Primary 4 History Revision: Key Events and Figures History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

History Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: History
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 10 years
Topic: General Revision of All Topics in Primary 4 Work
Sub-topic: Review of Key Historical Concepts from Primary 4
Duration: 1 hour

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall key historical events and figures studied in Primary 4.
  2. Explain the importance of these events and figures in Nigerian history.
  3. Answer questions about historical concepts learned previously.


History, events, figures, concepts, revision

Set Induction

Start with a brief discussion on why reviewing past topics is important. Ask pupils to share what they remember from Primary 4 History.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils should be able to recall and describe basic historical facts and figures studied in Primary 4.

Learning Materials

  • History textbooks from Primary 4
  • Notebooks and pens
  • Flashcards with historical figures and events

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures of historical figures
  • Timelines of historical events

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss key historical events and figures from Primary 4. Use flashcards and pictures to help pupils recall information.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Recall and memorization
  • Verbal communication

Learning Materials

  • History textbooks
  • Flashcards
  • Pictures
  • Timelines

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for History


  1. Introduction to Historical Concepts:
    • Review key events from Primary 4, such as Nigerian independence, notable leaders, and major cultural milestones.
    • Discuss the significance of these events in Nigerian history.
  2. Historical Figures:
    • Examples: Nnamdi Azikiwe, Ahmadu Bello, Obafemi Awolowo, and their contributions to Nigeria’s history.
  3. Historical Events:
    • Examples: Nigerian Independence Day (October 1, 1960), the Biafran War, and the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914.
  4. Historical Concepts:
    • Definitions and explanations of concepts like democracy, nationalism, and colonization.


  1. Nnamdi Azikiwe was a major leader in Nigerian history. What role did he play? a) Military leader
    b) Political leader
    c) Economic leader
    d) Educational leader
  2. What year did Nigeria gain independence? a) 1954
    b) 1960
    c) 1963
    d) 1970
  3. Who was the first Prime Minister of Nigeria? a) Nnamdi Azikiwe
    b) Ahmadu Bello
    c) Tafawa Balewa
    d) Obafemi Awolowo
  4. The amalgamation of Nigeria took place in which year? a) 1900
    b) 1914
    c) 1960
    d) 1970
  5. What does nationalism mean? a) Support for international organizations
    b) Loyalty to one’s nation
    c) Political instability
    d) Economic growth
  6. Who was known as the “Saviour of the Igbo people”? a) Nnamdi Azikiwe
    b) Michael Okpara
    c) Obafemi Awolowo
    d) Ahmadu Bello
  7. What event marked the end of colonial rule in Nigeria? a) Nigerian Civil War
    b) Independence Day
    c) The Biafran War
    d) The amalgamation
  8. What does democracy mean? a) Rule by one person
    b) Rule by the people
    c) Military rule
    d) Rule by economic leaders
  9. Who was the leader of the Northern Region during independence? a) Ahmadu Bello
    b) Obafemi Awolowo
    c) Nnamdi Azikiwe
    d) Michael Okpara
  10. What was the main goal of the Nigerian independence movement? a) To gain control of resources
    b) To end British colonial rule
    c) To start a new religion
    d) To improve education
  11. Who was the first President of Nigeria? a) Nnamdi Azikiwe
    b) Tafawa Balewa
    c) Olusegun Obasanjo
    d) Yakubu Gowon
  12. What was the significance of October 1st, 1960? a) Nigeria became a republic
    b) Nigeria gained independence
    c) Nigeria’s first election
    d) The start of the Civil War
  13. What is the role of the government in a democracy? a) To control all economic activities
    b) To ensure fair elections and protect citizens’ rights
    c) To limit education
    d) To enforce strict laws
  14. Who was known for his role in the development of the Western Region? a) Ahmadu Bello
    b) Obafemi Awolowo
    c) Nnamdi Azikiwe
    d) Michael Okpara
  15. What is the meaning of colonization? a) Control by a foreign power
    b) Economic growth
    c) Political stability
    d) Cultural exchange

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What were the major achievements of Nnamdi Azikiwe?
    • Answer: He was a key figure in Nigeria’s independence movement and became the first President of Nigeria.
  2. Why is October 1st significant in Nigerian history?
    • Answer: It marks the day Nigeria gained independence from British rule in 1960.
  3. Explain the role of Ahmadu Bello in Nigerian history.
    • Answer: He was a prominent leader in the Northern Region and contributed to Nigeria’s independence.
  4. What were the impacts of the Biafran War on Nigeria?
    • Answer: It was a conflict that affected Nigeria’s unity and had significant social and economic impacts.
  5. How did the amalgamation of 1914 affect Nigeria?
    • Answer: It merged the Northern and Southern Protectorates, laying the foundation for modern Nigeria.
  6. Discuss the importance of democracy in Nigeria.
    • Answer: Democracy ensures that the people have a say in their governance and protects citizens’ rights.
  7. What were the main objectives of the Nigerian independence movement?
    • Answer: To end colonial rule and achieve self-governance for Nigerians.
  8. How did Obafemi Awolowo contribute to Nigeria’s development?
    • Answer: He played a key role in the development of the Western Region and promoted education and economic policies.
  9. Describe the significance of Nnamdi Azikiwe’s presidency.
    • Answer: His presidency symbolized the achievement of independence and the establishment of Nigeria’s democratic governance.
  10. What role did Tafawa Balewa play in Nigeria’s history?
    • Answer: He was the first Prime Minister and played a significant role in the early years of Nigerian independence.
  11. How did the Nigerian Civil War affect the country?
    • Answer: It caused significant loss of life, economic disruption, and social challenges.
  12. What were some major cultural milestones during the colonial period?
    • Answer: The introduction of new educational systems and cultural exchanges between Nigerians and Europeans.
  13. How did Nigeria’s political landscape change after independence?
    • Answer: Nigeria transitioned from colonial rule to a democratic system with elected leaders.
  14. Why is the concept of nationalism important in Nigerian history?
    • Answer: Nationalism drove the movement for independence and unified various ethnic groups in the fight against colonial rule.
  15. What were the goals of the early Nigerian leaders after independence?
    • Answer: To build a unified nation, promote economic development, and improve living standards.


  1. Step 1: Revise key concepts and figures from Primary 4.
  2. Step 2: Introduce the general revision as follows: “Today, we will review important historical events and figures from Primary 4.”
  3. Step 3: Allow pupils to share their recollections and correct them as needed.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Review key concepts and figures.
  2. Use flashcards and pictures to aid recall.
  3. Facilitate discussions and clarify any misunderstandings.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in discussions.
  2. Answer revision questions.
  3. Share what they remember from previous lessons.


  • Monitor pupils’ participation in discussions.
  • Review answers to the evaluation questions.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Explain the significance of Nigerian Independence Day.
  2. Describe the role of Ahmadu Bello in Nigerian history.
  3. What were the major achievements of Nnamdi Azikiwe?
  4. How did the Biafran War impact Nigeria?
  5. Discuss the concept of democracy in the context of Nigerian history.
  6. What was the importance of the amalgamation in 1914?
  7. How did colonial rule affect Nigeria’s development?
  8. Describe the contributions of Obafemi Awolowo to Nigeria.
  9. What were the goals of the Nigerian independence movement?
  10. Explain the impact of the Civil War on Nigeria’s unity.


The teacher will go around to mark the pupils’ work, provide feedback, and address any remaining questions or concerns about the revision topics.

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