Category: Computer

Differences between modern and traditional toilets.

  Class: Basic 2.   Subject:Civic Education.   Topic: Differences between modern and traditional toilets. Content: The toilet is a place where we pass waste materials from our bodies. These waste materials can be urine faeces. There are different types of toilet in our homes, schools, villages, and towns. These toilets can be grouped into

Computer Room Related Equipment and their uses.

  CLASS: Primary 2 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Computer Room Related Equipment and their uses.   There are different equipments found in a Computer room, some of them are   1.) Stabilizer: It is used to control flow of power into the system when it is fluctuating (fluctuating means when something is not stable like


THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2019   CLASS: PRIMARY 2      SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   (1.)   The ___________ is the brain of the computer (a) monitor   (b) CPU     (c) printer     (2.)   The computer mouse looks like a ___________      (a) mat            (b) rat             (c) cat     (3.)   Floppy disk drive can
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