Third Term Examination

Multiplication and Division of Mass

  Subject :Mathematics   Class :Pry 4   Topic : Multiplication and Division of Mass Content Examples  1.Multiply 7kg 240g by 7 kg       g   7        240               × 7 _____________ 50       680 _____________   2.Divide 5kg 850g by 5   1kg

Mock Exams SS 3 Biology

BIOLOGY 3. The maintenance of a constant internal environment is referred to as (a) plasmolysis (b) diuresis (c) homeostasis. (d) glycolysis 4. All the organs below are homeostatic in function except (a) liver (b) kidney (c) food vacuole (d) skin 5. Which of the following is not a kidney disease? (a) oedema (b) hepatisis (c)


IZU ỤKA  NKE  AB Ụ Ọ (WEEK 3) IHE OMUMU: Asusu Igbo   KLAASI: SS 1       ISIOKWU: Mkpuruedemede na nsoroedide ya (a) Ikpoputa udaume (b)mgbochiume( c )myiriudaume (d) udamkpi. Akaraedemede.   NDISIOKWU: 1. Ikowa mkpuruedemede , na inye omumaatu   Mkpuruedemede: (i) Mgbochiume (ii) Udaume (iii) Myiriudaume Udamkpi   MKPURUEDEMEDE IGBO (IGBO ALPHABET)   Nke a

Magnetism. Types of Magnets

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology   Topic : Magnetism Meaning of Magnet Properties of Magnet Uses of Magnet Making of Magnet   Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6 Term : Third Term Week : Week 7 Instructional Materials : Pieces of magnet, iron materials Previous Knowledge : The pupils must have seen dark pieces

E – Learning Class Test Spelling

Spelling For The Day. 1. Organisations 2. Recipients 3. Simultaneously 4. Retrieving 5. Components 6. Envelope 7. Convenient 8. Popular 9. Connected 10. Briefly 😀       Fill In The Gaps. 1. P r o_r a_m e s 2. V i _u s_s 3. U n_a n_e_ 4. A_c_s_ 5. R_c_i_e Job well done

5th E – Learning Class Test

5th E – Learning Class Test Mathematics 1. 255 ml + 147 ml 2. 10 litre — 8 litres 3. Write out all the factors of 12 4. Write CCLXX in Hindu Arabic Numeral. 5. Arrange and solve 25 4 + 147 + 56 English Language Comprehension Energy Potential energy is energy at rest. Every

Modern ways of keeping toilet facilities clean.

  Subject : Civic Education. Topic : Modern ways of keeping toilet facilities clean.   Toilet facilities need to be kept clean at all times. This helps in maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases.   The following rules must be observed: a. We must flush the toilet ( water closet or semi-water closet)

Safety Accident Causes of Accident

Subject : BASIC Science and Technology Class : BASIC 6 Term : Third Term Week : One Topic : Safety Accident Causes of Accident Reference Book : Basic Science And Technology With Information Technology. REVISED EDITION Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught First Aid Treatment and the use of first Aid box Instructional