Essential Conditions for Forgiveness Explained to Primary 4 Students

Lesson Plan: Conditions Necessary for Forgiveness

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary Four

Term: Second Term

Week: Week 4

Age: 8–9 years

Topic: Conditions Necessary for the Forgiveness of Sins

Sub-topic: Understanding the Steps and Importance of Forgiveness

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the conditions necessary for forgiveness.
  2. Identify the importance of being forgiven.
  3. Discuss the importance of forgiving others.


  • Forgiveness
  • Admitting wrongdoing
  • Remorse
  • Making amends
  • Empathy

Set Induction

Begin the lesson by narrating a short story about a boy who broke his friend’s pencil but refused to admit it. Ask the class, “Do you think the boy should admit his mistake? Why or why not?” Relate their responses to the topic.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have heard about forgiveness during religious or moral instruction and may have forgiven others or sought forgiveness before.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. The Bible
  2. Pictures of forgiveness scenarios
  3. Chart showing the steps of forgiveness
  4. Handouts with forgiveness-related scenarios

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask pupils if they have ever apologized for a mistake and how it made them feel. Guide them to see that forgiveness helps relationships and promotes peace.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials

  1. The Holy Bible (Luke 15:11–32; Matthew 18:21–35; Matthew 6:12)
  2. Chart showing benefits of forgiveness

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Bible passages (listed above)

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards with keywords
  • Visual aids (e.g., forgiveness flowcharts)


Conditions Necessary for Forgiveness

  1. Admitting Wrongdoing:
    Recognizing and acknowledging one’s mistake.

    • Example: If you spill someone’s water, admit it by saying, “I am sorry, I spilled your water.”
  2. Feeling Remorse:
    Showing genuine regret for the wrong action.

    • Example: Saying, “I feel bad for what I did. I won’t do it again.”
  3. Making Amends:
    Taking steps to correct the wrong.

    • Example: Fixing or replacing a friend’s broken toy.
  4. Trying to Do Better:
    Committing to avoiding similar mistakes in the future.

    • Example: Handling others’ belongings more carefully.

Importance of Forgiveness

  1. Restores Relationships: Builds trust and repairs broken connections.
  2. Promotes Inner Peace: Reduces anger and bitterness.
  3. Improves Mental Health: Lessens stress, anxiety, and depression.
  4. Encourages Compassion: Helps us see things from another’s perspective.
  5. Supports Emotional Healing: Allows individuals to let go of grudges.


Essential Conditions for Forgiveness Explained to Primary 4 Students

  1. The first step to forgiveness is __________ wrongdoing.
    • (a) Hiding (b) Admitting (c) Denying (d) Avoiding
  2. Feeling __________ shows regret for a wrong action.
    • (a) Happy (b) Angry (c) Remorse (d) Revenge
  3. __________ means taking steps to correct a mistake.
    • (a) Making amends (b) Ignoring (c) Revenge (d) Complaining


Class Activity Discussion (15 FAQs)

  1. What is forgiveness?
    Forgiveness is letting go of anger and resentment towards someone who has hurt you.
  2. Why is admitting wrongdoing important?
    It shows honesty and responsibility.


Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities

  1. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Narrates a relatable story to introduce forgiveness.
    • Guides discussions on forgiveness steps.
    • Provides real-life examples and visuals.
  2. Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen to the story.
    • Discuss forgiveness scenarios in small groups.
    • Answer questions and share their experiences.

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What is the first step in seeking forgiveness?
  2. Why is feeling remorse necessary?
  3. What are two benefits of forgiveness?

Human Attributes Greeting and responses, forgiveness, cleanliness of the mind, body, and Clothes Islamic Religious Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6


The teacher reviews the key points, marks pupils’ work, and provides feedback.