Military Rule in Nigeria: General Yakubu Gowon (1966-1975) History Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Lesson Plan: History Primary 6 First Term, Week 8

Subject: History
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 10-11 years
Topic: Military Rule in Nigeria: General Yakubu Gowon (1966-1975)
Sub-topic: Understanding General Gowon’s Rule and the Nigerian Civil War
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of a counter coup d’état.
  2. Mention the achievements of General Yakubu Gowon.
  3. Explain the challenges faced by Gowon’s administration.
  4. Relate the reasons for the Nigerian Civil War.
  5. Examine the effects of the Nigerian Civil War.


  • Counter coup d’état
  • Achievements
  • Challenges
  • Nigerian Civil War
  • Effects

Set Induction

The teacher will begin by asking pupils if they know what a counter coup is and discuss any known historical examples.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have some knowledge of Nigerian history and previous discussions about coups and military regimes.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of General Yakubu Gowon
  • Charts showing the timeline of the Nigerian Civil War
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will connect the lesson to previous discussions about Nigeria’s military history and introduce General Gowon’s era as a continuation of this historical context.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Historical analysis
  • Understanding complex events
  • Communication and explanation skills

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector (optional)
  • Handouts with information on Gowon’s achievements and challenges


1. Counter Coup d’état

A counter coup d’état is an attempt to overthrow a government that has itself come to power through a coup.

2. Achievements of General Yakubu Gowon

  • Creation of States: Created 12 states to promote balance and stability.
  • Post-War Reconstruction: Initiated efforts for rebuilding and national reconciliation after the Civil War.
  • Economic Growth: Supported economic development and infrastructure projects.

3. Challenges Faced by Gowon’s Administration

  • Civil War: Dealt with the ongoing Nigerian Civil War and its impacts.
  • Economic Strain: Faced economic difficulties and scarcity of resources.
  • Political Instability: Struggled with political opposition and unrest.

4. Reasons for the Nigerian Civil War

  • Ethnic Tensions: Conflicts among different ethnic groups.
  • Political Exclusion: Marginalization of certain regions and ethnic groups.
  • Secession Movements: The desire of Biafra to secede from Nigeria.

5. Effects of the Nigerian Civil War

  • Loss of Lives: Significant loss of life and displacement of people.
  • Economic Damage: Severe economic impact and destruction of infrastructure.
  • National Unity: Efforts towards national reconciliation and unity post-war.

Evaluation (15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. A counter coup d’état is an attempt to ______ a government that has come to power through a coup.
    a) Support
    b) Overthrow
    c) Reinforce
    d) Strengthen
  2. General Yakubu Gowon’s administration created ______ states in Nigeria.
    a) 6
    b) 9
    c) 12
    d) 15
  3. One of Gowon’s achievements was the initiation of ______ after the Civil War.
    a) Economic sanctions
    b) Post-war reconstruction
    c) Military expansion
    d) Diplomatic isolation
  4. A major challenge during Gowon’s administration was the ongoing ______ War.
    a) World
    b) Korean
    c) Nigerian Civil
    d) Vietnam
  5. The Nigerian Civil War was caused by ethnic tensions and ______.
    a) Economic growth
    b) Political inclusion
    c) Secession movements
    d) Cultural exchange
  6. The counter coup of 1966 aimed to ______ the government of Gowon.
    a) Protect
    b) Overthrow
    c) Support
    d) Ignore
  7. One effect of the Nigerian Civil War was the ______ of infrastructure.
    a) Enhancement
    b) Destruction
    c) Maintenance
    d) Expansion
  8. General Gowon faced challenges related to ______ during his administration.
    a) International relations
    b) Economic strain
    c) Space exploration
    d) Environmental issues
  9. The Nigerian Civil War caused significant ______ among the population.
    a) Growth
    b) Wealth
    c) Loss of lives
    d) Entertainment
  10. Gowon’s administration was known for its efforts in ______ national reconciliation.
    a) Ignoring
    b) Promoting
    c) Delaying
    d) Preventing
  11. Ethnic tensions and political exclusion were ______ for the Civil War.
    a) Solutions
    b) Causes
    c) Results
    d) Benefits
  12. The creation of 12 states aimed to promote ______ and stability.
    a) Division
    b) Fragmentation
    c) Balance
    d) Conflict
  13. One of the effects of the Civil War was a push towards ______.
    a) National reconciliation
    b) Increased conflict
    c) Isolation
    d) Devolution
  14. Gowon’s administration struggled with ______ opposition and unrest.
    a) Political
    b) Social
    c) Economic
    d) Military
  15. Gowon’s efforts for rebuilding after the Civil War focused on ______.
    a) Economic sanctions
    b) International isolation
    c) Post-war reconstruction
    d) Political fragmentation

Class Activity Discussion (15 FAQ with Answers)

  1. What is a counter coup d’état?
    An attempt to overthrow a government that has come to power through a coup.
  2. What are some achievements of General Yakubu Gowon?
    Creation of states, post-war reconstruction, and economic development.
  3. What challenges did Gowon’s administration face?
    Civil War, economic strain, and political instability.
  4. What were the main reasons for the Nigerian Civil War?
    Ethnic tensions, political exclusion, and secession movements.
  5. What are the effects of the Nigerian Civil War?
    Loss of lives, economic damage, and efforts towards national unity.
  6. How many states did Gowon create during his administration?
    12 states.
  7. What was the purpose of Gowon’s post-war reconstruction efforts?
    To rebuild and reconcile Nigeria after the Civil War.
  8. What impact did the Civil War have on Nigeria’s infrastructure?
    It caused significant destruction.
  9. What was one major economic challenge for Gowon?
    Scarcity of resources and economic difficulties.
  10. How did Gowon address ethnic tensions during his rule?
    By creating states to balance ethnic representation.
  11. What were the primary causes of the Nigerian Civil War?
    Ethnic tensions, political exclusion, and secessionist movements.
  12. How did the Nigerian Civil War affect the population?
    It led to a high loss of lives and displacement of people.
  13. What was a key goal of Gowon’s administration after the Civil War?
    National reconciliation and unity.
  14. What were some characteristics of Gowon’s leadership?
    Efforts in post-war rebuilding and managing political challenges.
  15. How did the Nigerian Civil War influence the country’s future?
    It led to significant changes in governance and efforts to strengthen national unity.


Step 1: The teacher revises the concept of military coups and previous coups in Nigeria.
Step 2: The teacher introduces General Yakubu Gowon’s administration, including his achievements, challenges, and the Civil War.
Step 3: Pupils discuss their views on Gowon’s rule and the Civil War, with the teacher providing feedback and corrections.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the concept of a counter coup and Gowon’s achievements.
  • Describe the challenges faced by Gowon’s administration and the reasons and effects of the Nigerian Civil War.
  • Facilitate discussions and answer questions.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen to the explanation and take notes.
  • Participate in discussions about Gowon’s administration and the Civil War.
  • Complete the fill-in-the-blank questions and answer the FAQ.


  • Review pupils’ answers to the fill-in-the-blank questions and class activity discussion.
  • Evaluate understanding through participation in discussions.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a counter coup d’état?
  2. Name some achievements of General Yakubu Gowon.
  3. What were the challenges faced by Gowon’s administration?
  4. What were the reasons for the Nigerian Civil War?
  5. What were the effects of the Nigerian Civil War?
  6. How many states did Gowon create during his rule?
  7. What was one major challenge for Gowon’s administration?
  8. How did the Civil War affect Nigeria’s infrastructure?
  9. What role did ethnic tensions play in the Civil War?
  10. What were Gowon’s efforts towards national reconciliation?


The teacher will mark the pupils’ work, provide feedback, and summarize key points about General Gowon’s administration and the Nigerian Civil War.

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