Lesson Plan Jesus Prepares Ministry Baptism Explanation Presentation in the Temple as Jesus Prepares Ministry Baptism Explanation Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Age: 7 years Topic: The Presentation in the Temple Sub-topic: The Presentation of Baby Jesus in the Temple Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end
Lesson Plan SEO Title: The Presentation in the Temple: Baby Jesus and Key Characters Focus Keyphrase: Presentation in the Temple Slug: presentation-in-the-temple Meta Description: Learn about the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple, Simeon, and Anna in this Primary 2 lesson. Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 5 Age:
Early Life of Jesus Angel’s Message Wise Men’s Gift SEO Components SEO Title: Early Life of Jesus: Angel’s Message and Wise Men’s Gifts Focus Keyphrase: Early Life of Jesus Angel’s Message Wise Men’s Gift Slug: early-life-jesus-angel-message-wise-men-gifts Meta Description: Discover the early life of Jesus, the angel’s message to Mary, and the wise men’s gifts in
Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 3 Age: 7 years Topic: Understanding Prayer: Hindrances, Requests, and Answers Sub-topic: The Meaning of Prayer, What Can Hinder Prayer, and How God Answers Prayer Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define
Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age: 7 years Topic: Evidence of Prayer and People that Prayed in the Bible Sub-topic: Examples of Prayers in the Bible and Their Results Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define
Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 7 years Topic: Welcome Test Sub-topic: Reviewing First Term Christian Religious Knowledge Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain three key topics from the First Term. Recall lessons on faith,
Detailed Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies Week 11: Revision Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 11 Age: 7 years Topic: Revision of Previous Lessons on Prayer Behavioural Objectives: Recall definitions and types of prayer. Describe the meaning, benefits, and forms of prayer. Identify Jesus as a man of prayer
Detailed Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies Forms of Prayer Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 7 years Topic: Forms of Prayer Sub-topic: Verbalizing, Meditation, Adoration, Groaning Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils will describe what prayer is. Pupils will mention the different forms of prayer. Pupils will
Detailed Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies Types of Prayer Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 6 Age: 7 years Topic: Types of Prayer Sub-topic: Intercessory, Thanksgiving, Confession of Sin, Petition, Supplication Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils will define prayer. Pupils will list types of prayer. Pupils will enumerate
Lesson Plan Presentation: Prayer as Communication with God Grade Level: Primary 2 Subject: Religious Studies Topic: Prayer as Communication with God Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Define what prayer is. Explain why prayer is important. Identify occasions when people pray. Share their thoughts and