Introduction to Personal Security Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 1

Age: 9 years

Topic: Introduction to Personal Security


  • Meaning of Personal Security
  • Sources of Threat to Personal Security

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the term personal security.
  2. Identify and analyze at least 3 sources of threat to personal security (e.g., rogue security, employees, insiders, social media, natural disasters).

Keywords: Personal Security, Threats, Rogue, Insiders, Social Media, Natural Disasters

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by discussing with the pupils how they protect their personal belongings at home or school, leading to the introduction of the concept of personal security.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils have basic knowledge of safety measures at home and in school.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards showing different sources of threat to personal security
  • Chart displaying the meaning of personal security

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have learned about general safety measures in their community, which will help them understand personal security.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication, Self-awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Security Education textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts
  • Flashcards
  • Whiteboard and markers


  1. Meaning of Personal Security:
    • Personal security refers to the measures taken by individuals to protect themselves and their possessions from harm or danger.
    • It involves being aware of potential risks and taking steps to avoid or reduce those risks.
  2. Sources of Threat to Personal Security:
    • Rogue Security Personnel: Sometimes, the people who are supposed to protect us can turn against us and become a threat. This can happen when security guards or personnel abuse their power.
    • Employees or Insiders: People who work closely with us, such as colleagues or domestic workers, might misuse their access to harm us or steal our possessions.
    • Social Media: Sharing too much personal information online can attract criminals or hackers who might use this information to cause harm.
    • Natural Disasters: Events like floods, earthquakes, and fires can also threaten our personal security by causing damage to property and life.


  1. Personal security is the protection of oneself and one’s ______.
    a) car
    b) friends
    c) possessions
    d) money
  2. A ______ can become a threat if they misuse their power.
    a) teacher
    b) rogue security personnel
    c) student
    d) friend
  3. ______ is a source of threat where someone close to us misuses their access.
    a) Outsider
    b) Stranger
    c) Insider
    d) Policeman
  4. Sharing too much information on ______ can be dangerous.
    a) television
    b) radio
    c) social media
    d) school
  5. ______ can cause damage to life and property, posing a threat to personal security.
    a) Television
    b) Natural disasters
    c) Parties
    d) Birthdays
  6. Personal security involves being aware of potential ______.
    a) benefits
    b) risks
    c) friends
    d) games
  7. ______ is an example of a natural disaster that can threaten personal security.
    a) Movie
    b) Earthquake
    c) Car
    d) Television
  8. Protecting your personal information online is important for your ______.
    a) safety
    b) happiness
    c) friends
    d) food
  9. An employee who misuses their access is known as an ______.
    a) outsider
    b) insider
    c) enemy
    d) agent
  10. Rogue security personnel may ______ instead of protecting.
    a) help
    b) harm
    c) guard
    d) assist
  11. ______ can misuse personal information found on social media.
    a) Friends
    b) Hackers
    c) Teachers
    d) Neighbors
  12. Being aware of ______ is a part of maintaining personal security.
    a) dangers
    b) friends
    c) fun
    d) books
  13. Floods and fires are examples of ______ threats.
    a) human
    b) animal
    c) natural
    d) machine
  14. It is important to limit the ______ of personal details shared online.
    a) increase
    b) amount
    c) quality
    d) time
  15. Personal security can be threatened by ______ who misuse their position.
    a) teachers
    b) rogue security personnel
    c) students
    d) neighbors

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is personal security?
    Personal security is the protection of oneself and one’s possessions from harm or danger.
  2. Why is personal security important?
    Personal security is important because it helps prevent harm or loss of valuable possessions.
  3. Can a security guard become a threat?
    Yes, if a security guard misuses their power, they can become a threat.
  4. What does “insider threat” mean?
    An insider threat is when someone close to you misuses their access to cause harm.
  5. How can social media be a threat to personal security?
    Sharing too much personal information on social media can attract criminals.
  6. What should you avoid sharing on social media?
    You should avoid sharing personal details like your home address, phone number, and daily routines.
  7. How can natural disasters affect personal security?
    Natural disasters can damage property and cause injury or death, affecting personal security.
  8. What is an example of a rogue security threat?
    A security personnel abusing their authority to cause harm is an example.
  9. Why should you be cautious of employees or insiders?
    They might misuse their access to steal or harm you.
  10. What is the role of personal security in daily life?
    Personal security helps you stay safe by preventing potential risks.
  11. Can natural disasters be prevented?
    No, but you can take steps to reduce their impact on personal security.
  12. What are some examples of natural disasters?
    Examples include earthquakes, floods, and fires.
  13. How can you protect your personal security online?
    By being careful about what you share and using strong passwords.
  14. What are the consequences of ignoring personal security?
    Ignoring personal security can lead to loss of possessions or even injury.
  15. Why is awareness important in personal security?
    Awareness helps you identify potential threats and take action to avoid them.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic on general safety measures.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on personal security, explaining its meaning and discussing the sources of threat.

Step 3: The teacher allows pupils to share their experiences related to personal security and then provides corrections and additional information.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the meaning of personal security using simple examples.
  • Discuss different sources of threat to personal security with the pupils.
  • Use flashcards to illustrate the sources of threats.

Learners’ Activities

  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Participate in discussions about personal security.
  • Ask and answer questions related to the topic.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is personal security?
  2. Name two sources of threats to personal security.
  3. How can social media be a threat to personal security?
  4. Explain what an insider threat is.
  5. What should you avoid sharing on social media?
  6. Give an example of a natural disaster.
  7. Why is it important to be aware of potential risks?
  8. How can employees become a threat to personal security?
  9. What can happen if you ignore personal security?
  10. How can you protect yourself from rogue security personnel?


The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work, provides necessary corrections, and reinforces the importance of personal security.

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