Forms of Drama Music JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1 LESSON PLAN Subject: Music Class: JSS 1 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 10–12 years Topic: Forms of Drama Sub-topic: Different Forms of Drama Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define drama and
Scale and Scale Drawing Subject: Basic Technology Class: JSS 3 Term: First Term Week: 13 Age: 12–15 years Topic: Scale and Scale Drawing Sub-topic: Definition, Types, and Practical Scale Drawing Duration: 60 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Define scale, enlargement, and reduction. Identify and differentiate between
Mathematics Lesson Note Subject: Mathematics Class: JSS 3 Term: Second Term Week: 2 Age: 13–15 years Topic: Bearing, Types, and Reversed Bearing Calculations on Bearing of Angles Sub-topic: Definition of Bearing Types of Bearing Calculating Bearings Reversed Bearing Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define
Direct and Indirect Speech (Simplified Explanation for JSS 3 Students) What is Direct Speech? Direct speech is when we write or say the exact words of a speaker. We use quotation marks (” “) to show the exact words. Example: Tolu said, “I am going to school.” The exact words, “I am going to school,”
English Grammar: JSS 3 Second Term Lesson Note Class Information Subject: English Grammar Class: Junior Secondary School (JSS 3) Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age Range: 12-15 years Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech Sub-topic: Conversion of Statements, Questions, and Commands from Direct to Indirect Speech Lesson Plan Format Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Name: [Your Name] Class: J.S.S THREE Time: 1hr 30m SECTION A: Attempt all questions The government body that enforces law against drug trafficking is……. (a) F.R.S.C (b) N.U.R.T.W (c) NDLEA (d) W.H.O During the forward roll in gymnastics, one of the following parts of the body’does not touch
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options Art is defined as __________. a) Ability to carve creativity b) Ability to paint c) Creative expression d) Ability to perform Fine art comprises __________. a) Drawing, painting, and carving b) Drawing, painting, and sculpture c) Painting, textile, and drawing d) Texting, painting, and ceramics The abbreviation for rainbow colors is
LAGOS STATE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS BOARD 2024 BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION CULTURAL & CREATIVE ARTS LASEB/BECE/CULTURAL & CREATIVE ARTS/2024/011 Time: 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This paper consists of ninety objective questions and ten alternatives to practicals. Write your Examination number in the space provided below.NAME: (Complete your name as it should be written,
EXAMINATION CLASS: SS3B TIME: 2 HOURS NAME: Andrew Momah Instructions: Answer all questions in this section. Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Choose the correct option and shade the answer space on your answer sheet. Do all rough work on the question paper. SECTION A (OBJECTIVE) A material that has
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in this section. Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Select the correct option for each question and shade the corresponding answer space on your answer sheet using a pencil. Ensure you shade only one answer per question. All rough work should be done on the question