Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 6 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Types of Minor Scales Topic: History of music some western composers and their works:(1)Joseph Haydn (1732-1809).(2)Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827). (3)Felix Mendelson (1809-1847).(4)Robert Schumann (1810-1856). (5)Franz Liszt (1811-1886). Behavioural objectives : At the end
Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 5 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of MAJOR /MINOR KEYS RELATIONSHIP Topic: Types of Minor Scales Behavioural objectives : At the end of lesson, pupils should be able to: Define key signature List types of key signatures Say the functions
Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Key signature with sharps and flats: Major keys with sharps , major keys with flats. Topic: MAJOR /MINOR KEYS RELATIONSHIP Behavioural objectives : At the end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 3 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Time signature : Simple Compound , The uses of figures, simple and compound time. Topic: Key signature with sharps and flats: Major keys with sharps, major keys with flats. Behavioural objectives : At
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS PART A OBJECTIVES 1. The combination of sounds arranged in a manner pleasing to the ear is ———- {A} augment (B) diminish (C) tie (D) music (E) dance 2. What are the letter names of bass staff? (A) A,B,C,D.E.FG,A,B (B)A,C.D,F,G,A,B (C)B,C,D,F,G,A (D)B,D,F,G,A,B,C (E)C,D,E,F,G,A,B 3. What is the role of
Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 2 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Primary Notes of The Major Scale: The Degree of the major scale, the primary notes of the major scale. Topic: Time signature: Simple Compound, The uses of figures, simple and compound time. Behavioural
Subject: Music Term: First Term Week: Week 1 Class: Basic 9 / JSS 3 Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of Third Term Examinations JSS 2 Music Topic: Primary Notes of The Major Scale: The Degree of the major scale, the primary notes of the major scale. Behavioural objectives : At the end of lesson,
Forms of Drama Comedy A comedy is a type of drama that usually ends happily. It does not involve tragic events such as death or lasting sadness. The goal of comedy is to entertain and bring laughter. Example: A funny play about friends resolving misunderstandings. Tragedy A tragedy is a serious drama that deals with