School Farm


TOPIC: School Farm

CONTENTS: 1. Meaning and Importance of School farm: (school, students, community)

  1. Principles of sitting school farm;  Problems of sitting a school farm



 School farm is an area of land for growing crops or raising farm animals. School farm is a place where students of agriculture acquire practical skills and knowledge in crop or animal production. School farm is also known as land laboratory. It is a place where students learn agriculture by doing it themselves.

Importance of school farm

1 Source of income to the school.

2 It is a place where teaching and learning takes place

3 It serves as a source of food for the schoole.g boarding schools.

4 It serves as centre of attraction to school visitors.

5 It serves as demonstration centre for the students and teacher.

6 It helps the students to learn fast.


xaadddddad1. Define school farm.

  1. List five importance of sitting school farm

SUB-TOPIC 2: Principles of sitting school farm

  1. Availability of land.

2 Nearness to the school.

  1. Nature of the soil.

4 Topography (Slope of the land).

5 Accessibility (Good access road).

6 Water supplies (Availability of water).

Problems of sitting school farm

  1. A) Unavailability of land (Land scarcity).
  2. b) Improper maintenance of the farm.
  3. c) Poor attitude of students toward farming.
  4. d) Climatic factors e.g rain, drought etc.
  5. e) School policy.


  1. Mention five principles of sitting school farm.
  2. What are the problems of sitting school farm?



Objective Test:

1 _________ is an area of land for growing crops and or raising farm animals

  1. School farm  b. Class room  C.Dining hall D. sport complex   E. Bath room
  2. The following are principles for sitting school farm EXCEPT
  3. Availability of land.
  4. Nearness to the school.
  5. Nature of the soil.
  6. Topography (Slope of the land).
  7. Availability of students.
  8. School farm must be closed to the ___ A. toilet B. School C. Stadium   D. garage E. office.
  9. Another name for school farm is ________A. Land laboratory   B. Library C .Kitchen D. Garage   E. Fellowship.
  10. ____ and ____ take place in the school farm. A. teaching, learning   B. buying, selling    C. Singing, talking D. eating, drinking E. running, jumping.

Essay Test:

Write short note on the following:

  1. Farm record ii Profit and loss account iii Consumption Record iv Inventory   v Farm diary.


  1. Prescribed Agricultural Science for JSS, book 2 by Omoruyi S.A. et al.
  2.  Junior Secondary Agriculture for Senior Schools, book 3 by Anthony Youdeowei et al.