Category: Business Studies


Subject :  Business Studies Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 1 Class : Jss 2./ Basic 8   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics taught in their previous lessons Topic : PRINTERS CORRECTION SIGN Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be


  Edu Delight Tutors LAGOS 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: J S S 2 SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES School staff room is an example of a/ an ……………office [a] open office [b] closed office [c] large office [d] small office The last link in the chain of production is…………….. [a] wholesaler [b] consumer [c] retailer [d] distributor

Personal letters: address, date, salutation, body and closing

Junior Secondary  School Business Studies JSS 3   THIRD TERM E – LEARNING NOTES   JSS 3   SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES   CLASS: JSS 3 (BASIC 9)   Subject :  Business Studies Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 4 Class : JSS 3 Topic : PERSONAL LETTERS CONTENT: Meaning of personal letters. Types of personal

Applied Keyboarding:

Junior Secondary  School Business Studies JSS 3   THIRD TERM E – LEARNING NOTES   JSS 3   SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES   CLASS: JSS 3 (BASIC 9)   Subject :  Business Studies Term : THIRD TERM Week: Week 2 Class : JSS 3 Topic : Applied Keyboarding: (a) Types of paper sizes, uses of each

Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 2

Second Term Exams Business Studies JSS 2 SECTION A —– is the money paid regularly to those who no longer work for length of years of service. (a) Pension (b) compensation (c) premium (d) indemnity. Insurance is (a) a contract (b) an agreement (c) comfort (d) disagreement. The factor of production which coordinates other factors
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