[1] Branding of a product has three main purposes, the most important is……….. [a]product identification [b] repeat sales [c] new products sale [d]legal identification
[2] Merchandise means the following except [a] goods bought and sold [b] trading of goods [c] buying and selling of goods [d] hoarding of goods
[3] The task of a merchandiser is to present a product in a way that best captures customers [YES\NO]
[4] Which of the following is an importance of packaging [a] sales [b] pricing [c] attraction [d] research
[5] Which of the following is not an importance of packaging [a] differentiation [b] information transmission [c] marketing [d] image quality
[6] Which of the following is not a popular brand [a] Nike [b] DVD [c] Coca-cola [d] Adidas
[7] A label is a carrier of information about the product. TRUE/ FALSE
[8] Which of the following is a quality of Merchandiser [a] loyalty [b] sales [c] franchise [d] price- off
[9] A situation when a product is being distributed by only one distributor is called [a] intensive [b] extensive [c] selective [d] exclusive distribution
[10] ………………. Factors are the most popular bases for segmenting [] demographic [b] psychology [c] geographic [d] behavioral
[11] …………… what is the best way to transport bulk products [a] air [b] road [c] rail [d] pipeline
[12] …………….in transporting gases, liquid and the fuel the best method is through. [a] pipeline [b] Aeroplane [c] Canoe [d] Train
[13] Any form of transportation by water that is carried out within a country is called [a] sea [b] internal [c] inland [d] ocean transport
[14] The fastest means transportation is by [a] sea [b] land [c] air [d] pipeline
[15] Which of the following factors is not affecting the choice of transportation [a] cost [b] nature of goods [c] geographical condition [d] availability
[16] Another name for consignment is [a] delivery [b] goods [c] storage [d]franchise
[17] The most important export document is called……. [a] consignment [b] airways bills [c] bill of lading [d] packing list
[18] Which of the following two documents are normally combined [a] packing list and weighing note [b] Packing list and consignment note [c] packing list and airways bills [d] waybills and certificate of insurance
[19] Air transport is divided into two main groups [a] cargo and consignment [b] goods and services [c] passenger and cargo [d] cargo and goods
[20] Fright is the amount charged for the delivery of goods [YES\FALSE]
[21] Transportation by land is divided into [a] road and rail [b] road and sea [c] rail and pipeline [d] road and ship
[22] One of the features of a merchandiser is that he or she interacts with the buyer and seller. [YES / FALSE]
[23] ………….. is a popular footwear brand [a] P & G [ b] Adidas [c] Tata [d] 7 up
[24] ……………. Is a popular auto brand [a] Nike [b] Levis [c] Toyota [d] Adidas
[25] What type of distribution is used to distribute chewing gum [a] external [b] exclusive [c] selective [d] intensive
[26] Choice of channel of distribution can depend on one of the following [a] mutual cooperation [b] nature of goods [c] agent [d] mode of transportation
[27] One of the benefits of intermediaries is [a] efficiency [b delivery [c] customer relation [d] grading and standard
[28] What is the safest mode of transportation [a] rail [b] water [c] air [d] none of the above
[29] One of the disadvantages of pipeline transportation is [a] expensive [b] dangerous [c] theft [d] risk
[30] The final link in the chain of distribution is [a] consumer [b] producer [c] middlemen [d] manufacturer
(21) Another name for the 4ps in marketing is
(a) Consumerism (b) Impulse (c) Special product (d) Marketing mix
(22) The Activities of marketing that take place outside your country is known as
(a) International Marketing (b) Internal Marketing (c) Economic (d) Competitive Marketing
(23) Marketing information is obtained from
(a) Marketing Research (b) Marketing concept (c)Advertising (d)Promotion
(24) all but one are thee four Ps in marketing
(a) Public (2) Product (c) Price (d)Promotion
(25) _________________ are products bought by individuals and organizations for further processing or for use in conducting a business (a) Services (b) Specialty (c)Industrial (d)promotional
(26) Sellers their handle their own exports are engaged in (a) Licensing (b) Direct exporting
(c) Indirect export
(27) An example of specialty product is (a)Bread (b) Dress (c) A Car (d) Food stuff
(28) Product that are produced for a specific targeted consumer are
(a) Specialty Product (b) Promotional Product (c) Sales Product (d) Consumer Product
(29) Product that are purchased when the needs is great are
(a) Staple (b) Emergency (c) Impulse (d) Direct
(30) _____________ is a raw material used to produce or transformed to other products
(a) Bread (b) Clothes (c) Crude oil (d) automobile
31. Market research is the systematic gathering, analysis, and interpretation of data related to the ______, consumers, and competitors.
a) Products
b) Market
c) Sales
32. ______ is the process of creating a unique and recognizable identity for a product, service, or company.
a) Targeting
b) Advertising
c) Branding
33. ______ involves reaching a wide audience and creating awareness, interest, and desire for the advertised offerings.
a) Marketing
b) Advertising
c) Selling
34. Digital marketing involves the use of ______ channels and technologies to promote products or services.
a) Traditional
b) Digital
c) Offline
35. ______ is the specific group of people or consumers for whom a product or service is intended.
a) Market
b) Target audience
c) Competition
36. Warehouses provide a secure and organized space for ______ goods or inventory.
a) Storing
b) Selling
c) Manufacturing
37. Warehouses play a crucial role in managing ______ levels and tracking stock movements.
a) Pricing
b) Demand
c) Inventory
38. Warehouses often serve as ______ centers, responsible for fulfilling customer orders.
a) Manufacturing
b) Distribution
c) Sales
39. Warehouses provide controlled environments to safeguard products from damage, theft, or ______.
a) Distribution
b) Sales
c) Spoilage
40. The primary function of warehousing is to provide a secure and organized space for ______.
a) Marketing
b) Storing
c) Advertising
41. ______ refers to the activities a company undertakes to promote the buying, selling, and distribution of products or services.
a) Advertising
b) Selling
c) Marketing
42. ______ involves establishing a name, logo, design elements, and a consistent brand image to differentiate a product or service.
a) Advertising
b) Branding
c) Selling
43. ______ is the use of digital channels and technologies to promote products or services.
a) Online marketing
b) Digital marketing
c) Traditional marketing
44. Market research helps businesses understand customer behavior, market trends, and ______.
a) Production
b) Competition
c) Sales
45. Warehouses provide facilities and infrastructure designed to handle different types of products, including ______.
a) Raw materials
b) Finished goods
c) Both a and b
THEORY ( answer any 5 questions)
1a. What is marketing and mention 5 terms used in marketing
b. State four function of warehousing
2a. Mention the types of warehousing you know
b. Define the 4 ps of marketing
c. State 4 factors that influence consumer behavior
3a. State the 4 elements of marketing
b. List the classification of products
c. Differentiation between goods and services
4a. Define advertising and state the types of advertising
b. Mention 10 advertising media
c. What is transportation and define the types of transportation with example each
5a. Show an illustration of the channel of distribution that you know
b. Define marketing plan objectives
c. State the 3 factors that influence organizational behavior
6a. Explain the concept ‘marketing mix’
b. List and explain the classification of products.
c. What is a product?