GEOGRAPHY SSS 3 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION QUESTIONS SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS There are ___ member states that make up ECOWAS.a) Fifteenb) Sixteenc) Seventeend) Twenty The low level of trade among West African countries is mainly because:a) Of mistrust among themb) They have different currenciesc) Of the language barrierd) There is a well-developed transport network Commodities
GEOGRAPHY SSS 2 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION QUESTIONS SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Instruction: Answer all questions in this section by choosing the correct option. The upper course of a river is also known as ______.a) Valleyb) Torrentc) Plaind) Traction A rock pedestal is a feature of ______.a) Water erosionb) Coastal erosionc) Marine erosiond) Wind erosion Köppen’s
MATHEMATICS LESSON NOTE – APPROXIMATION Subject: Mathematics Class: JSS 1 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age: 11 – 13 years Topic: Approximation Sub-topic: Rounding off numbers to decimal places, significant figures, and nearest whole number Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define approximation and explain
Mathematics JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Plan – Week 1 Topic: Whole Numbers – Counting and Writing Subject: Mathematics Class: JSS 1 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 10 – 12 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define whole numbers. Count and write whole
Mid-Term Assessment for Computer Studies – Primary 6, Second Term Age Group: 10–12 years Topics Covered: Adobe Photoshop (Toolbars, Drawing, Painting) Computer Networks (WAN, LAN, Types of Network Topologies) Network Topologies (Sketching and Describing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Networks) Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice) Fill in the blanks with the correct option. The main
Part A: Objective Questions (Answer all questions. Select the correct option from a, b, c, or d.) If 4x – 14 = 42, what is the value of x? a. 14 b. 18 c. 7 d. 20 Calculate the mean of 10, 10, 20, 10, 10. a. 10 b. 12 c. 20 d. 15 The
General Instructions for Teachers and Students To Teachers: Create a conducive and quiet environment for the examination. Supervise the students diligently and avoid any form of favoritism. Collect any unauthorized materials from students before the exam begins. To Students: Write your name, class, and date clearly at the top of your answer sheet. Read each
Lesson Notes: Composition – English Grammar JSS 1 Second Term (Week 1) Captivating Title: Mastering Formal Letter Writing: Seeking Permission to Be Absent Focus Keyphrase: Formal letter writing in English SEO Title: Formal Letter Writing Mastering Informal Letter Writing Composition English Grammar JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5 Learn the format and types
Lesson Notes: Composition – English Grammar JSS 1 Second Term (Weeks 3 and 4) Captivating Title: Understanding the Federal Road Safety Commission: A Guided Composition Focus Keyphrase: Federal Road Safety Commission SEO Title: Guided Composition: Exploring the Federal Road Safety Commission for JSS 1 Slug: federal-road-safety-commission-composition-jss1 Meta Description: Learn about the Federal Road Safety Commission
Lesson Notes: Composition – English Grammar JSS 1 Second Term (Week 5) Captivating Title: Narrative Writing: The Most Memorable Day of My Life Focus Keyphrase: Narrative Essay – Most Memorable Day SEO Title: JSS 1 Narrative Essay: The Most Memorable Day of My Life Slug: narrative-essay-most-memorable-day-jss1 Meta Description: Teach JSS 1 students how to write