Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 3 Topic: Entry into the Promise Land Time: 40 minutes Week: Week 8 Term: First Term Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of Bible stories and the concept of the Promise Land. Set Induction: (5 minutes) Begin the class by asking the students if they have heard
Subject: Christian Religious Studies Topic: Similarities between the Hanging of the Bronze Serpent on the Tree and the Hanging of Jesus Christ on the Cross Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 6 Previous Lesson: Understanding Key Bible Stories Learning Objectives: Understand the story of the Bronze Serpent in the Bible. Learn about the crucifixion
Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 5 Topic: Moses and the Bronze Serpent in the Wilderness Subtopic: Learning about Moses and God’s miracles Age of Learners: Around 8 years old Sex: Both boys and girls Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAM CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:……………………………… Suffering is a feeling of pain and _________(a) happiness (b) unhappiness (c) dancing (d) joy _________ and _______ are people who suffered in the Bible (a) Joseph and Mary (b) Abraham and Isaac (c) Jesus Christ and Stephen (d)
2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Section A: Comprehension It was Akons day to wash the plates. She took out all the plates, cups, glasses and pots. While doing the washing-up, a fly came buzzing in her ear. As she tried to hit it with one hand, a
THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2021 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………… 1.) Suffering is a feeling of pain and ________ (a) happiness (b) unhappiness (c) dancing (d) joy 2.) _________ and _______ are people who suffered in the Bible (a) Joseph and Mary (b) Abraham and Isaac (c) Jesus Christ and Stephen
Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 3 Term: Second Term Week: 9 Topic: The Widow of Zarephath Serving Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-24) and Ways to Care for People in Need Sub-topic: Learning about the widow’s generosity and understanding ways to help others. Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Discuss with students what they remember about
SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE THREE NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________ _________ and __________ were righteous people before God. (a) man and woman (b) Elizabeth and priest Zechariah (c) The rich man and Delilah Where was angle Gabriel standing when he appeared to Zechariah. (a) At the right hand of
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS For Teachers: Ensure all students are seated properly before the exam begins. Read all instructions clearly before distributing the question papers. Ensure that students do not have any unauthorized materials (e.g., books, notes, or written papers). Monitor students to
PRIMARY 3 EXAMINATION SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: …………………………………………… GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions. Write your answers clearly. Read each question carefully before answering. For multiple-choice questions, circle the correct answer. For theory questions, write your answer in full sentences. PART A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (30 QUESTIONS) ________ gave birth to Jesus. (a) Esther (b) Mary
2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: 1. God answers prayers when you pray in the name of _______________ (a) Joseph (b) Jesus (c) Idol 2. Jesus shows goodness to various people who asked for _____________ (a) Help (b) quarrel (c) trouble 3. Jesus changed ___________