Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes
Weekly List of Topics Covered Throughout the Term on Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes
Week 1
- Back to School / Revision of Previous Exercises Reading Skill:
- Revision of letter names and sounds, A-Z Writing Skill:
- Writing of letter names and capital letters Learning Objectives:
- Share holiday experiences
- Revise rhymes, pronunciation, and letter identification
- Back to School / Revision of Previous Exercises Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1
Week 2
- Blending and Reading Two-Letter Words Reading Skill:
- Blending sounds like an, as, at, of, on, or, ox, up, us Writing Skill:
- Writing two-letter words and sight words Learning Objectives:
- Pronounce and read blended letter sounds and words
- Blending and Reading Two-Letter Words Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2
Week 3
- Blending/Segmenting, Spelling, and Reading of Simple Sentences Reading Skill:
- Reading short sentences like “We go up” and “Do we go up?” Writing Skill:
- Writing short sentences Learning Objectives:
- Produce sounds treated and read simple sentences
- Blending, Segmenting, Spelling, and Reading Simple Sentences Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
Week 4
- Vowel Sounds (a, e, i, o, u) Reading Skill:
- Identify and read vowel sounds Writing Skill:
- Write vowel sounds /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/ Learning Objectives:
- Identify vowels among other letters
- Vowel Sounds Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
Week 5
- Poems, Rhymes, and Songs Reading Skill:
- Recite poems, rhymes, and songs to revise activities on letter sounds, letter names, vowels, and reading two-letter words and simple sentences Writing Skill:
- Writing activities based on the poems, rhymes, and songs Learning Objectives:
- Recite and sing to revise previously learned activities
- Poems, Rhymes, and Songs Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5
Week 6
- Mid-Term Break
- Mid-Term Test
- Mid-Term Revision
- Mid Term Revision and Test Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6
Week 7
- Non-Conventional Pre-Words (Blending) Reading Skill:
- Blending and sounding non-conventional pre-words Writing Skill:
- Writing non-conventional pre-words Learning Objectives:
- Blend and sound words like ba, be, bi, bo, bu
- Pre-Words and Non-Conventional Two-Letter Sounds Blending Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
Week 8
- More Two-Letter Sounds Blending Reading Skill:
- Blending more non-conventional pre-words Writing Skill:
- Short sentence writing continues; introduction of non-conventional pre-words Learning Objectives:
- Blend and sound more non-conventional pre-words like pa, pe, pi, po, pu
- Blending and Short Sentence Writing Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8
Week 9
- Blending/Segmenting, Spelling, and Reading Reading Skill:
- Oral blending of more consonant blends like nt, ct, cl, sl, pl, gl, ch Writing Skill:
- Introduction to three-letter words and sight words Learning Objectives:
- Produce and read three-letter sound blends and sight words
- Blending/Segmenting, Spelling, and Reading Three-Letter Words and Consonant Blends Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9
Week 10
- Revision Reading Skill:
- Revision of all topics covered during the term Writing Skill:
- Revision exercises on writing two and three-letter words, short sentences, and sight words Learning Objectives:
- Review and consolidate learning from the term
- Revision and Revision Test Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10
Week 11
- Examination Reading Skill:
- Assessment of reading skills developed during the term Writing Skill:
- Assessment of writing skills developed during the term Learning Objectives:
- Successfully complete the examination based on the term’s topics
- Poems Letter Work Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11
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