following organisms causes maize smut? (a) ustilago zea (b) piricularia spp (c) puccinia polysora (d) phytophthora palmivora
  44. Bacterial leaf blight of cassava is mainly transmitted by (a) insects and through the soil (b) rain splash and infected planting material (c) insects and the wind (d) rodents and insects
  45. Aphids are (a) biting and sucking insects (b) boring insects (c) piercing and sucking insects (d) biting and chewing insects
  46. A weeds which possesses hooks that aid its dispersal is (a) boerhavia diffusa (b) ageratum conizoides (c) acanthospernum hispidum (d) euphorbia hirta
  47. Which of the following plants is not generally regarded as a weed in agriculture? (a) euphorbia heterophylla (b) amaranthus spinosus (c) ageratum conyzoides (d) hibiscus esculentus
  48. Weeds which produces seeds covered with sticky materials would most likely be dispersed by (a) wind (b) water (c) insect (d) animal
  49. The plant breeder who produces a plant variety that is tolerant to extreme conditions of heat and cold is aiming at (a) adaptation of the variety to adverse climatic conditions (b) enhancing the resistance of the variety to diseases and pests (c) meeting the needs of the consumers (d) early maturity of the plant
  50. The atmospheric conditions that will cause the greatest increase in water make by farm animals is (a) low temperature and high relative humidity (b) high temperature and low relative humidity (c) low temperature and low atmospheric pressure (d) low temperature and low relative humidity.



  1. List five grasses and five legumes and their botanical names
  1. State five economic importance of grass. C. What is Crop improvement.
  1. State three methods of crop improvement.
  1. Explain each method state in 2a  c.State the Law of Demand
  1. Enumerate five applications of Demand and supply on Agricultural Production.
  1. What is Demand?         c.   State five factors affecting Demand
  1. State five farm record and their function.
  1. Prepare a profit and loss account for a farm from the following information. Maize seeds for planting    25,000.00

Fertilizer Used         14,800.00

Pesticides             20,000.00

Purchase of see yam     50,000.00

Tractor Hire             60,000.00

Tractor Cost             10,000.00

Worker’s Wages         40,000.00

Sale of Maize         250,000.00

Yam tuber sold         200,000.00

Opening valuation         440,000.00

Closing Valuation         200,000.00

  1. Explain the following terms.
  1. appreciation     (ii) depreciation  (iii) salvage value
  1. Explain the following: (i) hay   (ii) straw   (iii) soiplage (iv) protein concentrate (v) basal/energy feed





Agricultural Science SS 1 Third Term Examination